REDSTAR Hangzhou March 2020

Activities and more for this quarantine

Activities and more for this quarantine


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/ CULTURE // 广 告 • 文 化






By Jared Thompson

Undoubtedly, one of the

worst bushfire seasons

in Australian history

ravaged the countryside

and a large part of the country

is still picking up the pieces

and trying to move forward.

Over 10 million hectares

(100,000 kilometres squared)

were consumed over the last

5 months since they began,

making this season of bushfires

ten times worse than the fires

that afflicted the Amazon last

year. 6,000 buildings and homes

were consumed and, one of the

most staggering numbers to

comprehend by far is the loss

of animal life, many of whom

were already endangered to

begin with. It’s hard to fathom,

but wildlife groups estimate

that over 1,000,000,000 animals

died in the fires over the last

half of a year. It was so bad that

the wild koala’s populations

have been pushed nearly

to the brink of extinction.

After dealing with one of

the most dangerous natural

disasters we can imagine, parts

of Australia are now being

hit with yet another natural

disaster: flooding. There has

been so much rain recently that

dams that were at a low level

because of years of drought, are

now overflowing. The region

of the Nepean Dam, which

is one of the dams that gives

Sydney it’s water supply, has

been burdened with over 700

millimetres of rainfall. To put this

in perspective, that’s 100mm

more rain than Melbourne sees

throughout the whole year.

People are outside with water

34 redstarhangzhou.com

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