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OF SCHOOL p. 9-11

Korean schools are back -

with strict limitations


CAFÉ TOUR p. 28-35

Take a look at some of

Jeullabuk-do's finest cafés


JEONJU p. 36-41

Some of K-pop's biggest

stars hail from Jeonju


SHOWS p. 51-53

Saturdays will be filled with

three daily performances

Living in Korea

during COVID-19p. 6-8

전라북도 전주시 완산구

홍산로 276 (효자동3가 1525-2)

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Jeonbuk Life

Jeollabuk-do’s International Magazine

Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284

전라북도 전주시 완산구 홍산로 276 (효자동3가 1525-2)

phone-al PHONE 063-280-6112



Jeonbuk Life Magazine is published by the Jeollabuk-do Center

for International Affairs (JBCIA) 전라북도 국제교류센터.


Manager Peter Yi

Managing Editor Dianne Pineda-Kim

Letter from the Editor

Flowers bloom even in the middle of Crisis,

be prepared for the new normal

Our lifestyles have changed drastically due to the COVID-19

outbreaks. The pandemic has affected all aspects of every

individual's life and all industries. So far, most countries are

still on lockdown, everyone on the street is wearing a mask,

all types of traveling has been strongly restricted, and we

can’t enjoy professional sports games anymore.


Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger aaron.kr


Dianne Pineda-Kim, Aaron Snowberger, Bree Dunn, Brittany Singler,

한리나, 김진희, 김찬권, 노우정, 왕연홍, 황희선, 안철희, 윤석훈


Seong Jin Kim, Peter Yi (Cover photo)

Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do

Center for International Affairs (JBCIA) which is a

specialized public diplomacy agency established by the

Jeollabuk-do Provincial Government. Our goal is to spread

news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as well

as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea and

abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.

※ Jeonbuk is an abbreviation of Jeollabuk-do.

To get involved, email jblife.magazine@gmail.com

It sounds like the apocalypse or doomsday. But humanity

is really working hard to find a solution for the global

pandemic. Even though the future will be different than

you thought, ‘the curve’ of COVID-19 cases is flattening in

global society, and it will eventually pass.

So in this summer magazine, we would like to tell you about

how we are living and surviving in during the COVID-19

situation in Korea. We prepared stories to make sure you

are ready for the era of ‘the new normal’ and its ‘social

distancing’ guidelines. These stories include ‘staying at

home with home entertainment’, ‘non face-to-face working

and schooling’, and ‘virtual traveling’. Even though there are

still numerous cases and cluster infections arising, I wish

you seek your own happiness during this tragic pandemic.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter, there will be

a hope and chance to overcome COVID-19 someday like a

flower blooming in nature. Until that day comes, stay safe,

strong, and healthy, and enjoy the stories in JB Life!


Peter Yi

JB Life Editor

2 Jeonbuk Life Magazine





Dianne Pineda-Kim is an

editor for Groove Korea,

Soompi, and writes about

travel, food, and Korean pop

culture. She has published

two books under Skyhorse

Publishing, NY.

Bree Dunn wants to help

people feel more connected

to our diverse world, so she

enjoys sharing stories about

her journey as an expat and

focusing on helping others

travel abroad better.



Aaron is JB Life's graphic

designer as well as a



and educator. He's lived in

Jeonju for almost 15 years.


Peter works for the JBCIA as

an associate manager and

oversees the publishing of JB

Life! His passion is getting

involved with international

exchanges all over the world.

He also likes to hang out

with expats from diverse

countries who can share their

own unique experiences from

different cultures. If you want

to share you ideas or get

involved with the center’s

business, contact him.


Seong Jin Kim is a hobbyist

photographer and the founder

of iwonderkorea, a community

platform and events company

startup in Jeonju.



Brittany Singler is an English

instructor at JBNU. She comes

from Colorado in the U.S. She

enjoys exploring and writing

about her travels. Writing,

reading, hiking, and the

occasional video game are

some of her hobbies.


A special "Thank you" goes

out to the JBCIA Supporters

who helped translate the

article summaries in this

issue: 한리나, 김진희, 김찬권,

노우정, 왕연홍, 황희선, 안철희,

and 윤석훈.

If you would like to get

involved and contribute to

the next issue of Jeonbuk

Life magazine, email:




ISSUE 19 • SUMMER 2020


若 Living in Korea during COVID-19 p. 6-8

A month by month walkthrough of the pandemic in Korea.

若 The First Day of School in Korea's

Social Distancing Landscape p. 9-11

School's back in session with some strict guidelines.

micropho Infinite Possibilities p. 12-17

Students from China & Uzbekistan talk to us

about studying at Jeonju University.


BED A Cozy Retreat p. 18-19

Enjoy a change of scene with a staycation in Buan.

SUN Gunsan's Fairytale Island: Seonyudo p. 20-21

Relax on the beach under a stunning view of jagged mountains.

SUN Iksan: A Suburban Getaway p. 22-24

Explore cafes & restaurants in this small city with big surprises.

Vr-cardb Can't get out this summer? Take a Virtual Tour p. 25-27

Remember what planning trips was like before smartphones?


mug-hot Jeonbuk Cafe Tour p. 28-35

Suncheon: Glass Garden (Verre Jardin Gallery) p. 30-31

Buan: Coffee with a Seaside View (Seuljinae Café) p. 32-33

Iksan: The Perfect Blend (Blendmi Café) p. 34-35

4 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19


ICONS Stars of Jeonju p. 36-41

Meet the K-pop and K-drama stars who hail from Jeonju.

play-cir At Home p. 42-47

Here are six great Korean TV shows and six movies you

might want to catch while at home during the pandemic.


newspape Support Progarm for Foreign Communities p. 48

The JBCIA provides financial support every

year for foreign groups in Jeollabuk-do.

newspape Urban-Rural Exchange Cooperative Program p. 49

The JBCIA was selected as the executing organization for

the Urban-Rural Program for the third year in a row.

Book Guidebook for International Students p. 50

First time in Jeollabuk-do? Grab this special guidebook today!


Bullhorn Summer Performances at Hanok Village p. 51-53

"Return of the Storyteller" (a single-act pansori opera) p. 51

"Gyeonggijeon People" (9 characters with unique stories) p. 52

"Walking with the King" (a night tour, tickets required) p. 53

LANGUAGE Learn Korean p. 54

V~(으)ㄹ 생각이다 talks about Future (Travel) Plans

Exclamat Immigration Notice: Re-Entry Permits Required p. 55

In effect from June 1, to prevent further spread of COVID-19.



Living i



Korea has been internationally praised

for its response to the global Covid-19

pandemic, but what has it really been

like to like here during this period?

For international readers, as well as a brief review

and reflection on what’s worked and what hasn’t,

here’s an inside look at what it’s been like living in

Jeonju during the outbreak. From canceled events,

to strict social distancing guidelines, and even

postponing the school year for the entire nation,

2020 has certainly been a year to remember, and

not (yet) for really great reasons.

But with “the curve” of coronavirus cases continuing

to flatten in Korea, life is slowly returning to

something that looks a little more “normal.” And

yet, a vaccine appears as of yet still out of reach for

a while, so we may need to get used to this “new

normal” of “in-life social distancing.” But putting

forth a united effort for social problems is one area

where the Korean people really shine, and it’s a

large part of the reason for the country’s success

in dealing with the outbreak so far.

코로나 19 대유행 동안 한국인들의 일상

(번역: 노우정)

한국의 코로나 19 의 적절한 대응으로 국제

사회에서 칭찬받고 있는 가운데, 이곳에 사는

사람들의 실생활은 어떨까요? 여러가지 행사

취소와 강력한 사회적 거리두기, 그리고

적국적인 휴교령까지 올해 2020년은 확실히

기억에 남는 해가 되었습니다. 한국의 코로나

확진자가 줄고 있는 상황에서 사람들의

생활은 점점 ‘일상’으로 복귀하는 것처럼

보이지만, 아직 백신이 개발될 기미를 보이지

않고 있어 ‘새로운 일상인 생활 속 사회적

거리 두기’에 익숙해져야 할 필요가 있습니다.

그러나 사회문제를 위해 모두 단합하여

노력하는 것은 한국인들이 진정으로 빛나는

한 분야로서 현재까지 한국이 코로나19

방역에 성공할 수 있었던 큰 이유 중 하나이다.

新 冠 疫 情 大 流 行 之 间 韩 国 人 们 的 日 常

( 翻 译 : 윤석훈)

对 于 新 款 疫 情 韩 国 适 当 的 回 应 正 在 得 到 国

际 社 会 的 赞 扬 中 , 住 在 这 个 地 方 人 们 的 真

正 生 活 如 何 ? 我 们 仔 细 看 最 近 世 界 媒 体 报

道 的 对 于 韩 国 的 新 款 疫 情 适 应 和 不 适 应 的

回 应 , 而 且 全 州 市 民 对 新 款 疫 情 情 况 之 间

生 活 如 何 。2020 年 将 是 令 人 记 住 不 幸 的 一

年 , 因 为 取 消 各 种 各 样 的 活 动 和 保 持 强 烈

的 社 交 距 离 及 全 国 的 停 课 令 。 韩 国 新 款 疫

情 确 诊 者 减 少 的 情 况 下 , 好 像 平 民 生 活 逐

渐 回 来 ‘ 日 常 ’, 但 还 未 见 开 发 疫 苗 的 迹 象 ,

正 在 ‘ 生 活 防 疫 阶 段 ’ 是 成 为 ‘ 新 日 常 ’。 韩 国

为 解 决 对 社 会 问 题 互 相 作 出 努 力 , 所 以 韩

国 国 民 脱 颖 而 出 。 这 也 是 韩 国 政 府 预 防 新

款 疫 情 大 流 行 的 很 大 的 原 因 。

6 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Coronavirus in Korea

n Korea





On January 20, South Korea reported its

first case of the novel coronavirus COVID-

19. At that time, it was all completely new,

a developing story coming out of China,

and one that nobody here seemed too

worried about. In fact, only four days later,

from January 24-26, the Lunar New Year

holiday (Seollal) was due to take place

and millions of people were already set

to travel. Many Chinese students had

also booked plane tickets home for the

long weekend, and the most we could say

at that time was, “Be careful on your trip.”

But by January 23, a day before the

holiday, Wuhan and the whole of Hubei

province were locked down. Shortly after

that, in early February, the rest of China

followed suit. Students who had traveled

abroad for the holiday had a difficult

time coming back to Korea and were told

to self-quarantine for a minimum of one

week. One of our friends, a PhD student

in town, is still stuck in Hubei province.

My family from the US were due to visit

us for the last two weeks of February. We

cautioned them to “travel safe” and they

told us they'd be wearing masks.

On February 18, the day after they arrived,

Patient 31 was identified in Daegu and

we started receiving more Emergency

Alert messages on our phones with

location information for confirmed cases.

At one point, the Starbucks and Lotte

Mart near my house were identified and

closed for a day or two for sterilization.

We'd already booked a trip to Yeosu the

following week, but when we returned

to Jeonju, Daegu case numbers were

exploding and we decided to remain

home for the remainder of their visit. In

the last week of February, the US raised

its Travel Alert to South Korea twice, from

Level 1 (exercise normal precautions), to

Level 2 (exercise increased caution), to

Level 3 (reconsider travel).

My family returned home without incident

but were quarantined for two weeks.

By early March, public schools nationwide

had postponed reopening, and businesses

that were susceptible to cluster infections

like churches, gyms, dine-in restaurants,

and bars, were encouraged to voluntarily

close their doors for a minimum of two

weeks. Many did so. Businesses turned

to work-from-home strategies, churches

produced online content, and gyms

extended memberships. The university

I work at had teachers record video

lessons and assign online homework.

Other universities turned to Zoom for

video conferencing classes.

We spent March and April living in

two-week intervals. Every two weeks,

the government would reassess the

developing situation, impose new safety

guidelines, and decide whether or not

(and how) to allow things to reopen.




By April, we'd mostly grown accustomed to

the new lives we were living. Regulations

varied, but many buildings limited the

number of entrances and simultaneous

visitors, while body heat cameras recorded

temperatures as people entered. Upon

entering a space, visitors were required

to sign-in with their contact information,

and in some cases, a QR code was scanned

by a visitor’s phone to track their location.

Masks were worn indoors at all times.

Hand sanitizer was widely available, even

in hallways and elevators. A minimum

of 1-meter space was encouraged or

blocked off with tape in lines or at tables.

Desks, doorknobs, counter-tops, and other

surfaces were regularly disinfected.

Korea determined to send students back

to school in waves after postponing the

start date four times. On April 9, 16, and

22, students went "back to school" in their

own living rooms with online classes.

