REDSTAR Hangzhou March 2020

Activities and more for this quarantine

Activities and more for this quarantine


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One of the easiest ways to ensure your body

stays healthy and able to resist the bacteria

or viruses that are constantly circulating

in our environments, is by drinking water.

You are about two thirds water and guess

what? your system doesn’t function well

if you don’t have enough of it. Staying

hydrated helps clean your system and fight

off intruders that may have snuck inside.


Are your hands clean? I hope you are sure

because the average person touches their

face 3,000 times per day. This is the most

common way germs pass between people,

so remember to wash your hands often. At

the very least you should wash them before

and after handling food, using the bathroom

and after you come indoors, but especially

after taking out the trash, cleaning your

house, cleaning up after animals, or

gardening, as these activities and places are

fertile ground for harmful bacteria. Alcoholbased

hand sanitiser is a great way to keep

your hands clean when you are on the go.


Remember to clean all kitchen utensils

and keep all dishes clean - sharing

them can also help spread any growing

infection. If you happen to have one of

those gadgets that sterilise dishware

with steam, there has never been a

better time to learn how it works.



Like staying hydrated, it is important to

have a healthy diet with lots of vitamins and

fresh produce. Your gut is the foundation

of your immune system, so make sure

your diet is well rounded. Boil all tap

water before drinking or drink bottled

water. Wash any fruits and vegetables

before eating or cooking them and avoid

eating fruits you haven’t peeled. Even

though we all like ordering in, you don't

know who is cooking your food or how

it is handled, so if you are worried about

infection then cook for yourself. Keep food

and garbage in covered, rodent-proof

containers. Rodents often carry disease,

and it isn’t always easy to tell if you have

them before they are into your food.

Be Extra Conscious Around Sickness

It should go without saying, but make sure

you wash even more often if you are feeling

ill or if you cough or sneeze. If you are near

anyone that is showing symptoms of being

ill, stay at least a metre away from them if

possible, and wash your hands if you may

have touched something they did. If you

need to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth

by using your elbow as opposed to using

your hands or rather use a disposable tissue

to catch it and then dispose of it quickly.



Properly disinfect all cuts and cover them

with a bandage since they very prone to all

kinds of infections. If you were unfortunate

enough to suffer from and animal bite, then

you really need to get a series of rabies shots

within 24 hours. Avoid picking at wounds.


If you have a pet, then it is crucial that

they are properly socialised and know

not to bite or scratch visitors. Make sure

they have all their vaccine shots and

visit the veterinarian regularly. Keep

a close watch on your pet’s contact

with other animals as they could carry

diseases. It is good practice to wash

your hands after handling pets too,

especially if they spend time outside.

Stay vigilant and health conscious

and you’ll be able to make it through

this outbreak and whatever the

next flu season sneezes your way.

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