Women Who Rock with Success- March

Women Who Rock with Success features CEO & Education Instructior Marquita Blades as our cover feature. Women Who Rock with Success is a networking-digital media platform for professional and entrepreneurial women.

Women Who Rock with Success features CEO & Education Instructior Marquita Blades as our cover feature. Women Who Rock with Success is a networking-digital media platform for professional and entrepreneurial women.


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You wan t to m ake sur e you con sum e a h ealthy f at at each<br />

m eal, especially th ose essen tial om ega 3 f atty acids foun d<br />

in f ish like f r esh water salm on , m acker el, sar din es, an d<br />

tun a. Add f ish to your m eals two to th r ee tim es week for<br />

optim al in take.<br />

4. H em p seed s:T h is tr iple th r eat food is f illed w ith n ot<br />

just on e but th r ee essen tial n utr ien ts. It h as a h igh dose of<br />

f iber, protein , an d f at. Pr otein is im per ative for a well<br />

f un ction in g m etabolism . W h ile you can get th is f r om lean<br />

or gan ic m eats an d som e gr ass fed beef , you wan t to<br />

in cor por ate a lar ge am oun t of plan t protein s in to your<br />

diet. T h is super food is a gr eat addition to your diet to aid<br />

in your digestion .N ot to m en ti on th r ee tabl esp oon s of<br />

th ese ti n y gem s w i l l gi ve y ou 30 gr am s of p r otei n !T h at is<br />

a lot for such a sm all por tion . So add th em to your salad,<br />

spr in kle th em in your soup, an d bake th em in to your<br />

f avor ite dish to pum p up your m etabolism .<br />

5. Fer m en ted f ood s h ave a ton of ben ef its for your gut.<br />

T h e h ealth ier your gut is th e better your digestion . So<br />

addin g th ese foods to your diet w ill in ef fect speed up<br />

your m etabolism . Eatin g fer m en ted foods w ill give you<br />

th e sam e ef fect of probiotics which h elp im prove gut<br />

h ealth . T h ese foods in clude sauer kr aut, n o sugar added<br />

kom buch a, pickles, m iso, tem peh (fer m en ted soy),<br />

kim ch i, n atto, an d a fer m en ted pastur e r aised gr ass fed<br />

dr in kable yogur t kn ow n as kef ir. Be sur e to get good<br />

quality products. Avoid any preser vatives or ch em ical<br />

additives. Tr y kim ch i on your tacos, sauer kr aut as your<br />

veggie or a kef ir sm ooth ie for your br eakf ast m eal.

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