
Rhifyn 47 Haf 2004 - Cyd

Rhifyn 47 Haf 2004 - Cyd


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are degrees of assimilation; only rarely, if at all, is the second process<br />

completed in the case of an adult.’<br />

Cyd’s aim is integration, which is not only more realistic but also<br />

recognizes that the learner has something to contribute to the Welshspeaking<br />

community. According to one tutor what learners give her is<br />

their hope and faith in the future of the Welsh language. As the Welshlanguage<br />

community is itself changing fast as people move about more<br />

with their work, it is easier for learners to be accepted. Learners are<br />

eager to be part of the national project of restoring the Welsh language in<br />

every part of Wales.<br />

Contributing and receiving. The late Tudor Henson, who had learnt<br />

Welsh exceptionally well himself, gave a great deal by talking to learners<br />

on Cyd’s Bridging Scheme. He gained so much pleasure from it that his<br />

widow, Nia Henson, gave a gift of £250 to the Aberystwyth branch of Cyd<br />

in his memory. Such gifts are very encouraging to us and we are very<br />

grateful to her.<br />

I am glad to have this opportunity to thank also Ann Jones who has retired<br />

as Secretary of the Aberystwyth branch of Cyd after many years of service<br />

with the support of her husband Gwyn. Having lived for years in London,<br />

Ann was not very confident when speaking Welsh and voluntary work with<br />

Cyd has helped her as well. Ann has transferred the work very<br />

successfully to Linda Gay and others.<br />

Would you like to be a Trustee of Cyd? We need a Treasurer, and we are<br />

keen to have people from different parts of Wales. If you are willing to<br />

travel to Aberystwyth for meetings about five times a year (we pay<br />

expenses), do get in touch with us and tell us what skills and experience<br />

you have to offer.<br />

Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol<br />

Cyd<br />

Annual General Meeting<br />

Gorffennaf 24 July 2004<br />

Yr Hen Goleg, Aberystwyth<br />

Cofiwch fod pob Cefnogwr Cyd â’r hawl i bleidleisio<br />

Remember that every Cyd Supporter has the right to vote<br />

PWYSIG<br />

Nid yw grwpiau sydd heb dalu’r tâl cofrestru cangen yn<br />

cael eu diogelu gan yswiriant Cyd. Cofrestrwch nawr!<br />


Groups which have not paid their branch registration fee<br />

are not covered by Cyd insurance. Register now!<br />



29 – 31 Hydref 2004<br />

Taith Gerdded ac Arferion Calan Gaeaf gyda Twm Elias<br />

Ysgrifennu Creadigol gydag Eleri Llywelyn Morris<br />

Gwersi Cymraeg bore Sadwrn a bore Sul<br />

£95 llety llawn<br />

£75 hunanddarpar gan gynnwys swper nos Wener<br />

Am fanylion pellach a ffurflen archebu cysylltwch â<br />

Rhodri Francis 01970 628599 rhf@aber.ac.uk<br />

neu Jaci Taylor 01970 622143 jct@aber.ac.uk<br />

Ysgoloriaeth Dan Lynn James 2004<br />

Cafodd y bobl ganlynol (following people) ysgoloriaeth eleni –<br />

llongyfarchiadau (congratulations) i bob un ohonoch chi (to each one of<br />

you).<br />

Anne Holly £150, Helen Evans £50, Siân Lewis £50, Ian Debeddyn £50,<br />

Helen Gwyddanes £50, Mrs Margaret Lowe £50, Lavern Bailey £50,<br />

Rebecca Edwards £50<br />

Dyma ddau o’r llythyrau o ddiolch mae Cyd wedi’u derbyn. Here are<br />

two of the letters of thanks Cyd has received.<br />

Annwyl Cyd,<br />

Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich llythyr. Rydw i’n ddiolchgar<br />

iawn i’r panel. Rydw i’n edrych ymlaen at y cwrs. Dyma<br />

lun ohono i. Yn gywir iawn Anne Holly, Aberystwyth<br />

Bydd Anne yn mynd ar gwrs Cymraeg yn Llanbedr Pont<br />

Steffan am 8 wythnos yn yr haf.<br />

Annwyl Cyd<br />

Diolch yn fawr am eich llythyr chi am Ysgoloriaeth Dan Lynn James.<br />

Dan ni wedi cysylltu â Nant Gwrtheyrn. Mae ’na le ar y cwrs i’r ddau<br />

ohonon ni (for both of us), felly dan ni’n edrych ymlaen at fynd. Yn<br />

gywir iawn Ian Debeddyn a Helen Gwyddanes<br />

Caernarfon<br />

Mae Ian a Helen yn mynd ar gwrs ysgythru<br />

sychbwynt (dry point etching) drwy gyfrwng<br />

y Gymraeg yn yr haf.<br />


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