
1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

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MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENTwe enter the new millennium,AsI want toextend my thanks to the citizens of CowleyCounty and south-central Kansas for their supportof our college over the last 77 years. All ofus at the college deeply appreciate your financial supportand your participation in our instructional programs andcollege activities.My 12th year at Cowley was truly a rewarding experience.After much discussion and argumentation at thelocal and state level, Cowley College is now under thecoordination of the Board of Regents. We look forwardto this relationship and anticipate many positive changesfor the college in the future.The college enjoyed much success at all levels ofthe institution during last academic year. Here are just afew of the highlights:• The college had a record enrollment for springsemesters, going over the 1,900 mark for the first timeever.• We made great strides toward completing the firstof-its-kindspecial emphasis self-study for the NorthCentral Association of Colleges and Schools. Eventhough our NCA site visit isn't until February 2000. agreat deal of work was done to prepare for the visit andour ultimate goal: reaccreditation.• Jessica Ferree, a young woman from ArkansasCity who served as president of the college's StudentGovernment Association, had the privilege of serving asix-week summer internship in the Association ofCommunity College Trustees office in Washington, D.C.• Four instructors were honored with Teaching Excellence Awards during the annual National Institute forStaff and Organizational Development conference in Austin, Texas. Since 1987 there have been 41 Cowley facultymembers so honored.• Laetitia Sanders, a sophomore from Arkansas City, was named Outstanding Student of Arkansas City.Laetitia was an outstanding student at Cowley and served as a positive role model.• Sid Regnier, our vice president for business services, modestly accepted the award as the 1998 OutstandingChief Business Officer for Region VI. I've said it many times since I arrived at Cowley in 1987: Sid Regnier is thebest thing that ever happened to me. He is the best business officer in the United States. Bar none!• An idea sparked by a past SGA came to fruition with the remodeling of the Nelson Student Center loungearea. "The Jungle," as the area is now known, is an attractive, inviting environment that both students and staff willenjoy.• The Endowment Association once again raised thousands of dollars during the Second Annual Great CowleyDuck Dash. But. as always is the case, it could not have been possible without your support. On behalf of theentire college community, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.Ihope you enjoy reading this 22nd edition of the President's Report. This report reflects the hard work of allour employees at Cowley. We are proud of these accomplishments in 1998-99 and look forward to celebratingmany more quality achievements in the year 2000.I(Uit i m?a&

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