
1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

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STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTSSanders named OutstandingStudent of ArkansasBy Kristen MartinezPublic Relations OfficeLaetitia Sanders, the daughter ofMargaret and Donald Sanders ofArkansas City, was named theOutstanding Student of ArkansasCity for 1999.Sanders, who graduated fromCowley in May 1999, was extremelyinvolved in her two years. She wasthe secretary of Phi Theta Kappa, aStudent Ambassador, a member ofthe Student Affairs Committee andthe women's tennis team. She alsowas involved in Cowley's "Adopt-A-Player" program, served as a workstudyfor the Athletic Department,and worked part-time for CommerceBank inWinfield. While participatingin many activities, she also maintaineda 3.95 grade-point average.She was named Student of theMonth in March of 1998 and Januaryof 1999, the first Cowley student towin the honor twice during theircareer. She also was HomecomingQueen in 1 998, a Queen Alalah finalistin 1997, and September 1998Student-Athlete of the Month.Sanders has been named to Who'sWho Among Students in AmericanJunior Colleges and is on theNational Dean's List.Sanders said she feels well-preparedto take the next step toward abachelor's degree. She is attendingOklahoma State University and playingtennis while majoring in computerinformation systems.Maggie Picking,vice presidentof student affairs, knows Sanderswell."She is a great kid," Pickingsaid. "She had great grades. She wasand is one of the best. She comesfrom a great family with very supportiveparents. I am really going tomiss her. She always had a smile onher face . . . always. She will be goodat anything that she decides to do."Faculty and support staff recommendnames to the city of ArkansasCity to be considered for the award.The hi eh school and middle schoolLaetitia Sandersalso submit names. All nominees areinterviewed. From the interviews,three semi-finalists are selected fromeach school. Finally, one of the semifinalistsis selected as theOutstanding Student of ArkansasCity, by the Outstanding StudentCommittee.The lasttime a Cowley studentreceived the award was in 1997when Austin Graves of ArkansasCity won.,

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