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• Proper form (precision) is more important than the sloppy execution

of more repetitions.

• Perform ALL the exercises in the order listed for each drill.

• If you miss a day of training, pick up with the next day of the

training schedule.

• Exercise with a training partner whenever possible.

Although a little muscle soreness is to be expected when beginning a

new physical training program, do not aggravate injuries by continuing

to exercise when you are feeling pain or discomfort.



Injury Control

Injuries are not uncommon during intense physical training. Most

injuries can, however, be prevented. Safety is always a major concern.

Many common injuries are caused by overuse, that is, exercising too

much and too often and with too rapid an increase in the workload.

Most overuse injuries can be treated with rest, ice, compression

and elevation.

The most common running injuries occur in the feet, ankles, knees and

legs. Although they are hard to eliminate, much can be done to keep

them to a minimum. Preventive measures include proper warm–up and

cool–down. Failure to allow recovery between hard bouts of running can

lead to overtraining and can also be a major cause of injuries. If you

experience continuing or acute pain, see your doctor.

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