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stronger and more attractive in terms of<br />

product offerings. These stand alone<br />

restaurants are the current trend setters<br />

and give a tough run of the money for 5star<br />

restaurants. These restaurant are<br />

challenging everyone when it comes to<br />

innovation, Fusion etc. However there is<br />

one thing where 5 star restaurants will<br />

always have an edge over is their<br />

consistency on deliverables with regards to<br />

the Product quality (ingredients used,<br />

hygiene) and the personalized service<br />

delivery as every 5 star restaurant<br />

represents a brand promise and that is non<br />

negotiable for sustainability of the hotel<br />

and the restaurants.<br />

Today diners are looking for an experience<br />

along with gourmet food. Tell us how you<br />

provide this combination<br />

Dining today is no more just the food or<br />

great cocktails. It’s an overall experience is<br />

what the customer wants and wants to<br />

come back for the experience which<br />

includes ambience, food, beverage,<br />

r e c o g n i t i o n a n d g e t s a s e n s e o f<br />

achievement. Customers bring back their<br />

friends and colleagues for a social status .<br />

We at our hotel outlets try and achieve<br />

these parameters to retain customers and<br />

increase repeat business for sustainability.<br />

Do tell us about current and future trends<br />

in international cuisine and dining?<br />

Trends are defined by the likes of the<br />

customers, the global travelers have really<br />

helped us to be and incorporate the latest<br />

trends: Get the basics right is the first rule<br />

of the game, Get the customer what they<br />

want and don’t tell them what u have to<br />

offer as time is no more luxury to the global<br />

travelers. They want choices to make, they<br />

are ready to explore new cuisine and also to<br />

experiment with some innovative cocktails.<br />

They want fresh, bite size food samples to<br />

explore more over a heavy 9 course set<br />

meal which takes 4 hours to deliver. Fresh,<br />

quick, fast interactive, suggestive are the<br />

new way to engage .<br />

Live kitchens have become trend in most<br />

of the restaurants. What challenges they<br />

posses?<br />

There is no challenge in any live kitchen.<br />

The only thing we need to consider is the<br />

upkeep of the equipments and area to<br />

make it functional and presentable all the<br />

time. Secondly the Grooming of the Chef’s<br />

who’s working on the live stations as they<br />

are the centre of attraction (we also train<br />

chefs at the live counter – with soft skills –<br />

how to talk, how to present one self and<br />

personality development)<br />

Did Loyalty programs and Dining cards<br />

help in increasing the sale of F&B outlets<br />

or it decreases your profit ratio?<br />

Loyalty program and dining cards are a<br />

must, for sustainability. We create strong<br />

base of loyal customers’ and increase<br />

usage in our restaurant through these<br />

programs. “What’s in it for me” is the<br />

question every customer asks including us<br />

when we are on the other side , We get<br />

cards and get excited with points starting<br />

from credit cards , to petrol cards to even<br />

shopping cards for hyper markets etc.<br />

Logic remains same. Spend more gain<br />

more and we cannot lose focus on our<br />

loyalty programs.<br />

A few memorable guests you have catered<br />

to and any memorable experience?<br />

Starting from Sports icons to Bollywood<br />

celebrities to diplomats to the business<br />

tycoons – are experienced in and out of our<br />

Hotels. They are always here to achieve<br />

something and the hotel ensures their<br />

privacy is maintained and help they achieve<br />

what they here for. We go out of our way to<br />

create special amenities, Food menu’s<br />

everything based on their preferences.<br />

Just remember Madonna’s Song Frozen –<br />

“U only see what your eyes want to see –<br />

you’re Frozen”<br />

Your advice to budding Hospitality<br />

professionals?<br />

Study hard while you still have the<br />

opportunity in your respective institutes.<br />

We need a strong base of knowledge to<br />

start with. Once we get onto the industry –<br />

time is something which we will fall short of<br />

always to focus on our own development.<br />

However the learning journey continues till<br />

the time we are in this industry, due to its<br />

dynamic nature and change is the only<br />

thing that’s constant. Every day is a new day<br />

and comes with new learning. Choice is<br />

ours to grasp it or let it pass by.<br />

Also one very important advice “ Do what u<br />

love and not what u like or what the world<br />

wants u to be like, follow your heart and<br />

passion“ Success will find you sooner or<br />

later !<br />

Mr. Mohd. Abdullah<br />

22 <strong>ECHO</strong> - <strong>2016</strong>

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