
1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

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S c h o o WorkOn March 11, 1996 Secretary Robert Reich of the Department of Labor and SecretaryRichard Riley of the Department of Education announced that 37 local partnerships had beenchosen from throughout the United States for federal funding of more than $20 million for theirSchool-to-Work systems.On behalf of the South Central Kansas Partnership, Dr. Pat McAtee of Cowley CountyCommunity College announced May 6 at Arkansas City High School that this region is one ofCollege, area schoolsto benefit fromSchool-to-Work grantthose recommended to be funded for the next five years. This area is the only recipient of School-To-Work federal dollars in Kansas. The recommendation will bring an expected $649,000 infederal funds to CCCC, USD 470-Arkansas City, USD 509 South Haven,USD 353-Wellmgton, and USD 465-Winfield.The Partnership's School-To-Work plan is grounded in 10 goals which closely align withfederal legislation. These goals will manifest themselves in a School-To-Work system whichprovides all students with work- and school-based job learning experiences and supportivecurriculum. Based upon a solid foundation of career awareness from kindergarten through 9thgrade, the system in south central Kansas will feature job clusters from which students will choosea career major by 10th grade. The job clusters include entrepreneurship/business management,agri-business, industry, arts, health, and public/human services.School-to-Work is not more teaching or another add-on to the already hectic school day.School-to-Work is a system-seamlessly integrating academic and vocational studies. The localplan increases services to students to improve matching their abilities and interests with availablejobs and overall worker skills needed for the future. According to McAtee, "Research andexperience has proven, this is an exciting and valuable way for students to learn."Two years ago, Cowley County Community College facilitators gathered together withschool educators, industry and business leaders, parents, students and representatives of socialand other community agencies to explore what the school-to-work initiative might mean for thisarea.Throughout the following months, representatives of this group met to develop a plan ofaction which will inspire all students to learn at their fullest potential and be prepared to find asuccessful career when they finish school, whether it is immediately after leaving high school orby going on to technical training, community college, or a university.Recruit additional local employers to increase theThe Partnership has committed to: 1 )number of work-based learning opportunities available in the region; 2) Offer technicalassistance and/or training that may be necessary for business workplace mentors, guidancecounselors, and teachers; 3) Provide comprehensive career awareness/guidance counseling tostudents and out-of-school youth; 4) Build challenging integrated programs of study in eachstudents' selected career major; 5) Develop planned programs of job training and paid workexperiences relevant to student career major (which, where applicable, lead to the awarding ofa skillscertificate); and 6) Create placement and follow-up services for students to assist them toThe South Central School-To-Work Partnershipwill be overseen by a Steering Committeeincluding the following members:David AveryRubbermaid CorporationDonna AveryCowley County Economic Development CouncilBev BlackSCK STW Work-based Learning Supervisor, CCCCMickey ChrislerWinfield Chamber of CommerceKathy DochertyGeneral Electric CorporationFirstDr.Ron FaganWellington SchoolsTerry CrayCity of WinfieldGreg KellyIntermark CorporationVickie KellyKansas State STW CoordinatorDale luceUnion Representative IUE/AFL-CIODavid ScraperWinfield SchoolsDr. Jean SnellArkansas City SchoolsDeeta StraterPrecision Machining CorporationJames SuttonSouth Haven SchoolsVirgil WatsonArkansas City Memorial HospitalCharles WhiteSCK STW Director, CCCCMorris WheelerGeneral Electric Corporationfind a job, to continue their education, or to enter a job training or apprenticeship program.From left, Greg Kelly, Donna Avery,David Avery, Terry Gray, Jim Sutton,Dave Scraper, Dr. Pat McAtee,Dr. Ron Fagan, and Bill Docking.32

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