A mandatory 14-day quarantine for ALL

inbound travelers (including citizens) was

imposed, as well as stricter penalties for

broken quarantine (up to one-year in prison

or a 10 million won fine). Symptomatic

travelers are now tested immediately at

the airport, and asymptomatic travelers

are tested at a public health center within

days after arrival. All inbound travelers

must install the Self-Quarantine Safety

Protection App and the Self-Diagnosis

App on their phones to provide regular

check-ins about their condition. And the

Korean government covers all costs for

testing and treatment, though "livelihood

support is not provided.”

Although Korea has continued to have

small cluster infections, the daily new

cases count has remained below 100

since April 1 (averaging only 30 per day).

Therefore, most of the economy has

returned almost back to normal, within

the guidelines set by the government.

Baseball and soccer have resumed

without spectators. Public school

children, returning in waves, are finally all

back at school. But many “non-essential”

services and businesses are still running

at a limited capacity. My church, for

example, still isn’t holding children’s

services until at least mid-June. And the

schools where my wife and I work will

not be conducting any non-essential

classes offline until at least the Fall.


Throughout this whole time, I’ve been

surprised and impressed by the unity and

fortitude of the Korean people, as well as

the strong, yet measured response by the

Korean government. A few things stand

out as particularly noteworthy.

1. Daily briefings from the KCDC were

important to keep people informed.

2. Banners and posters about prevention

and treatment were posted in multiple

languages everywhere.

3. Speedy drive-through testing with

results sent by SMS within hours,

anonymous testing (even for illegals),

separate testing and treatment areas,

and costs covered by the government

for testing and treatment led many

people to get tested quickly and early.

4. BEFORE the first confirmed case in

Korea (January 20), the government

began mass producing and shipping

thousands of tests. Thus, when the

outbreak exploded in Daegu, they

were already prepared for large

amounts of testing.

Images from Wikipedia.org

5. Emergency Alerts to phones prioritized

public health over personal privacy, but

were instrumental in helping people

know when they may have crossed

paths with a confirmed case. (Laws

prioritizing public safety in a National

Crisis went into effect after MERS hit

Korea hard in 2015. This allowed Korea

to use CCTV, GPS data on phones, and

credit card records to trace confirmed

cases and send alerts.)

Overall, I was impressed by the collective

buy-in of the community. Many wore

masks at least as much to protect others

as themselves, the idea being, "Even

though I"m sure I don't have it, by wearing

this mask inside, I'm letting everyone

else know that I won't be spreading it."

Coronavirus in Korea

Words and photos by


The school year

in Korea this

year was pushed

back by over

three months due to the

coronavirus pandemic and

Korea’s strict social distancing

policies. Some students are

still not back at school, and

many may not return to school

in person until the fall (at the

earliest), a full six months

or more since in-person

classes were canceled. The

cost of canceling of classes

countrywide has had varying

impacts on the different

businesses that make up the

educational landscape.

From public schools, to

private academies, to public

and private universities,

we take a look at how the

pandemic has affected

everyone involved - students,

teachers, parents, and

business owners alike. But

with the reopening of Korea’s

public schools, still within

limitations and adhering to

continued “in-life distancing”

policies, it’s nice to finally

feel like things are starting

to get back to normal. But it’s

important to remember that

keeping schools open will

still require due diligence on

everyone’s part.

한국의 사회적 거리 두기 풍경 속 개학

첫날 (번역: 김찬권)

在 韩 国 在 保 持 社 会 距 离 的 范 围 内 , 开

学 第 一 天 的 风 景 ( 翻 译 : 안철희)

올해 한국의 개학이 코로나19 범유행과

엄격한 사회적 거리 두기 정책으로 인해

3개월 이상 연기됐습니다. 몇몇 학생들은

아직도 등교할 수 없으며, 면대면 수업이

취소된 이후 많은 수의 학생들이 아무리

빨라도 최소 6개월 이상 흐른 가을까지

학교에 돌아갈 수 없을지도 모릅니다.

전국적인 수업 취소로 인한 결과,

교육 현장의 각기 다른 산업에 다양한

영향을 끼쳤습니다. 공립학교에서

사립학교, 공립대학에서 사립대학에

이르기까지, 코로나19 범유행이 학생,

교사, 학부모, 사업주 등 이와 관련된

모든 사람에게, 어떠한 영향을 미치고

있는지 살펴보았습니다. 그러나 아직은

제한적이고 지속적인 ‘생활 속 거리두기’

정책에 의한 한국 공립학교의 개학은

마침내 정상으로 돌아오기 시작한 것과

같은 느낌이었으며 좋은 일입니다.

그러나 학교 수업의 지속적인 재개를

위해서는 모든 사람이 각자의 분야에서

여전히 노력해야 하는 것을 유념하는

것이 중요하다.

韩 国 的 开 学 因 " 新 冠 肺 炎 " 和 随 之 而

来 的 " 严 格 保 持 社 会 距 离 ", 推 迟 了 3

个 月 以 上 。6 个 月 或 更 多 面 对 面 的 课

程 都 已 经 取 消 了 , 因 此 有 一 些 学 生 不

能 回 校 , 也 许 多 数 学 生 在 这 个 秋 天 之

前 ( 即 使 缩 到 最 短 ) 也 不 能 重 返 学 校 。

因 在 全 国 范 围 内 取 消 课 程 而 产 生 的

费 用 给 教 育 现 场 的 各 个 不 同 产 业 带

来 了 各 种 影 响 。 从 公 立 学 校 到 私 立

学 校 , 从 公 立 大 学 到 私 立 大 学 , 从 学

生 , 老 师 , 到 父 母 , 再 到 企 业 家 , 在 所 有

的 相 关 情 况 下 , 我 们 来 了 解 一 下 这

次 事 态 对 各 方 面 的 影 响 。 但 是 , 在 限

制 " 保 持 社 会 距 离 " 的 政 策 下 , 韩 国 公

立 学 校 的 开 学 似 乎 成 了 最 终 回 归 日

常 生 活 的 良 好 开 端 。 然 而 , 为 了 持 续

恢 复 学 校 课 程 , 每 个 人 都 必 须 牢 记 ,

在 各 自 的 领 域 仍 有 一 些 需 要 注 意 的

事 项 。




According to an Arirang news report, over

1.5 billion students in 165 countries (or

87% of schools worldwide) have been

affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and

have had to turn to innovative methods

and cutting edge tools to educate their

children. However, many countries are

not nearly as equipped to deal with

the challenges of online education as

Korea. Up to 30% of students in poor

and minority communities in the US, for

example, do not have access to wireless

Internet or digital devices. But when

the first round of online classes began

in South Korea on April 9, the country

saw nearly 99% of its almost 1 million

registered middle and high school

seniors in attendance.

The biggest stumbling block for online

education appeared early on in systems

that greatly underestimated the number

of simultaneous connections and data

load their servers would need to be able

to handle. But after the initial technical

glitches and connection problems were

addressed, the second round of online

classes, beginning on April 16, focused

on stabilizing the system overall to

accommodate another 4 million students

connecting at the same time.


Online teaching methods vary from

school to school, but most schools were

encouraged to use either the Korea

Education and Research Information

Service (KERIS) website or the Educational

Broadcasting System (EBS) television

programs. Many students received a

shipment of textbooks from their schools,

and EBS showed lectures from those

textbooks at set times during the day.

My first-grader, for example, watched

first grade lessons from her textbooks

from 9-9:30 and 10-10:30am every

morning (second graders were given the

alternating 30-minute block).

My third-grader was given daily lessons

through the KERIS e-Learning website

that combined blog posts, YouTube videos,

and other activities with offline homework

assignments from his textbooks. Parents

were encouraged to send photos of their

children’s homework to the teachers and

“take attendance”.

Most public school teachers have been at

school preparing for the school year since

March 2, the original starting date. This

probably aided the transition to online

education. But now, after only about

a month of online classes, all public

school students (save about 500 schools

in areas with

ongoing cluster

infections) are

back in their

physical school

buildings, with

strict social

distancing rules

in place.

10 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19


The strict social

distancing rules

in schools mirror

those imposed

elsewhere, but

are more specific

to schools.

Face masks are required at all times

inside buildings, but are optional outside

and where a two-meter distance can be

maintained between students. Only one

or two main doors are unlocked and body

temperature cameras greet students as

they shuffle in single file (masking tape

on the floor marks off a "safe" distance).

In classrooms, one corner contains a

basket with extra hand sanitizer, masks,

and a thermometer. Students wipe down

and disinfect desks and doorknobs, and

the teacher does a second temperature

check. Desks are spaced out in exam

rows and fitted with plastic dividers.

Plastic dividers are also installed in

cafeterias with a tape-marked X in spots

to the front and side of each open seat,

or with every student facing in the same

direction. To facilitate the new setup,

different grade levels are assigned set

dining times to not overcrowd the space.

Cafeteria periods are not the only things

that differ. Schools have also set different

arrival and break times for different

grade levels. At some schools, particularly

in more populous areas, students are

assigned particular days of the week to

attend school offline, and other days to

attend school online, so that only oneto

two-thirds of the school is occupied

at any one time. In some schools, only

high school seniors physically attend

class every day, and classes that once

stretched into the evening have been

cut short to end in the early afternoon.

Air-conditioning is allowed so long as it

is kept to a low intensity level and the

windows are opened at least twice per

hour to ventilate the classroom.

Students are prohibited from visiting

Internet cafes and singing rooms after

two high school seniors in Incheon

tested positive for COVID-19 on opening

day and forced 66 schools in the vicinity

to temporarily close. They are allowed to

take 34 days off this year to stay home and

study, which is more than double previous

years. If any student shows symptoms of

the virus, they are sent home or isolated

in an observation room until a guardian

can pick them up. And any student who

has previously tested positive for the virus

must provide a negative test result before

they are allowed back in school.

That's a long list of rules! But it really

doesn’t take long to get used to them.

Inconvenient at times, yes, but when

considered in light of the rest of Korea's

response to the pandemic, not bad.

And honestly, what's really been most

impressive about this situation hasn't

been the government's strict regulations,

but rather the collective action of the

people who trust and follow them.




12 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19






These three international students are from China and Uzbekistan, and

they all have one thing in common: They decided to study in Jeonju

University because of their love for Korean culture.

Jin Seol Mae is a Chinese

national who first got

to love Jeonju for its

signature Bibimbap

and traditional hanok

architecture. She wants

to become a Korean

language teacher after

she graduates.

Her friend, Song Ga-ryeo

is also from China, and

she arrived in Jeonju

in 2018. She loves the

Korean cafe culture

which inspired her dream

to open a pretty cafe in

her hometown after she


Mohira, on the other

hand, is from Uzbekistan,

who decided to come to

Korea after watching

K-dramas. She wants to

become a fashion model





With a deep interest

in Korean culture,

these international

students decided to

pursue their tertiary

education in Jeonju

무한한 가능성 (번역: 김진희)

无 限 的 可 能 性 ( 翻 译 : 왕연홍)

When I met and heard Mohira,

Seol Mae, and Ka-ryeo speak,

I thought they were Koreans

because of their incredible

fluency in the language. They almost sound like

locals here, despite having only spent a year or

two in Korea. Their youthful spirit, enthusiasm,

and vibrant energy can instantly be felt on and off

the camera, as they explored Jaman Mural Village

for the first time, our location for the shoot. The

colorful backgrounds and paintings matched their

lively mood, and by the end of the photo session,

they decided to stay longer, grateful for letting

them know about this side of Jeonju that has

endless interesting corners to discover. Here, they

shared the reasons why they decided to study in


14 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

중국과 우즈베키스탄 출신의 세

명의 유학생들에게는 한 가지

공통점이 있는데, 그것은 그들이

한국 문화에 대한 사랑 때문에

전주대학교에서 공부하기로

결정했다는 것입니다. 중국

국적인 진설매 학생은 비빔밥과

전통 한옥 건축으로 인해 전주를

사랑하게 되었고, 졸업 후 한국어

선생님이 되고 싶어 합니다.

그녀의 친구인 송가려 학생도

중국 출신으로 2018년 전주에

왔는데, 한국의 카페 문화를

사랑해서 졸업 후에는 고향에

예쁜 카페를 열 꿈을 가지고

있습니다. 반면, 우즈베키스탄

출신의 모히라는 K드라마를

보고 한국에 왔고, 언젠가

패션모델이 되고 싶어 합니다.

来 自 中 国 和 乌 兹 别 克 斯 坦 的

3 名 留 学 生 有 一 个 共 同 点 , 那

就 是 他 们 热 爱 韩 国 的 文 化 ,

最 终 决 定 在 全 州 大 学 学 习 。

中 国 籍 的 陈 雪 梅 因 为 拌 饭 和

传 统 韩 屋 建 筑 而 喜 欢 上 了 全

州 , 毕 业 后 想 成 为 韩 国 语 老

师 。 她 的 朋 友 宋 嘉 丽 也 是 中

国 出 身 ,2018 年 来 到 全 州 , 她

热 爱 韩 国 的 咖 啡 文 化 , 梦 想

毕 业 后 在 故 乡 开 一 家 漂 亮 的

咖 啡 馆 。 相 反 , 乌 兹 别 克 斯 坦

出 身 的 莫 西 拉 看 完 K 电 视 剧

后 来 到 韩 国 , 有 朝 一 日 想 成

为 时 装 模 特 。





Korean Language and Literature

ɔ 1. When did you first come to Korea? What

made you decide to study here?

