REDSTAR Hangzhou March 2020

Activities and more for this quarantine

Activities and more for this quarantine


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I try to maintain a level, logical head. But every cough,

sneeze, wheeze, ache and pain becomes suspect.

Have I been infected? Boredom quickly becomes

one’s default position. I binge watch a few movie

trilogies, Beverly Hills Cop, The Bourne movies. I am

usually a creative person and can fill my time with

writing, painting, reading but my brain seems to have

become zombified – maybe the zombie apocalypse

is not brought on by a virus but by boredom.

I go out around the community grounds; the dog still

needs to be walked. The place is empty. One day as I

was peering out of the entrance to see if the pharmacy

across the road was open, an ambulance turned up

and men in full hazmat suits got out. I high tailed it

back to my apartment. Out of my window on the

9th floor, I watched the ambulance park outside the

apartment block next door. “Maybe someone is ill”

is the next thought you have as your anxiety levels

jump up another notch. The week passes boringly, I

eat all the snacks in the house and run out of wine.

Friday 31s t


My wife returns from Changzhou. She tells me that it

was impossible to buy masks there as all the pharmacies

were sold out; her mum and brother only have a few left.

I purchased masks from Ebay in the UK while she was

away, and a friend will courier them out to us. Amazon

UK had sold out, yet ironically was in stock for masks

that would be “shipped from China.” We will not receive

these masks for at least another seven days or more.

Saturday 1 st


We once again ventured out to the supermarket.

On this occasion 100% of the shoppers were

wearing masks. We were able to stock up on food

and there was little or no evidence of panic buying.

The government has already stated that keeping

supermarkets, vegetable markets and pharmacies

open was a priority. The only shelves that were nearly

empty were the ones for instant and dried noodles.

Since my wife has returned, she has been watching the

news. One has to be impressed with the dedication

of the doctors, nurses, police, army, ancillary workers,

workers in the factories making masks and hazmat suits,

down to the delivery guys and taxi drivers still working,

and to our own community cleaners who rigorously

disinfect the lifts and the community spaces every day.

Tuesday 4 th


Things have not gone from bad to worse but have

significantly changed––things are still bad. Just three

days after visiting the supermarket to stock up, our

locality went into lockdown. We must stay in our

apartments but are allowed in the grounds, for example

to take the dog for a walk. Now, however, the rule is only

one person can leave the community to go fetch food

and essentials and they can only do that every two days.

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