
1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

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STUDENT A.CMIE^TEl^I^JWT*Head of Cowley's SGAelected KACCS presidentEnsuring that students attending Kansas community colleges have a voice is of utmost concern forDamon Young and Reed Dunn.Young, a sophomore at Cowley, and Dunn, a sophomore at Barton County Community College, wereelected president and vice president of the Kansas Association of Community College Students. Thegroup's elections took place during the Kansas Association of Community College Trustees annual meetingOct. 23-24 at the Wichita Airport Hilton.Young, an Arkansas City native and president of Cowley's StudentGovernment Association, said students decided to form an independent groupthat would keep their interests at the forefront for legislators and other decisionmakers.'*In September, Reed, Bill Rickenbaugh from Butler County and myself satdown and went through the constitution," Young said. "We proposed some significantchanges for students."Dunn was president of Barton's Student Senate.They came up with a list of eight purposes or mission statements."With those eight statements the basic theme was that we need leadershiplocally," Young said. "If we coordinate and share ideas, we'll have betterschools. If it's working well at Barton, we can try it here and see if it works forus. Communication between community colleges is the main thing."The eight purposes are: Create an atmosphere of understanding as to thefunction and purpose of KACCS; to better define students' role in their collegesand KACCS; to develop leadership skills in those students who participate inKACCS; to increase students' knowledge about the process between educationalorganizations and the Legislature; to increase student activity and input inKACCS; to serve as a communication link between students of community colleges and the Legislature;to bridge the gap at the state level between associated student bodies of community colleges and facultytrustees and presidents of those community colleges; and to serve as the public forum for community collegestudents so they may have a chance to be heard and their concerns or interests be addressed.Young said as president of the student group, he would act as a clearinghouse for opinions on legislationfrom the 19 community colleges."We can get on-line and let people know how it's (legislation) going to affect us," Young said.Wichita.Approximately 50 students from 12 of the 19 community colleges in Kansas attended the meeting in"That's not bad," Young said of the turnout. "I'm looking forward to contacting the seven communitycolleges not there and getting their input and see if they want to be a part of this network."DamonYoungOther KACCS officers are Betty Pine of Barton County, secretary, and Matt French of Hutchinson,treasurer. Rickenbaugh has been the lead adviser for the students for many years. He will continue in thatcapacity with KACCS."The bottom line is that the trustees have a voice through KACCT, the presidents have a voicethrough the President's Council, and that students need a voice, too," Young said. "And now they do."

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