I came to Korea in August 2019. I came to

study in Korea because I have a lot of interest

in Korean culture.

ɔ 2. Why did you choose a university in Jeonju?

I became interested in Jeonju bibimbap and the

tourist attractions here which I have seen a lot


ɔ 3. How was your experience studying in Jeonju?

Studying abroad is hard but fun. Especially, when I’m

working part-time, I would meet good Korean people

and study with Korean friends in college.

ɔ 4. How would you describe your experience as an

international student in Korea?

The university service center is always considerate

of international students. After learning a lot about

Korea, I am able to share many cultural experiences

with international students. In this way, I think we, as

international students, are able to adjust well and

study in Korea quickly without any issues.

ɔ 5. Have you ever traveled in Jeollabuk-do?

What is your favorite place and why?

My favorite place in Jeollabuk-do is the Hanok

Village. You can wear Hanbok and see traditional

Korean things there.

ɔ 6. What is your biggest dream after you

finish your studies?

I want to be a teacher who teaches Korean

language when I graduate from university.







Business Administration

ɔ 1. When did you first come to Korea? What

made you decide to study here?

I came to Korea for the first time in April 2018,

when I came to Jeonju to see Jeonju University.

ɔ 2. Why did you choose a university in Jeonju?

At that time, we had an event at the school, and

the cherry blossoms were blooming and made the

atmosphere great. So I decided to study there. I felt

it was a good choice and I’m glad I decided to come.

ɔ 3. How was your experience studying in Jeonju?

I made many friends, and I wasn't as lonely as I thought.

When I have free time, I participate in many activities at

school and I also get lots of help from my Korean friends.

ɔ 4. How would you describe your experience as an

international student in Korea?

I can experience various Korean cultures as an

international student in Korea. Most of my friends in

Korea are kind we get invited to many social activities.

As an international student, we are more cared for, so

our learning experience has been amazing.

ɔ 5. Have you ever traveled in Jeollabuk-do?

What is your favorite place, and why?

My favorite place in Jeonju is Hanok Village.

There is a bridge to the east of Hanok Village.

I took a walk with my friend last summer and

accidentally crossed the bridge. It was so cool

and you can see the night view of Hanok

Village. It's very beautiful.

ɔ 6. What is your biggest dream after you

finish your studies?

The most impressive thing about Korea is the

coffee shop culture. There are many cafes in

Korea and the interior style is very pretty.

Since I majored in business administration, I

want to open a pretty cafe in my hometown

after graduating from college.

16 Jeonbuk Life Magazine





Tourism Management

ɔ 1. When did you first come to Korea? What

made you decide to study here?

I came to Korea for the first time in November

2018. When I was young, I was interested in

Korean dramas, so I came to Korea to study.

ɔ 2. Why did you choose a university in Jeonju?

Jeonju is a beautiful and quiet place in Korea, so

I chose it because it was recommended by my


ɔ 3. How was your experience studying in Jeonju?

It's hard without my parents, but a lot of good people

and foreign friends help me a lot, so I'm still learning

Korean. I study Korean hard and do volunteer work.

I still don't know many things, but I am enjoying my

time here and I’m happy to learn about the culture,

language, and people.

ɔ 4. Have you ever traveled in Jeollabuk-do? What

is your favorite place, and why?

I have been to Gwangju and Jinan for a cultural

experience trip. Every time I went somewhere else,

I made good memories and it was all good. And I

want to travel a lot when I have time later.

ɔ 6. What is your biggest dream after you finish

your studies?

If I have a chance in Korea, I would like to get

a job here. I want to go to many countries with

my parents, travel, and do volunteer work.

I want to be a fashion model because I am

interested in fashion.






Escape & experience a

change of scene without

heading outdoors with

a staycation in Buan

Words and photos by


Barahan Hotel and Spa

전북 부안군 변산면 변산해변로 799-37 (운산리)

799-37 Byunsan Beach Road, Byeonsan-myeon,

Buan-gun, Jeonbuk (Unsan-ri)

Website: http://barahans.net/

Contact number: 010-2103-9085

Travel Wish List


“The beauty of a staycation is that not only are

you adhering to social distancing but you’re also

supporting local travel spots and businesses. It requires

minimal travel but it can be just as rewarding.”

Afew years ago the term “healing”

became a popular catchword

for different ways to de-stress,

whether through a travel destination, a

spa session, or a simple activity such as

hiking or meditation. All over the world,

“staycation,” or “holistay,” a portmanteau of

the words “stay” and “vacation” or “holiday”

and “stay” are widely known as indulging

in relaxing leisure activities without

traveling abroad or going outdoors. In

the wake of the pandemic, healing and

staycation have become more desirable

and appealing to people who want to get

away without jetting off on an airplane to

somewhere far away and putting oneself

and others at risk.

A weekend staycation can be a way

to experience an easy, affordable and

hassle-free holiday, while experiencing

the “feeling of traveling” without

actually having to. Even after Korea

has started loosening social distancing

measures, some people prefer to ease

into traveling while avoiding crowds

and tourist destinations. In Jeollabuk-do,

Buan is famous for its resorts and hotels

that highlight the county’s beautiful

landscape and seaside views. It’s a

dynamic place that offers a variety of

activities and places the whole family

can enjoy while on staycation.


Buan is bounded by vast seas, with most

of its area transformed into reclaimed

lands. One of its most bountiful natural

resources is seafood, which includes

fresh, salted and dried varieties. These

are mostly products

caught from the

Byeonsan Peninsula

coast. At the Buan

Public Fish Market,

you can buy and

sample seafood

and seashells that

are the pride of

Buan’s hardworking

fishermen. Before your staycation, it’s

best to drop by this market to stock up

on seafood you can cook or grill indoors.


Barahan Hotel and Spa sits on top of

a small hill that overlooks the Buan

seas. In the morning, the sun gleams

on the water, creating a captivating

mix of green and blue colors, while in

the late afternoon, the sunset gives the

environment a warm, pink and orange

glow. This is why the hotel describes itself

as a place “complete with the romantic

sea, freedom, and exciting views.” All

rooms in the hotel are equipped with a

jacuzzi, loft-type bedrooms, a functional

kitchen, and wide glass windows that let

in the natural light. Guests also have the

option of reserving a table and grill at

the barbecue area, where they can enjoy

freshly cooked meat, seafood, and drinks.

The beauty of staycation is that not only

are you adhering to social distancing but

you’re also supporting local travel spots

and businesses. It requires minimal

travel but it can be just as rewarding. A

staycation just might be the best option

to unwind and reset.

안락한 여행 (번역: 김진희)

주말에 집이나 집에서 가까운

관광지에서 보내는 휴가는 실제

여행하지 않아도 쉽고, 적절한 가격에,

평안한 휴일과 같게 "여행의 느낌"

을 걍함하는 방법이 될 수 있습니다.

한국이 ‘사회적 거리 두기’ 정책을

완화함에 따라, 일부 사람들은 사람들이

붐비는 곳과 관광지를 피하면서

여행하는 것을 선호합니다. 전라북도

부안군은 아름다운 경치와 해안 경관을

자랑하는 리조트와 호텔로 유명합니다.

가족들이 그곳에 머무르는 동안 즐길 수

있는 다양한 활동과 장소를 제공하는

역동적인 곳입니다. 부안에서 머무르는

동안 잊을 수 없는 추억을 쌓고 싶다면

부안 수산물 시장에 가서 부안의 자랑인

해산물과 건어물을 맛보세요. 그리고,

바다의 아름다운 경치를 즐길 수 있고,

몸과 마음을 편안하게 쉴 수 있는 변산

바라한 펜션에서 하룻밤을 보내십시오.

安 乐 的 旅 行 ( 翻 译 : 왕연홍)

周 末 住 宿 是 实 际 不 去 旅 行 , 也 可 以 轻

松 的 体 验 “ 旅 游 感 受 ”, 又 简 单 , 价 格

也 合 适 , 不 需 要 体 验 复 杂 的 假 日 的 方

法 。 韩 国 现 在 实 行 保 持 距 离 的 社 会 趋

势 , 有 一 部 分 人 选 择 避 开 人 多 的 旅 游

景 点 而 去 旅 行 。 全 罗 北 道 扶 安 郡 以 美

丽 的 景 色 和 炫 耀 海 岸 景 观 为 有 名 的

度 假 村 和 酒 店 。 与 家 人 停 留 期 间 可 以

享 受 各 种 活 动 和 场 所 的 充 满 活 力 的

地 方 。 如 果 在 扶 安 旅 行 期 间 想 留 下 美

好 的 回 忆 , 请 到 扶 安 水 产 市 场 去 品 尝

扶 安 引 以 为 荣 的 海 鲜 和 干 鱼 。 还 有 ,

可 以 欣 赏 大 海 的 美 景 , 放 松 身 心 可

以 好 好 休 息 的 边 山 'Barahan’ 别 墅

住 一 晚 。






Words and photos by


군산의 환상적 명소 선유도


선유도는 한자로 신선들이

놀던 장소라는 뜻으로

매우 신비로운 명소이다.

이름처럼 울창하고 푸른

산들이 우뚝 솟아 있어

마치 동화에 나오는

곳처럼 멋지다. 선유도는

고군산군도 해안의 줄기로

주변 섬들과 연결되어있다.

주변 섬 중에서 지역주민들과

여행객 모두에게 가장

사랑받는 섬이 선유도이다.

섬을 한바퀴 돌며 해수욕을

하거나, 보트를 타기도하고,

스쿠터를 빌려 타고 돌아도

아주 재미가 있다.

群 山 奇 幻 旅 游 胜 地 -- 仙 游 岛


仙 游 岛 的 汉 字 名 意 思 是 神

仙 游 玩 的 地 方 , 是 十 分 神

秘 的 旅 游 胜 地 。 它 像 名 字

一 样 , 郁 郁 葱 葱 , 青 山 耸 立 ,

酷 似 童 话 中 出 现 的 地 方 。

仙 游 岛 是 由 古 群 山 群 岛 海

岸 的 山 脉 与 周 边 岛 屿 相 连

而 成 。 在 周 边 岛 屿 中 , 仙 游

岛 最 受 当 地 居 民 和 游 客 的

喜 爱 。 在 那 里 , 可 以 洗 海 水

浴 , 乘 坐 小 艇 , 租 个 踏 板 车

绕 岛 一 周 , 都 很 有 意 思 。

20 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Travel Wish List


“I felt quite a ‘Jurassic Park’ vibe as I

wandered about. I imagined what dinosaurs

might be lurking behind the rocky green peaks.”

This hot and humid summer,

if you haven’t fully sated

your desire for exploring

islands, consider this

island, called Seonyudo (선유도), off

the coast of the city of Gunsan, South

Korea, in the Jeollabuk-do province.

Seonyudo is one of four main islands,

connected by a chain of highways and

bridges, spanning the Yellow Sea, off the

western coast of Korea. Recently, bridges

have been built, so you can easily drive

a car from Gunsan to these four islands,

problem free. Before these bridges,

taking a small ferry was necessary to

reach these islands. Now, you can take

your own vehicle or you can rent a car,

which is quite simple and efficient in

Korea, done at the touch of a button

from a cellphone application.

Seonyudo, which originally means

something similar to “a beautiful place

where celestial beings wander”, in

particular, is one of the most popular

destinations for island travel on the

west coast. Tourism to this island has

certainly increased from year to year

and is now a busy hot spot. The island

certainly lives up to its name, for the

island seems right out of a fairytale.

The island boasts white sand beaches

and vividly blue waters. Surrounding

the island on all sides are majestic

mountains with sharp, green peaks.

When taking strolls around the island,

and perhaps taking some off beaten

paths around the main ports, you might

feel stunned by the rich green hues of

the mountains and grass surrounding

you. I felt quite a “Jurassic Park” vibe

as I wandered about. I imagined what

Dinosaurs might be lurking behind the

rocky green peaks.

Other than venturing around the island

by foot, you can easily rent scooters or

bicycles to get you around. I recommend

the scooter, as you don’t need a license

to drive around this fun, motorized

vehicle. The island gets quite hot, so

enjoying the breeze from the scooter

or bicycle is refreshing. Otherwise, you

can take a dip in the water from the

surrounding shores. For locals, the beach

is a popular place to splash around and

sit under an umbrella. If you are brave

enough, you can ride on a blow-up boat

that is pulled behind a motorboat at

high speeds for a fun ride through the

waves. Cooling off at the beach, either

way, is essential to avoiding the hot

summer sun. However, there are plenty

of fish, sea food restaurants, and cafes

surrounding the island to take a break

from the heat.

