Women Who Rock with Success- March

Women Who Rock with Success features CEO & Education Instructior Marquita Blades as our cover feature. Women Who Rock with Success is a networking-digital media platform for professional and entrepreneurial women.

Women Who Rock with Success features CEO & Education Instructior Marquita Blades as our cover feature. Women Who Rock with Success is a networking-digital media platform for professional and entrepreneurial women.


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70<br />

T ech T i p s f or Bu i l d i n g a<br />

Su ccessf u l Star tu p<br />

h ttp s:// w w w.al tex sof t.com<br />

H ow m any tim es h ave you seen n ews about a n ew,<br />

cuttin g- edge star tup befor e f in din g out a few m on th s<br />

later th at it?s dead? T h e r em ain s of th eir websites ar e<br />

f illed w ith goodbye m essages, also kn ow n as<br />

?post- m or tem s,? wher e leader s sh ar e th eir r egr ets an d<br />

r eason s for f ailur e, m akin g sur e to in for m custom er s<br />

th at th ey w ill be r eceivin g r ef un ds soon .<br />

T h e m ain r eason star tups f ail is th e lack of m ar ket<br />

dem an d. Rem em ber th ose over pr iced juicin g<br />

m ach in es th at cr eated a backlash af ter th e user s<br />

r ealized you could squeeze th eir custom juice packs<br />

by h an d? A sim ilar f ate awaited th e cr eator s of th e<br />

in f am ous Bodega ven din g m ach in e, who in sen sitively<br />

con sider ed br ick- an d-m or tar bodegas an<br />

in conven ien ce r ath er th an th e livelih ood of<br />

n um er ous sm all busin ess ow n er s.<br />

But we won?t talk about con ductin g in itial m ar ket<br />

an alysis an d explor in g custom er n eeds h er e, even<br />

th ough th ese f actor s ar e vital for a star tup?s sur vival<br />

an d success. Today we focus on th e en gin eer in g side<br />

of th e problem . L et?s also skip th e stage wher e you<br />

sh ape your in n ovative idea an d def in e your busin ess<br />

m odel. L et?s dive dir ectly in to th e tech n icalities of<br />

cr eatin g a star tup th at w ill stay af loat th r ough th e<br />

an ticipated ch allen ges.

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