Not only are the beaches a great place to

relax, if not a bit busy, the natural views

of the jagged mountains are stunning,

as if the island itself is cupped in the

palm of the mountains. Do yourself a

favor and take a visit to this popular

destination if you haven’t already, which

is now more easily accessible than ever

before. Enjoy getting your tan on!





Ordo: 전북 익산시 선화로21길 28

Apilco: 전북 익산시 동서로 370

22 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Travel Wish List


Iksan has been gaining attention as of late

because of its interesting cafes, traditional

food spots, and foreigner favorites.




Words & Photos by BREE DUNN

Iksan is a suburban area near

Jeonju, often overlooked by the

flashier, much larger cities nearby.

With unfamiliar territory, it can be

hard to break into the groove of a place

and figure out what clicks. Plus, humans

are creatures of habit and much prefer

going to areas that they have been to,

heard about, or have a connection with.

But, with freedom around the corner, you

can spend less than 3,000 won to travel to

Iksan and get respite from the suffocating

indoors, crowded places, and fast-paced

environments. Additionally, Iksan has

been gaining attention as of late because

of its interesting cafes, traditional food

spots, and foreigner favorites.

The list of noteworthy cafes is climbing,

with a special shoutout to Ordo and Arera.

While different in a lot of ways, both

incorporate elements of nature inside.

Ordo is run by a couple where they mix

modern elements with new aged touches

that make the place feel equally classic

and mod. They have a main open area

built for many people to sit and also

have a small lounge area with couches

and individual chairs. In one of the rooms

are a bunch of small chairs and mirrors

covered on a bed of wood shavings,

giving the feeling that you are at a sci-fi

backyard party. Then comes Arera, a large,

simple, and neutral space, with beautiful

wooden furniture and servingware. It’s not

the relaxing environment, scenic view, or

tasty desserts that make it so special, but

the fact that it has a giant wooden swing

right in the middle of the cafe!

As for the foreign favorites, it was to

my delight that there was a Popeyes, a

famous Louisiana chicken chain from

North America, right next to the train

station. This is one of the better fastfood

restaurants that are hard to come

by in Korea. Then, there is an underrated

brunch spot named Apilco, on the first

floor of a famous local wedding hall.

They serve classics such as, pancakes,

french toast, and fresh salads.

As for traditional food, Jinmi restaurant

has been passed down from generation

to generation, serving its signature

Yukhoe Bibimbap. Being that it is so

close to Jeonju, it has created friendly

competition between the two places.

The fact that people travel outside of

the food capital to try it, says a lot.

Iksan has flown under the radar for most

visitors traveling to Jeollabuk-do, but it’s

a place of character, delicious food, and

remarkable cafes. It’s a place where you

might have to look a little bit harder

to find the magic, but once you do, you

will understand why so many locals and

visitors make their way back.


익산: 교외로 가는 길 (번역: 김진희)

익산은 전주 근처의 교외 지역으로, 인근의 훨씬 큰

도시들 때문에 종종 두드러지지 않습니다. 익산은

상대적으로 인근 도시보다 생소하여 방문객이 뜸하거나,

그곳에서 할만한 것이 있는지에 대해서 알기 어렵습니다.

하지만, 사회적 거리 두기로부터 자유로워질 때 익산은

전주에서 방문하기에 교통비가 3,000원도 안되게 싸게

갈 수 있는 장소 이며, 숨막히는 실내, 붐비는 장소,

그리고 빠르게 흘러가는 환경으로부터 휴식을 제공하는

곳입니다. 게다가, 익산에는 흥미로운 카페, 전통 음식,

그리고 외국인들이 좋아하는 곳들이 있어서 최근 들어

주목을 받고 있습니다. 주목할 만한 카페로는 오르도와

아레라가 있는데, 각자 나름대로 특징이 있지만, 두 곳

다 내부에 자연공간이 잘 조성되어 있습니다. 오르도는

실내 뒤뜰에 임시로 만들어진 공상과학적인 공간이

있고, 아레라는 카페 한가운데에 거대한 나무 그네가

있습니다. 외국인들이 좋아하는 곳은 유명한 루이지애나

치킨가게와 최고의 음식을 제공하는 숨겨진 브런치

레스토랑입니다. 전통 음식으로는 진미식당에서 대대로

전해져 오는 대표적인 메뉴인 육회비빔밥이 있습니다.

익산은 전라북도를 방문한 여행자들에게 주목받는

지역은 아니지만, 익산만의 특징과 맛있는 음식, 그리고

주목할 만한 카페가 있는 곳입니다. 익산의 특별한

매력을 찾기 위해선 다른 지역보다 조금 더 열심히

살펴보아야 하는 지역이지만, 일단 특별한 매력을 찾게

된다면, 많은 현지인과 방문객이 익산을 재방문하는

이유를 이해할 수 있을 것입니다.

益 山 : 去 郊 外 的 路 ( 翻 译 : 왕연홍)

益 山 市 位 于 全 州 附 近 郊 区 , 因 为 附 近 有 更 大 的 城 市

所 以 常 常 被 人 遗 忘 。 因 对 这 个 地 方 陌 生 , 游 客 们 访 问

这 个 地 方 时 不 知 道 能 做 什 么 。 但 是 ( 从 保 持 社 会 距 离

开 始 ) 自 由 到 来 之 即 , 益 山 是 从 全 州 去 最 便 宜 的 地 方

之 一 , 也 从 令 人 窒 息 的 室 内 , 拥 挤 的 场 所 , 还 有 快 速

转 变 的 环 境 中 提 供 休 息 的 地 方 。 再 加 上 益 山 有 有 趣

的 咖 啡 馆 , 传 统 的 饮 食 , 还 有 外 国 人 喜 欢 的 地 方 , 所

以 最 近 很 受 瞩 目 。 之 中 受 瞩 目 的 咖 啡 屋 有 奥 尔 多 和

阿 雷 拉 , 都 各 有 特 点 , 两 处 内 部 都 包 含 自 然 因 素 。 奥

尔 多 在 室 内 后 院 有 一 个 临 时 的 科 幻 空 间 , 阿 雷 拉 在

咖 啡 馆 的 正 中 间 有 一 个 巨 大 的 木 秋 千 。 外 国 人 喜 欢

的 地 方 是 路 易 斯 安 那 炸 鸡 店 ( 补 充 说 明 : 益 山 大 力 水

手 炸 鸡 店 ) 和 提 供 隐 藏 所 有 名 曲 的 直 布 罗 陀 西 餐 厅 。

传 统 饮 食 有 从 珍 味 餐 厅 流 传 下 来 的 代 表 性 菜 单 " 生

拌 牛 肉 拌 饭 "。 大 部 分 来 全 罗 北 道 旅 游 的 游 客 被 益 山

雷 达 捉 到 了 。 益 山 自 有 益 山 的 特 色 , 美 味 佳 肴 和 值 得

瞩 目 的 咖 啡 馆 。 为 了 寻 找 特 别 魅 力 的 地 方 , 需 要 更 加

努 力 去 做 。 一 旦 做 到 这 里 。 就 能 理 解 当 地 人 和 访 客 为

什 么 会 把 脚 步 指 向 益 山 了 。

Travel to Iksan and find respite

from the suffocating indoors,

crowded places, and fast-paced

environments of other cities.

Iksan is a suburban area near Jeonju, often

forgotten because of the much larger cities nearby.

Characterized by being unfamiliar makes it hard

for visitors to visit or to know what there is to do

there. However, with freedom around the corner,

it’s one of the cheaper places to get to from Jeonju

and offers respite from the suffocating indoors,

crowded places, and fast-paced environments.

Additionally, Iksan has been gaining attention as

of late because of its interesting cafes, traditional

food spots, and foreigner favorites. The noteworthy

cafes include Ordo and Arera, different in their own

ways, but both include elements of nature inside.

Ordo has a makeshift sci-fi indoor backyard and

Arera has a giant wooden swing in the middle of

the cafe. The foreign favorites include a famous

Louisiana chicken place and a hidden brunch

restaurant, serving all the classics. As for traditional

food, Jinmi restaurant has been passed down from

generation to generation, serving its signature

Yukhoe Bibimbap.

Iksan has definitely flown under the radar for most

visitors traveling to Jeollabuk-do, but it’s a place of

character, delicious food, and remarkable cafes. It’s

a place where you might have to look a little bit

harder to find the magic, but once you do, you will

understand why so many locals and visitors make

their way back.

24 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Can't get out this summer?


Words & Images by AARON SNOWBERGER

Feeling stuck at home and in

need of some change? Travel

options limited due to the

coronavirus outbreak? Then,

why not take a virtual tour from the

comfort of your own home? This short

article compiles a list of some useful

options, websites, and activities that you

can use to experience a virtual tour to

Korea (and Jeollabuk-do) this summer.

Personally, I’ve used many of these

suggestions to plan out my own future

trips or relive some great experiences

from past outings. Now, you can create

your own virtual summer tour from

home in the same way.

외출 할 수 없는 이번 여름? 가상의

여행을 떠나세요. (번역: 김찬권)

집에서 옴짝달싹 못 하고 답답할 때 뭔가

변화가 필요하지 않습니까? 코로나

19 바이러스로 인해 여행할 수 있는

선택이 제한되어 어렵지 않습니까?

그렇다면, 집에서 편안하게 가상여행을

떠나 보는 것은 어떨까요? 이 짧은

글에는 이번 여름 한국과 전라북도의

가상여행을 하는 데 필요한 선택지,

웹사이트들, 그리고 체험활동들을

모아봤습니다. 과거에 여행하며 느꼈던

매우 좋은 기억들과 향후 개인적으로

제가 가고 싶은 여행들을 참조하여

여러분께 제안해드릴까 합니다. 이제,

이와 비슷한 방법으로 여러분만의

가상여행을 떠날 수 있습니다.

宅 在 家 中 的 这 个 夏 天 ? 建 议 您 去 网

上 旅 行 。( 翻 译 : 안철희)

如 果 关 在 家 里 感 到 郁 闷 , 那 么 真 正 需

要 什 么 样 的 改 变 呢 ? 新 冠 肺 炎 是 否 限

制 了 您 对 旅 行 的 选 择 ? 那 么 在 家 舒 舒

服 服 地 来 一 次 网 上 旅 行 怎 么 样 ? 在 这

一 篇 短 稿 中 , 笔 者 通 过 网 络 收 集 到 了

今 年 夏 天 在 韩 国 和 全 罗 北 道 可 以 旅

行 的 几 个 值 得 推 荐 的 选 择 地 , 网 站 和

体 验 项 目 。 我 个 人 想 建 议 一 下 关 于 我

将 来 的 旅 行 计 划 和 一 些 我 过 去 的 精

彩 旅 行 经 历 。 现 在 , 可 以 采 取 类 似 的

方 法 来 一 次 属 于 您 的 网 上 旅 行 了 。





Three of my most memorable trips took place in

2007. The first was a nine-day solo trek across

southern Japan in the summer. I hit over a dozen

locations in nine cities in nine days - at a time

before smartphones really existed (the first

generation iPhone was released in the US on June

29, 2007, just one month earlier). Shortly after that,

I visited Hong Kong for five days, then Jeju island

for seven. Without an Internet-capable smartphone

in my pocket, each experience required careful

research, planning, and organization, but that was

at least half the fun of each trip.

Fuji Mtn, Japan • July 2007

At that time, I could spend weeks leading up to

any excursion researching everything I could find

out about a place through the Internet at home

using sites like Wikipedia, Wikitravel, and websites

built for individual locations and services. Google

Maps and Google Earth provided me a good way

to map out my trips, and the newly launched

"Street View" (May 25, 2007) even allowed me to

virtually stroll around the streets in some of the

bigger cities that had already been photographed

for the service. After two weeks of in-depth

“detective work” on a trip, I’d already virtually

seen and traveled to nearly every location I was

planning to visit. So when I finally packed up and

left my house, everything went quite smoothly

and according to plan. I made sure to carry around

my notebook filled with travel notes, reservation

print-offs, location maps, and destination phone

numbers everywhere I went.

But nowadays, in the age of smartphones and

instant data access, the skill and effort once

required to pull off such an excursion has been

forgotten. Often, we just set out on an adventure

and look up information on the phone as we go.

Therefore, let me remind you about how to plan

a big trip like this from the comfort of your own

home. That way, you too can virtually visit ANY

place you choose to this summer, and then when

this pandemic is over, you’ll already have the

beginnings of a top-notch tour in place.

Hong Kong Harbor • Aug 2007

Halla Mtn, Korea • Sep 2007

26 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Step 1) Research possible destinations

Wikipedia, Wikitravel, and Lonely Planet are

good places to start. Get some ideas for:

1. What to see

2. What to do

3. What to eat

Step 2) Investigate attractions to "visit"

Check out location-specific websites: museums,

attractions, restaurants, or travel blogs.

Some attractions even have "360 VR" photos

and videos, or "virtual tours."

Step 3) Virtually “Tour”

"Street View" in Google, Naver, and Kakao Maps offers

a 360° camera on every main road.

But Naver Maps pushes things further with "Sky View"

- a helicopter viewpoint over large cities like Seoul, and

"Street View" inside some of the most famous attractions

in Korea - including inside Gyeonggijeon in Jeonju!

Optional) Organize your schedule

Although you may not be able to travel now, it still

might be fun to break out some bus and train times,

or sporting event and special performance schedules.

After this pandemic cools down a bit, you might find

that you've put in enough research to justify taking

your "virtual tour" for real.


Café Travel List






28 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Beautiful cafes are common all over

Korea, but these places in North

Jeolla are made extra special by

their local, homegrown offerings.

When travel conditions improve,

make sure to visit these spots!


Café Travel List




Nature, art, &


create a perfect

harmony in

this beautiful

Sunchang café

Verre Jardin, 408-9 Gyoseong-ri, Sunchang-eup, Sunchang-gun

베르자르당, 전북 순창군 순창읍 교성리 408-9

Contact number: 010-7170-5305

30 Jeonbuk Life Magazine

Destination: Sunchang

“Established only a year ago, Verre Jardin has

rapidly become a popular destination not only with

the locals but also for those living in neighboring

counties looking for a unique cafe experience.”


ow nice it would be if we could

only get through the looking-glass

house! I’m sure it’s got, oh! Such

beautiful things in it!”

This is one of the memorable lines

spoken by the famous character Alice

in Lewis Carroll’s novel, Through the

Looking-Glass. This same vibe can be

felt at Verre Jardin, which in French

literally means “glass garden.” It is

located at the heart of Sunchang,

a mountainous region just 45

minutes away from Jeonju. It is

aptly named because the main

cafe area is designed as a glass

house with towering tropical

trees and high glass ceiling that

gives visitors a nice view of

the infinite blues and whites

of the sky. It looks similar to

a greenhouse, only with an

inviting aroma of coffee

and the delectable sight of

cakes and desserts.

I have seen a lot of

Instagram posts about

this cafe and for the

longest time, I’ve had

it saved in my lists

of cafes I want to visit. I invited my

parents-in-law and we were finally able

to go on a sunny day at the end of Fall,

the perfect time to enjoy the warmth

of the sun. It was an unforgettable time

spent with lighthearted conversations

and delightful coffee.

Established only a year ago, Verre

Jardin has rapidly become a popular

destination not only with the locals

but also for those living in neighboring

counties looking for a unique cafe


Outside the cafe is a sprawling garden

with outdoor seating where people can

sip their coffee with the soothing sound

of the fountain in the background. It’s

a great spot for the summer, with the

combination of refreshing winds and

cooling droplets of fountain water that

reaches the humid air. It’s a scenic and

stress-free location to sit outside tucked

in the middle of a well-kept garden.

The café prides itself on its gallery hall

which displays colorful works of art and

a more private seating upstairs where

one can view the fountains, making it

truly worth going to.

순창: 베르 자르당 (번역: 한리나)

베르 자르당은 오픈한지 일 년밖에 되지

않았는데도 불구하고, 순창군민들뿐만

아니라 이색적인 카페를 찾는 인근

지역민들에게도 매우 인기 있는 장소로

자리매김했습니다. 상쾌한 바람과 습한

공기 중에 솟아오르는 분수의 차가운

물방울이 함께 어우러져 여름엔 최고의

인기 장소입니다. 잘 가꾸어진 정원

한가운데 앉으면 너무 멋진 풍경에

취하고 스트레스를 날릴 수 있습니다.

카페의 자랑거리인 미술관은 다채로운

미술 작품들을 전시하고, 이층에는

전용석에 앉아 분수를 볼 수 있는데

정말 가볼 만한 가치가 있습니다.

淳 昌 : 베르자르당 ( 翻 译 : 황희선)

开 业 还 不 到 一 年 , 但 在 淳 昌 郡 民 以 及

领 里 地 区 居 民 中 已 成 为 非 常 受 欢 迎

的 附 有 异 国 情 调 的 咖 啡 厅 。 清 爽 的 微

风 和 在 潮 湿 空 气 中 喷 水 的 冰 凉 水 珠

融 为 一 体 是 夏 天 人 们 首 先 的 最 佳 场

所 。 坐 在 修 饰 整 洁 的 庭 院 中 央 便 可 欣

赏 到 优 美 的 景 色 还 能 消 除 压 力 。 咖 啡

厅 引 以 自 豪 的 美 术 馆 展 示 了 各 种 各

样 美 术 作 品 ,2 楼 可 坐 在 专 用 座 位 上

观 看 喷 泉 , 更 值 得 一 看 。


Café Travel List


“What makes this cafe a must-visit is that not only

does it promote Buan’s beautiful seaside views,

it also introduces a family-owned brand with

a compelling story, and a noteworthy cause.”

Buan’s reclaimed land has

a prime environment for

making rice: it is close to

the sea, grown in saline

winds, and less subject to damage by

harmful insects. This is why one of

Buan’s specialty products aside from

seafood is homegrown rice.

Gomso or Seuljinae cafe promotes the

high quality rice of Buan by serving

Jjinpang which are typically made with

fermented sourdough using the yeast

in makgeolli. Jjinpang is a traditional

Korean steamed bread which usually

has a red bean filling. The Buan-based

family that owns Seuljine, a jjinpang

brand which has been in existence for

20 years, has been making steamed

buns for the cafe with their secret recipe

which was passed down from generation

to generation. The family ensures that

they always make the jjinpang with

healthy ingredients sourced from Buan.

The cafe serves unique flavors of the

jjinpang: fresh cream, green berry

cream cheese, and blueberry, each with

a distinct taste of their own. These

steamed breads are not just any run-ofthe-mill

kinds you can find on the

streets of Korea. Seuljine brand has won

several food awards, including Award

for the Iron Tower Order of Industrial

Merit and recognized by the 50th rural

convergence industry by the Ministry of

Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The

brand and the cafe was also featured

in KBS News nationwide and local TV


Another notable fact about this cafe is

that part of the proceeds from the sale of

the breads are donated to the Steamed

Bread Donation and Community

Scholarship Foundation. What makes

this cafe a must-visit is that not only

does it promote Buan’s beautiful seaside

views, it also introduces a family-owned

brand with a compelling story, and a

noteworthy cause. Keep this cafe in

your travel wish list because not only

will you be getting a taste of delicious

steamed buns, you’ll also be supporting

the Buan community!

부안: 슬지네찐빵 슬지제빵소

(번역: 한리나)

곰소 카페 혹은 슬지네 카페는 막걸리의

이스트로 발효시킨 밀가루 반죽을

사용하여 만든 우리밀 찐빵을 판매하면서

동시에 질 좋은 부안 쌀을 홍보하고

있습니다. 찐빵은 붉은 팥이 소로 들어가고

전통적으로 증기로 쪄낸 빵입니다. 무려

20년이나 된 슬지네 찐빵은 부안에 사는

가족들이 운영하면서 대대손손 내려온

비밀 레시피로 카페에 어울릴만한 찐빵을

만들고 있습니다. 그들은 부안에서 재배한

건강한 재료만 사용하여 찐빵을 만들고

있다고 자부합니다.

扶 安 : 슬지네 蒸 包 슬지 制 面 包 所

( 翻 译 : 황희선)

在 黔 沼 咖 啡 厅 或 咖 啡 厅 出 售 使 用 米 酒

酵 母 发 酵 的 面 团 制 作 的 我 们 小 麦 蒸 包 ,

同 时 宣 传 销 售 优 质 扶 安 大 米 。찐빵 蒸 包

由 红 豆 入 馅 , 专 用 传 统 方 法 蒸 出 来 的 面

包 。 已 有 20 年 传 统 的 슬지네 蒸 包 由 居 住

在 扶 安 的 家 族 代 代 相 传 的 秘 诀 来 运 营

的 。 他 们 自 豪 为 只 使 用 扶 安 地 区 栽 培 的

健 康 材 料 制 作 蒸 包 。

32 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Coffee with a

This cafe highlights the

signature brews, barley

and rice bread of Buan

Destination: Buan

Seaside View


1076 Cheongja-ro,

Jinseo-myeon, Buan

슬지네찐빵, 전북 부안군

진서면 청자로 1076




Café Travel List





This cafe serves its

specialty flavored

drinks & fresh-daily

rice cakes in Iksan

34 Jeonbuk Life Magazine

Destination: Iksan

The name itself explains

its essence: Blendmi

is a compound word

for “blend” and “mi”

which means “rice.”


he way to Blendmi, a cafe

on the outskirts of Iksan, is

surrounded by empty rice fields

and winding roads. The presence

“strives to pursue the natural taste of

ingredients by directly processing raw

materials.” Every morning, a homemade

rice dessert is made from powdered

익산: 블렌드미 (번역: 한리나)

익산의 블렌드 미 카페는 ‘블렌드’

와 쌀의 의미인 ‘미’에서 이름을

of a tall, elegant building is quite

Shindongjin rice and Dongjin glutinous

따왔습니다. 손님들은 이곳에서

unexpected, as it sits in the middle

rice, which are famous for their good

다양한 수제 쌀 디저트를 맛보고

of nowhere and lends a nice

taste when cooked.

쌀로 만든 음료를 주문합니다.

surprise to visitors who drove

브랜드 스토리처럼, 이 카페는

all the way there. With its black-

But if you expect to taste rice in their

원래의 재료를 직접 가공하여

colored facade and a wide yard

desserts you’re in for a big surprise.

본연의 맛을 내려고 애쓰고

at the front and a maze field of

They serve uniquely flavored cakes

있습니다. 이곳에서는 매일 아침

flowers on the side, the cafe

and bread like caramel, green tea, and

뛰어난 맛으로 유명한 신동진쌀과

invites its guests to unwind,

dark chocolate. Another signature treat

동진 찹쌀가루로 만들어진 홈메이드

relax, and take in the views.

aside from its selection of brews is rice

라이스 디저트를 맛볼 수 있습니다.

milk tea, which is a sweet yet healthy

The name itself explains

option. The best time to go there would

益 山 : BLENDMI ( 翻 译 : 황희선)

its essence: Blendmi is a

be during fall, when pink muhly grass

compound word for “blend”

is surrounding the field and summer,

咖 啡 厅 取 名 于 BLEND 和 大 米 的

in English and “mi” which

so you can feel refreshed with the cool

米 字 而 成 。 客 人 们 在 这 里 品 尝 用

means “rice.” Visitors from

winds and sight of the cafe’s majestic

大 米 制 作 的 各 种 手 工 甜 点 和 饮

all over flock to the cafe


料 。 就 像 品 牌 故 事 一 样 , 这 家 咖

to taste its offerings

啡 厅 努 力 将 原 有 材 料 加 工 成 天

and select drinks that


然 本 有 的 味 道 。 在 这 里 每 天 早 晨

are made from rice.

123-10 Hyun Young-gil, Iksan

可 品 尝 到 用 好 吃 而 闻 名 的 新 东

As written in its

전북 익산시 현영길 123-10

津 大 米 和 东 津 黏 米 粉 手 工 制 作

brand story, the cafe

Contact number: 063-857-1713

的 米 甜 点 。



These popular Korean

celebrities are shining

the light of Jeonju, their

hometown, with their

shining achievements

on and off screen


Words by


Photos from


36 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19









K-Drama fans all know Kim Woo Bin as one of

Korea’s heartthrobs known for playing the

“bad boy” onscreen. He captured the attention

of viewers from all over the world with his undeniable

charisma, intense stare, and compelling acting skills. 2013

was his breakout year, when he starred in hit dramas

“School 2013” and “Heirs,” as the rival of famous actor

Lee Min Ho’s character. Some of his most memorable

works are in blockbuster hit crime and thriller films, such

as “Master” and “Wiretap.”

He is an alumni of Jeonju University, which named him

as its honorary ambassador in 2013. Another Jeonju

connection is that his family still lives there. His father

runs Cham in Coffee 참인커피, a traditional hanok cafe

located in Hanok Village. You’ll be able to find photos,

posters, and memorabilia of Kim Woo Bin displayed in

the cafe.


Girls’ Generation is, without a doubt, one of Korea’s

biggest girl groups. They are considered as one

of the prominent figures of hallyu or Korean

wave, which promoted Korean culture all over the world

through their music. With their immense popularity, they

were called "The Nation's Girl Group," with each member

garnering fame on their own.

Taeyeon is the leader of the group, and over the years,

she has released solo albums which skyrocketed in the

charts. She is proud to call Jeonju her hometown, with her

immediate family still living there. Her father owns an

optical shop, selling a vast collection of eyewear in Jeonju.

The shop features photos, awards, and trophies of Taeyeon,




showing her parents’ pride with her daughter who grew

up to be one of Korea’s most recognizable K-pop idols.

Seohyun is the youngest of the group and fills the role

of the lead singer. At present, she is pursuing an acting

career which garnered her accolades for her great acting

skills and shedding her “idol image.” Seohyun graduated

from Jeonju Arts High School in February 2010, proving to

many young girls that dreams do come true.


@taeyeon_ss, @seojuhyun_s


It seems like most homegrown Jeonju talents end up

as leaders in K-Pop. Aside from Taeyeon leading Girl’s

Generation, Sung-kyu became the leader of Infinite, a

popular boy band who has had a huge following in Korea,

Japan, Europe, and Asia. He attended Jeonju National

University High School and was in the school rock band

called "Coma Beat." His parents initially rejected his dream

of pursuing stardom, so he moved to Seoul to audition in

big entertainment companies. His persistence paid off.

Not only did he become the leader of Infinite, he was

also able to release solo albums, star in musicals, and TV





With her great personality, strong image and

fashion, Hwasa has become known as one

of the fearless empowered women in K-Pop.

She’s a member of a four-member group, Mamamoo,

which is known for their vocal talents. As the lead singer,

songwriter, dancer, rapper, Hwasa stands out for her

multifaceted talent and charisma onstage. Hwasa made

her debut as a solo artist with the digital single, "Twit,"

which was a big hit in Korea. She is known to have the

"Hwasa Effect," which pertains to her uncanny ability to

sell out every item she uses in her screen time in a TV

show she regularly appears in. She grew up in Jeonju with

her parents and two elder sisters. She graduated from

Wonkwang Information Arts High School.







김우빈 KIM WOO-BIN 金 宇 彬

STARS Stars OF of JEONJU Jeonju

전주를 빛낸 스타들

闪 耀 全 州 的 明 星 们

Famous actor in films and K-Dramas,

Kim Woo Bin is an alumni of Jeonju

University, which named him an honorary

ambassador in 2013. His father runs

Cham in Coffee 참인커피, a traditional

hanok cafe located in Hanok Village. You

can find photos, posters, and memorabilia

of Kim Woo Bin displayed in the cafe.

서현 SEOHYUN 瑞 贤

영화와 드라마에서 각광을 받고 있는 김우빈은

전주대학교 동문으로 2013년 전주대학교

명예대사로 위촉되었다. 그의 부친은 한옥 마을에서 ‘

참인커피’라는 전통적인 한옥 카페를 운영하고 있다.

카페 안에 전시된 김우빈의 사진, 포스터, 그에 관한

기사거리를 볼 수도 있다.

Girls’ Generation is considered the

“Nation’s Girl Group” because of their

immense popularity and leading figures

of hallyu. Seohyun graduated from

Jeonju Arts High School in February

2010, proving to many young girls that

dreams do come true.

These popular Korean

celebrities consider

Jeonju as their hometown.

Singer Taeyeon’s late father once owned

an optical shop in Jeonju. The shop

featured photos, awards, and trophies

of Taeyeon, showing her parents’ pride

with her daughter who grew up to be

one of Korea’s most recognizable K-pop


태연 TAEYEON 泰 妍

전주가 고향인

우리나라의 유명한

셀렙들이 있다.

(번역: 한리나)

人 气 男 生 组 合 “infinite” 的 队 长 兼 独 唱 艺 术 家 。

他 在 全 北 大 学 师 大 附 属 高 等 学 校 就 读 , 曾 在 名 为

‘Coma Beat’ 的 学 校 摇 滚 乐 队 活 动 。

인기있는 보이 밴드, ‘인피니트’의 리더이자 솔로

아티스트이다. 전북대학교 사대부속고등학교를

다녔고 ‘Coma Beat’라는 학교 록밴드에서


全 州 家 乡 的 韩

国 明 星 们 。

( 翻 译 : 황희선)

Hwasa 是 由 4 人 组 成 的 组 合 ‘MAMAMOO’ 的 成 员 ,

特 别 擅 长 演 唱 。

화사는 4명으로 결성된 그룹, ‘마마무’의 멤버로 특히

보컬이 뛰어나다.

40 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

在 电 影 和 电 视 剧 中 备 受 瞩 目 的 金 宇 彬 是 全 州 大 学

的 同 门 ,2013 年 曾 经 委 任 全 州 大 学 名 誉 大 使 。 他

的 父 亲 在 韩 屋 村 经 营 一 家 叫 ‘Cham in coffee’ 的

传 统 韩 屋 咖 啡 厅 。 在 咖 啡 厅 的 大 厅 里 可 以 看 到 金

宇 彬 的 照 片 , 海 报 , 关 于 他 的 报 道 。

Uncontrollably Fond

2016 • TV series • 15+

1 Season • 20 episodes

Romance, Melodrama

(see more on page 44)

‘소녀시대’는 엄청난 인기와 ‘한류‘를 이끈 가수들로

‘우리나라의 대표 걸 그룹’으로 간주된다. 서현은

2010년 전주예고를 졸업한 재원으로 많은 어린

소녀들에게 꿈을 이룰 수 있다는 것을 보여준다.

少 女 时 代 是 拥 有 超 高 人 气 并 引 领 韩 流 的 最 具 韩 国

代 表 性 的 女 子 组 合 。 瑞 贤 是 2010 年 毕 业 于 全 州 艺

术 高 等 学 校 的 才 女 。 给 很 多 少 女 展 示 了 同 样 可 以

实 现 的 梦 想 。

Don't Say No - 1st EP Album

January 17, 2017 • 7 songs

지난 3월 고인이 된 부친은 과거 전주에서 큰

안경점을 운영하고 있었습니다. 가게 안에는 태연의

사진, 상, 트로피들이 즐비하게 전시되어 있어 그녀의

부모님이 한국 최고의 K팝 아이돌이 된 딸을 얼마나

자랑스러워했었는지 알 수 있었습니다.

泰 妍 的 父 亲 在 全 州 开 了 一 家 大 眼 睛 店 。 店 里 摆 满

了 泰 妍 的 照 片 , 奖 杯 , 可 以 看 出 父 母 多 么 自 豪 女 儿

成 为 韩 国 顶 级 K-POP 偶 像 歌 手 。

Happy - New Single

May 4, 2020 • 1 song

Sung-kyu is the leader of Infinite, a

popular boy band and a solo artist. He

attended Jeonju National University

High School and was in the school rock

band called "Coma Beat."

김성규 KIM SUNG-KYU 金 圣 圭

Shine - 1st Solo Concert Live

August 22, 2018 • 21 songs

Hwasa is a member of a four-member

group, Mamamoo, which is known for

their vocal talents. She grew up in

Jeonju with her parents and two elder

sisters. She graduated from Wonkwang

Information Arts High School.



Hwa sa

Maria - 1st Mini Album

June 29, 2020 • 7 songs




During the Covid-19

pandemic, whether

you are in quarantine,

under lockdown, or

practicing safe social distancing,

chances are you will be spending

a lot more time alone, at home, or

with many fewer people. And with

a little more time on your hands, in

your house, you may find yourself

getting bored and longing to

experience something a bit more

exciting. Therefore, I’ve compiled a

list of Korean TV shows and movies

you might want to check out while

at home during the pandemic.

Interested in some Jeonju talent?

Check out some TV dramas starring

Kim Woo Bin, an alumni of Jeonju

University. Or, if you’re interested in

pandemic related entertainment,

Korea also has a few very good

selections to pique your interest

(including some really good zombie

flicks). Or, for something a little

less intense, turn your attention

to some of Korea’s popular lighthearted

variety shows. There are

also some top-rated shows with

filming locations and costumes

that we've previously featured in

JB Life. Almost all of the shows

featured here can be found on

Netflix, and with that, you have

a list of interesting Korean

entertainment options for home.


42 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Korean TV & Movies

집에서 (번역: 노우정)

코로나 19 범유행 동안 여러분은 자가격리나

통제 또는 안전한 사회적 거리를 두건 아니건

평소보다 혼자서, 집에서, 또는 적어도 더

이전보다 더 작은 규모의 사람들과 더 많은

시간을 보낼 가능성이 있습니다. 집에 있는

시간이 조금 더 늘어나면서, 아마 여러분은

스스로 지루함을 느낄 것이며 뭔가 재미있는

경험을 찾게 될 것입니다. 그러므로 코로나19

범유행 기간 동안 집에서 해볼 만한 한국과

관련된 활동들을 적어보았습니다.

만약 여러분이 재난 영화나 TV쇼에 관심이

있다면, 좀비 영화를 포함하여 당신의 관심을

끌만한 매우 좋은 것들의 셀렉션을 가지고

있습니다. 아니면, 조금 긴장감이 낮은 것을

원한다면, 여러분의 관심을 한국의 가장 인기

있는 가벼운 버라이어티 쇼로 관심을 돌려볼

수도 있습니다. 자 이제 집에서 관심을 가지고

해볼 만한 재미있는 한국 관련 활동 목록이


在 家 庭 ( 翻 译 : 윤석훈)

新 款 疫 情 大 流 行 之 间 , 因 为 大 家 隔 离 、 封 闭

或 社 交 距 离 , 您 花 了 时 间 一 个 人 、 跟 家 人 或

有 些 人 。 因 为 随 着 呆 在 家 的 时 间 增 加 , 找 一

找 更 有 趣 的 东 西 。 我 记 下 了 这 种 灾 难 期 间

在 家 值 得 尝 试 的 有 关 韩 国 活 动 。 在 这 种 情

况 下 成 名 的 , 要 看 全 州 大 学 毕 业 的 演 员 金

宇 彬 出 演 的 连 续 剧 , 还 有 您 喜 欢 电 影 或 电

视 播 放 的 灾 难 电 影 , 可 以 遇 到 国 内 制 作 精

良 的 ( 包 括 制 作 精 良 的 僵 尸 电 影 )。 如 果 您

要 轻 松 的 话 可 以 转 到 国 内 最 火 的 秀 节 目 。

现 在 准 备 完 了 , 您 可 以 在 家 值 得 尝 试 、 有 趣

的 有 关 韩 国 的 活 动 目 录 。







2019 • 18+ • 2 Seasons • Horror

Kingdom (킹덤) is a historical-political

horror-thriller Korean TV series that is

Netflix's first original Korean series. It

is adapted from the webcomic titled

The Kingdom of the Gods, and follows

the storyline of a crown prince. While

strange rumors about the ill king grip

the kingdom, the prince becomes the

only hope against a mysterious plague

that is overtaking the land.


2019 • 15+ • 2 Seasons • Travel

Welcome, First Time in Korea? (어서와

~ 한국은 처음이지?) is a reality TV travel

show. Each episode features a foreigner

living in Korea who invites three friends

from their home country to travel to Korea

for the first time. Typically, the friends travel

on their own for two days, and the next

two days includes a special tour organized

by the hosting foreigner. Episodes also

include concurrent commentary from

a panel of hosts, and the foreign guest

whose friends are featured.


2016 • 15+ • 1 Season • Romance

Uncontrollably Fond (함부로 애틋하게) is

a Korean television series starring Kim

Woo-bin and Bae Suzy.

Shin Joon-young (Woo-bin) and Noh

Eul (Suzy) were classmates who were

separated as teenagers due to a bad

relationship, but meet each other again

in adulthood.


2015 • 15+ • 2 Seasons

Four comedians who love

to eat (Kim Jun-hyeon, Kim

Min-kyoung, Moon Se-yoon,

and Yoo Min-sang) along with

occasional celebrity guests

visit restaurants throughout

Korea to sample popular

items on the menu and take

on various challenges.


2016 • 15+ • 1 Season • Sci-Fi / Fantasy

Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (쓸쓸하고 찬란하 神 –

도깨비), aka "Goblin" is a Korean fantasy television series that

was partially filmed in Gochang, Jeollabuk-do.

Kim Shin (Gong Yoo) was a decorated military general from

the Goryeo Dynasty who was framed and killed by his master,

the young King. After death, he is cursed with immortality to

watch those he loves die over time as punishment for his sins.

He becomes a goblin, helping people with his powers and after

939 years, he meets a grim reaper and a bubbly student with

a tragic past. As their lives interweave, a deeper story unfolds.


2018 • 15+ • 1 Season • Period Drama

Mr. Sunshine (미스터 션샤인) is a TV series set in

Hanseong (the former name of Seoul) in the early

1900s, and focuses on Korean independence activists.

Eugene Choi (Lee Byung-hun) was born into slavery

in Joseon but escaped to the U.S. after the 1871

Shinmiyangyo (U.S. expedition to Korea) incident.

He becomes a U.S. Marine Corps officer and returns

to Korea returns to Korea at a historical turning

point and falls for a noblewoman.







2016 • 15+ • 1h 57m • Horror

This 2016 South Korean action-horror

film mostly takes place on a train to

Busan as a zombie apocalypse suddenly

breaks out in the country and threatens

the safety of the passengers.

An animated prequel, Seoul Station, by

the same director, was released less

than a month later. An almost-sequel

(different characters), Peninsula, which

takes place four years later is due out in

August, 2020.


2017 • 12+ • 2h 19m • Fantasy


2017 • 15+ • 2h 17m • Political Drama

This 2017 South Korean historical action

drama film is based on true events and

stars Song Kang-ho (Parasite).

The film centers on a taxi driver from

Seoul who unintentionally becomes

involved in the events of the Gwangju

Uprising in 1980. It is based on German

journalist Jürgen Hinzpeter's interactions

with the driver, only known as "Kim

Sa-bok" (real identity unknown).

This 2017 Korean fantasy action is based on the webtoon series

of the same name. The film was shot as one but presented in

two parts and is one of the top five movies in Korea of all time.

Firefighter Kim Ja-Hong dies in the line of duty and is taken to

the afterlife by 3 guardians who are to escort and defend him in

7 trials in 49 days. If he passes, he will be reincarnated and his

guardians will recieve credits toward their own reincarnation.


2013 • 15+ • 2h 1m • Thriller

This 2013 Korean disaster film is a

thriller about an outbreak of a deadly

strain of H5N1 that kills its victims

within 36 hours, throwing the district

of Bundang in Seongnam, which has

a population of nearly half a million

people, into chaos.

As the death toll mounts, the

quarantine and terror that follow

result in a reign of chaos.


2020 • 12+ • 1h 44m

This 2020 Korean comedy is a

remake of the 2014 Brazilian

film O Candidato Honesto.

It tells the story of a thirdterm

congresswoman who is

running for the fourth time, but

is suddenly unable to lie just a

few days before the elections

are about to take place. The

problem is that her whole

political career is based on lies.


2013 • 18+ • 2h • Crime

This 2013 South Korean action film

about three generations of gangsters,

stars Kim Woo-bin. It is the sequel to the

2001 box-office hit Friend.

After a 17-year sentence for killing

a friend, a gangster teams up with

a younger prisoner to take back the

organization his father created.





2020 외국인 동호회(커뮤니티) 행사 지원해드립니다

The Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs

(JBCIA) is supporting events in foreign communities

to improve the quality of life, sense of belonging,

and independence of expats in Jeollabuk-do. The

support programs for foreign communities began in 2017 and

many events, including sports, art, traditional experiments, and

festivals, have received about 1,000,000 won each year.

The communities’ events plans that will receive the JBCIA’s

support are selected by experts about foreigners (international

students, multicultural students, and so on) in Jeollabuk-do.

This program is expanded every year. For example, 12

communities received funds in 2017, 14 communities received

funds in 2018, and 15 communities were selected in 2019.

전라북도국제교류센터는 전라북도에서 거주하고

있는 외국인들의 삶의 질 향상, 지역사회 참여 소속감

및 자립심 제고 등을 위하여 외국인 동호회들의

행사를 지원해주고 있다. 외국인 동호회 지원사업은

2017년 시작하여 현재까지 동호회들이 스스로

기획하고, 예산을 구성한 체육, 예술, 전통체험,

축제 등 다양한 행사들을 각 단체별로 100만원씩


외국인 동호회 지원사업은 전라북도 내 외국인 분야

(외국인 유학생, 결혼이주여성, 외국인 근로자 등)

전문위원들의 서류심사를 통하여 선정된다. 센터의

본 사업은 2017년에는 12개, 2018년 14개, 2019년

15개로 매년 지원률이 상승하고 있다.

This year especially, the JBCIA will provide between

1,000,000~1,500,000 won to support the communities chosen

by panel of judges who will consider sustainability, the scale

of the event, appropriateness of purpose, and so on.

특히 올해는 전년도와 다르게 지속가능성, 사업의

규모, 사업목적의 적절성 등을 고려하여 심사결과에

따라 150만원~100만원 등 차등적으로 동호회들의

행사를 지원한다.

After the first half of the year, 6 communities were selected for

supoprt programs. These include the Sunchang Multicultural

Volleybal Team, the Jeollabuk-do Vietnamese Association, the

Iksan Philippines English Teacher Community, the Jeollabuk-do

Chinese Teacher's Associtaion, Jeonju Philippine communities,

and so on. These clubs will host their events when the spread

of COVID-19 decreases.

전문가들의 심사를 거친 심사과정 결과 순창 다문화

배구팀, 전북베트남인회, 익산 필리핀 영어교사

모임, 전라북도 중국어 강사협회, 함께, 전주 필리핀

커뮤니티 등 신청한 7개 단체 중 총 6개의 단체가

선정되었다. 이 단체들은 코로나 바이러스 상황이

잠잠해지면 체육, 축제, 다문화 캠프, 요리 등 분야의

행사를 개최할 계획이다.

Additionally, the JBCIA will receive applications for the second

half of the year’s support programs through July~August.

The recruiting announcement will be posted on the Center’s

homepage at www.jbcia.or.kr.

또한 하반기 지원사업 프로그램은 7~8월 중 모집할

계획이며, 공고문은 센터 홈페이지에 게시 될


48 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19



전라북도국제교류센터, 2020 도농교류협력사업 추진 기관으로 3년 연속 선정!

The Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs (JBCIA)

was selected by the Korea Rural Community Corporation

as an executing organization for Urban-Rural Exchange

Cooperative Project 2020. This is the third time the JBCIA

has been selected for this project since 2018.

The Urban-Rural Exchange Cooperative Project was created to activate

exchanges between urban and rural communities while also increasing

the income of farmers and rural residents by promoting the beautiful

rural areas of Jeollabuk-do. This means a lot to the JBCIA because the

government subsidies can be used to help revive the local economy.

The first JBCIA event was in Gochang, Jeollabuk-do in 2018 (고민말고 Go

창!; Let's Go, Gochang!). The second event was in 2019 in Imsil, Wanju,

Namwon, and Jeongeup. There were a total of 90 participants (expats,

multicultural families, international students, and Korean families) and

they enjoyed making Imsil cheese, a pansori lesson, and more at the

rural villages in Jeollabuk-do. They also visited the “Namwon Chunhyang

Festival” which is one of the great festivals in Jeollabuk-do.

The main topic for this year is “International Salons in Jeollabuk-do”. This

theme is derived from the word “salon” where people gather around each

other in harmony. Thus, participants will gather in a rural village which

is full of clean air, and the beautiful natural environment of Jeollabuk-do.

The 1st event is in July at Muju/Jinan; the 2nd in September at Wanju;

the 3rd will be in October in Gimje. For the 3rd program, participants will

visit the “Gimje Horizon Festival 2020” and experience the marvelous,

endless, golden horizon in Gimje.

전라북도국제교류센터는 한국농어촌공사 공모사업 2020

도농교류협력사업에 선정됨으로서 3년 연속 선정이라는

쾌거를 이루었다. 도농교류협력사업은 도시와 농촌 사람들

간 교류를 활성화하고, 우수한 한국의 농촌 소득증대와

글로벌 홍보를 도모하는 목적의 국고보조금 프로젝트이다.

이 사업은 지속적으로 전라북도국제교류센터가 매년

선정됨으로서 국고보조금을 받고 있는 사업이라는 점에서

그 의미가 크다.

2018년(고민말고 Go창)을 시작으로 운영한

전라북도국제교류센터의 도농교류협력사업은 2019

년 외국인과 함께하는 시골학교를 주제로 총90명의

외국인과 한국인들이 전라북도의 임실, 완주, 남원,

정읍에 있는 아름다운 농촌마을에서 임실치즈체험,

판소리 체험 등 전라북도의 전통문화체험, 남원 춘향제

등 전라북도의 우수한 축제마당을 방문한 바 있다.

올해 2020년에는 국제살롱 in 전라북도라는 주제이다.

한자리에 모여 교류와 화합을 이루어 내는 장소인 살롱

(salon)의 개념을 차용하여 전라북도의 깨끗한 공기와

자연환경이 있는 농촌에서 외국인과 도시민들이 모이는

국제살롱이라는 뜻에서 주제를 선정 하였다.

이번 년도에는 제1회(7월) 무주/진안, 제2회(9월)

완주, 제3회(10월) 김제를 방문하여 외국인과 한국인

간 즐거운 농촌체험프로그램을 운영할 예정이다. 특히

10월에는 전라북도의 대표적 문화축제인 ‘김제 지평선

축제’에 참석하여 황금빛 들녘이 펼쳐지는 김제의

아름다운 평야를 체험할 예정이다.

Anyone who is interested in rural living and various experiences in

Jeollabuk-do can participate in this program. It is free of charge for 2

days and includes an overnight program, and accomodation in the rural

village. Please visit JBCIA’s homepage (www.jbcia.or.kr) for details.

전라북도 농촌에 관심 있는 다문화 가족, 외국인 유학생,

결혼이주여성, 외국인 근로자, 한국 도시민 등 무료 참여

가능하다. 각 회차별 프로그램은 향후 센터 홈페이지

공지사항을 참고하면 된다.





외국인 유학생의 전라북도

라이프 스타일 안내서!

The Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs

(JBCIA) published the 전라북도 외국인 유학생

정착 길라잡이 (Guidebook for International

Students’ Settlement in Jeollabuk-do) in June

for improving the quality of life for international students

in Jeollabuk-do.

First, the JBCIA visited the universities and international

students in Jeollabuk-do to discuss the contents of this

book in February. The guidebook needed varied and

important information for international students who

just arrived in Korea. Based on these meetings, the JBCIA

created a first draft of the guidebook.

After several revisions, the book grew full of information

about medical centers in Jeollabuk-do, how to join

and use the 1365 volunteer portal, transportation,

immigration and visas, and also included information

about Jeollabuk-do’s tourist spots along with simple

Korean expressions for various places and situations.

전라북도국제교류센터는 전라북도에 거주하는 외국인 유학생들의

원활한 전라북도 생활을 위하여 “전라북도 정착 길라잡이”

안내서를 발간하였다. JBCIA는 먼저 2월부터 이 안내서를 만들기

위해 외국인 유학생, 외국인 유학생 담당자 들에게 한국에 왔을

때, 외국인 유학생들이 가장 필요로 하는 정보가 어떤것인지에

대해 이야기를 나눈 바 있다. 이를 기반으로, 센터는 책자 만들기

작업을 시작하게 되었다.

여러번의 수정을 거쳐 만들어진 책자의 내용은 전라북도의

의료기관, 공인인증서 발급방법, 한국에서 많이 쓰이는

어플리케이션 추천, 1365 봉사활동 포털사이트 사용법 등

전라북도에서 생활하는 외국인 유학생들이 알아두면 좋은

정보들부터, 출입국, 법률·취업, 전라북도의 유명명소, 상황·

장소별 한국어 회화 등 다양한 정보가 포함되어 있다.

이 안내서는 한국어, 영어, 중국어, 베트남어 번역본이 한권 안에

모두 수록되어 있어 다양한 언어권의 외국인 유학생들이 전라북도

생활에 빨리 적응 할 수 있도록 지원할 예정이다. “전라북도

외국인 유학생 정착 길라잡이”는 구독 신청한 각 대학 외국인

유학생 담당 부서에서 만나 볼 수 있다.


For students from different regions, there are translations in

Korean, English, Chinese, and Vietnamese. This guidebook

will support international students' early adaptation to

Jeollabuk-do and it will be available in the International

Student Affairs Office in each university (upon request).

Additionally, the JBCIA held media auditions in March

and April for making videos in English and Chinese

about key information from this guide book. The

videos will be posted on the JBCIA’s homepage

and YouTube channel in July.

또한, 전라북도국제교류센터는 이 안내서의 내용 중

핵심적인 내용이 들어간 영어, 중국어동영상을

제작하기 위하여 지난 3월~4월 미디어 오디션을

진행하였다. 오디션에 합격한 배우들이 나오는

“전라북도 외국인 유학생 정착 길라잡이”

동영상은 7월 중 전라북도 국제교류센터

홈페이지, 유투브

등에 게시될


2020 Gyeonggijeon "Return of the Storyteller" Regular Performance

전주 한옥마을 경기전에 내에 있는

수복청에서 펼쳐지는 “돌아온

이야기꾼들의 단막창극” 공연이다.

In Jeonju Hanok Village's Gyeonggijeon at the Subokcheong

building, a one act Korean traditional opera performance

titled "The Return of the Storytellers" will be performed.

June 6 ~ November 1, 2020

Every Sat / Sun 15:30-16:30

Subokcheong in Gyeonggijeon

수복청이라는 공간을 다양하게

활용하고, 기존의 판소리를 현대적인

감각으로 재해석해 편안한 분위기에

이뤄지는 공연이다. 판소리 5바탕 中

춘향가, 흥보가, 심청가의 재치 있고

유쾌한 대목만을 모아 3바탕을 새롭고

독특한 형식을 가미하여 하나의

단막창극 스토리로 엮었다.

경기전을 찾은 관객들에게는

국악기로 듣는 흥겨운 우리 음악과

유쾌한 이야기를 만날 수 있는 뜻밖의

선물같은 공연이 될 것이다.

This is a unique performance that uses a variety of spaces

called Subokcheong to create a comfortable atmosphere, and

reinterprets the existing Korean pansori opera in a modern

style. The performance gathers together three of the most

witty and pleasant of the five surviving stories of the Korean

pansori storytelling tradition: Chunhyangga, Heungboga, and

Shimcheongga, and combines them into a single act story in

a new and unique form.

The performance will be an unexpected gift for visitors to

Gyeonggijeon where the audience can experience both the

exciting music and pleasant stories of Korean traditional


Traditional Art Group Nodak

(전통예술집단 노닥) 063-232-9938

Contact person 010-3944-4666

SCHEDULE (40 times)

June: 6, 7 / 13-14 / 20-21 / 27-28

July: 4, 5 / 11, 12 / 18, 19 / 25, 26

Aug: 8, 9 / 15, 16 / 22, 23 / 29, 30

Sept: 5, 6 / 12, 13 / 19, 20 / 26, 27

Oct: 10, 11 / 17, 18 / 24, 25 / 31

Nov: 1

CAST (출연진)

--Opera Actors (창극배우)--

• Singer 1 - Wongon Kim / 소리꾼1 - 김원곤

• Singer 2 - Minhyuk Oh / 소리꾼2 - 오민혁

• Singer 3 - Jeong Eun / 소리꾼3 - 정정은

--Musicians (연주자)--

• Daegeum - Boseok Hwang / 대금 - 황보석

• Ajaeng - Seoyoung Choi / 아쟁 - 최서영

• Percussion - Jihoon Kim / 타악 - 김지훈

2020 Gyeonggijeon People

May 30 ~ October 31, 2020

Every Saturday 10:30 ~ 15:00

Jeonju Hanok Village, Gyeonggijeon

Culture and Arts Workshop

(문화예술공작소) 063-232-9938

English Translations by


How did people live in Gyeonggijeon? Listen to historic

stories told by characters from the Joseon Dynasty who

have known the history of Jeonju since ancient times.

Through the investigation and analysis of historical

facts and representative figures of Jeonju, we scripted

a performance that would be interesting to any

audience who visits Gyeonggijeon.

A total of nine characters have been decided upon, and

these characters are composed of people who may have

lived in Jeonju for a long time or fictional characters

who would have existed before Gyeonggijeon. They

aim to provide historical facts about Gyeonggijeon and

Jeonju to tourists. Their roles are acted out casually

and interestingly, and will pique interest in historical

culture while including educational messages.

By approaching tourists more authentically with these

programs, the basic objective is to express and convey

the identity of the region and spirit of Jeonju to tourists.

전주의 역사적 사실과 대표 인물에 대한

조사 및 분석을 통해 경기전을 찾은

관객들이 흥미있게 받아들일 내용의

대본화 작업을 실시하였다.

총 9명의 캐릭터가 결정되었으며, 이러한

캐릭터는 이곳 전주에서 오래전부터

거주하고 있을법한 인물 또는 경기전에

존재했을 가상의 인물로 구성하였다.

이들은 경기전 안에서 일어난 역사적 사실

또는 전주가 지닌 역사적 사실을 보다 쉽고

재미있게 각자의 역할을 연기를 바탕으로

선보여, 이를 지켜보는 관광객에게 교육적

메시지를 포함한 역사 문화에 대한 흥미까지

제공하고자 하는 목적을 가지고 있다.

이러한 프로그램으로 보다 진정성 있게

관광객에게 다가감으로써 전주정신을

비롯한 지역의 정체성을 관광객에게

표현하고 전달하고자 하는 기본 방향을

꾀하고 있다.


2020 Special Gyeonggijeon Night Tour Program

“Walking with the King” at Gyeonggijeon

2018년에 이어 2019년까지

전회 매진을 이뤄냈던 경기전

“왕과의 산책”은 한정된

인원이 평소 쉽게 볼 수 없었던

경기전의 밤을 여유롭게

둘러보며 전문배우들의

살아있는 전주의 역사해설을

듣고 마지막으로 국악공연과

다과까지 즐길 수 있는 야간

탐방 프로그램이다.

조선을 대표하는 임금으로

구성된 6명의 왕 캐릭터는

Since opening in 2018, “Walking with

the King” at Gyeonggijeon has been

sold out every year. This experience

is a leisurely night tour through

Gyeonggijeon, with refreshments,

that only a limited number of people

can participate in. The experience

consists of a guided tour through

Gyeonggijeon at night, accompanied

by a live commentary from a crew

of Jeonju professional actors, and

followed by a performance of Korean

traditional music.


ONLINE @ https://ticket.auction.co.kr

• Limit 100 tickets @ 10,000W each

• First-come, first-served

(If contact info is changed or incorrect, please

change it in the auction's personal account.)

BY PHONE @ (1566-1369) Monday

to Saturday: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

• 10 tickets each will be available for those

with disabilities or aged 65 or older

• Max 4 tickets per person

June 6 ~ October 31, 2020

20 Saturdays 20:00~21:40

Jeonju, Gyeonggijeon

(about 100 minutes)

각각의 코스별로 전주,

경기전의 역사를 흥미롭게

들려주며, 관광객들을

안내하는 신하들도 배우들로

구성해 마치 조선시대로

시간여행을 온 듯한 느낌을

받을 수 있다.

이러한 프로그램으로

문화재의 차별화된 치식을

The six king characters, composed of

various kings representing the Joseon

Dynasty, tell the history of Jeonju and

Gyeonggijeon before each course,

and the actors who guide tourists

along the course also perform "in

character" to give the feeling as if

they have traveled back in time to

the Joseon Dynasty.

(ID will be checked on the spot, so if you do not

bring your ID or are under the age of 65, your

ticket will be automatically canceled at the site

and there will be no refund.)


• Scalping tickets is strictly prohibited

• Ticket holder name & phone number

is confirmed by a picture ID and

체험할 수 있는 기회와

더불어 지역 역사의 소중함을

일깨울 수

있는 기회를



This program aims to provide a

unique opportunity to experience

the differentiated rituals of various

cultural properties and to remind

participants of the importance of

local history.

the number associated with the

reservation. We ask for your cooperation

in this matter as we thoroughly verify

a buyer's identity before permitting

entrance to the event.

• If you become unable to participate,

please cancel at the auction website.


Learn Korean

한국어 배우기

Words by


V~(으)ㄹ 생각이다

여름방학때 어디를 갈 생각인데요?

Where are you thinking of going for summer vacation?

This expression is used to indicate future

plans. Whenever a verb is combined

with ㄹ, it indicates the future tense.

생각 = think. Hence the phrase becomes

"thinking about doing ~V."

여름방학 = summer vacation

때 = during, at a time

Today's Lesson:

Travel Plans

+ Safety

전주로 기차를 탈 생각인데 어때요?

I'm thinking of taking the train to Jeonju. What do you think?

전주 한옥마을에 가서 한복을 입을 생각이야.

I'd like to go to Jeonju Hanok Village and try on a Hanbok.

경기전 앞에 있는 숙박을 예약할 생각이에요.

I'm thinking of booking a room in front of Gyeonggijeon.

기차를 타다 = take a train

로 = to, toward

어때요? = how about it?

한옥마을 = Hanok Village

한복 = traditional Korean clothes

입다 = wear, try on

앞에 = in front of

숙박 = room, accommodation

친구들과 전주 맛집을 찾아가서 먹을 생각인데 좋죠?

I'm planning to find a famous Jeonju restaurant and eat there with my friends.

Sounds good, right?

친구 = friends

맛집 = famous restaurant

찾아가다 = find, look for

그다음에 풍남문 쪽으로 가서 유명한

남부야시장을 구경할 생각이에요.

After that, I'm planning to head over toward Pungnam Gate to sightsee in the

famous Nambu Night Market.

그다음에 = after that

쪽으로 = in the direction of

유명한 = famous

(야)시장 = (night) market

구경하다 = sightsee

[중앙재난안전대책본부] 코로나19

환자 발생 지속, 마스크 착용, 손위생,

기침예절, 거리두기, 증상시 쉬기 등

기본 준수가 나와 이웃의 안전을 지킬

수 있습니다

[중앙재난안전대책본부] = [Central Disaster Safety Response Headquarters]

코로나19 = COVID-19

환자 발생 지속 = (There is) continued patient outbreak

마스크 착용 = Wear a mask

손위생 = Hand sanitation

기침예절 = Coughing ettiquette

거리두기 = Social distancing

증상시 쉬기 = Rest if you have symptoms

기본 준수가 = Basic compliance (with these policies)

나와 이웃의 안전을 지킬 수 있습니다 = can protect me and my neighbors

54 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Summer 2020 • Issue 19

Notice on Suspension of Re-Entry Permit Exemption and

Submission of Diagnosis for Re-Entry of Long-term Stayers

The following measures will be implemented to prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

❶ Suspension of Re-Entry Permit Exemption and Application for Re-Entry Permit

a Beginning June 1, 2020, registered aliens who are seeking re-entry into the ROK after departure are

required to obtain a Re-Entry Permit in accordance with Article 30 of the Immigration Act, and leaving

the Republic of Korea without a Re-Entry Permit will result in cancellation of Alien Registration.

b Exception: those with Diplomats (A-1), Government Officials (A-2, A-3) or Overseas Korean (F-4) status

do not need to apply for a Re-Entry Permit, and are allowed to re-enter the ROK as previously done.

c Re-Entry Permits can be applied for at immigration offices across the nation including at the

airports. (Since it may take time to apply for a Re-entry Permit at the airport, please visit the airport

earlier than usual on the departure date to complete the application)

❷ Submission of Diagnosis for Re-Entry of Long-term Stayers

a Beginning June 1, 2020, registered aliens (except Diplomats (A-1), Government Officials (A-2, A-3) and

Overseas Korean (F-4) status) seeking re-entry into the ROK after departure are required to undergo a

medical examination related to COVID-19 within 48 hours prior to the date of departure for the ROK

and carry and present a medical certificate (diagnosis) detailing the results to re-enter the ROK.


• § A diagnosis must be written either in Korean or English and be issued by an authorized local medical institute.

• § It must include the date of examination, and the presence or absence of fever, cough, chills, headache,

difficulty of breathing, muscle pain and pulmonary symptoms, and must be signed by a medical examiner.

• § It does not have to include a COVID-19 test result (Test Negative). (A medical certificate (diagnosis) listing

a COVID-19 negative result shall also be deemed as valid.)

b Failure to undergo the examination or present a written diagnosis, and forging/falsifying documents

or presenting false documents will result in denial of boarding and entry, and other disadvantages.

c Exception: Those with a valid ‘Isolation Exemption Certificate’ issued by a Korean embassy or

consular office are exempted from the obligation to submit a written diagnosis and are allowed to

re-enter the ROK as an exception.

d For detailed information, please call 1345 (Immigration Contact Center) or visit the official website


Notice Date: May 23, 2020




The most "Korean" province,


A city cherishing a thousand years of history - Jeonju

A place creating a new culture while keeping its original flavor and taste!

Listen to the various stories of Jeollabuk-do made for a thousand years.
















1. Which city was the

birthplace of the

Joseon Dynasty?

2. Which town is best

known for its wide

open plain that shows

a unique view of the

horizon in Korea?

3. Which county

surrounds Jeonju

and is the center

of local foods?

4. Which city sees both

the Geumgang and


Rivers flowing

through it?

5. Which county

includes one

of Korea's ten

natural wonders?

6. Which city is

located the shortest


distance from China?

7. Which city is

Hong Kong

famous for Pansori,

Chunhyang's, and

Heungbu's stories?


8. Which town is

best known for

Naejang Mountain?

9. Which county is

scattered with

mountains ranging

over 1000m?

10. Which county is

famous for Maisan


11. Which county

sees millions of

tourists per year for

skiing and other

outdoor activities?

12. Which county is

most well-known

for its cheese?

13. Which county is

famous for its red

pepper paste and

mineral springs?

14. In which county

was a stone fortress

built "just in case" of

Japanese invasion?

Answers: 1. Jeonju 2. Gimje 3. Wanju 4. Iksan 5. Buan 6. Gunsan 7. Namwon

8. Jeongeup 9. Jangsu 10. Jinan 11. Muju 12. Imsil 13. Sunchang 14. Gochang

전라북도 전주시 완산구 홍산로 276 (효자동3가 1525-2) • 063-280-6112

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