2020 Jeonbuk Life! Winter Edition

describes daily life of expats in Jeollabuk-do South Korea. Also I shows and promote the multiple business of JBCIA(Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs) and North Jeolla province.

describes daily life of expats in Jeollabuk-do South Korea.
Also I shows and promote the multiple business of JBCIA(Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs) and North Jeolla province.


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Designer Leesle Hwang tells the story of creating the “daily hanbok,” a modern version of Korea’s traditional costume. p. 26

276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu,

Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do

phone-al +82-63-280-6112




Jeollabuk-do’s International Magazine

Winter 2020 • Issue 21

Registration No. ISSN: 2508-1284

276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do

phone-al +82-63-280-6112



Jeonbuk Life Magazine is published by the

Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs (JBCIA).


Publisher JBCIA Secretary General Youngho Lee

Manager Peter Yi, Yujeong Seo

Managing Editor Dianne Pineda-Kim

Copy Editor Bethany McCall


Graphic Designer Aaron Snowberger aaron.kr


Dianne Pineda-Kim, Bree Dunn, Aaron Snowberger, Brittany

Singler, Satabdi Acharya, Valerie Merrick, Jisun Ahn, 형분여,

강다연, 한리나, 안철희, 윤석훈, 이미원, 김찬권


Marli Janse Van Vuuren, Sanggon Lee, Christian Michael Mata

Jeonbuk Life is a quarterly project of the Jeollabuk-do

Center for International Affairs (JBCIA) which is a

specialized public diplomacy agency established by the

Jeollabuk-do Provincial Government. Our goal is to spread

news to Jeollabuk-do’s international community, as well

as to carry news of Jeollabuk-do throughout Korea and

abroad. This magazine publishes once per season.

※ Jeonbuk is an abbreviation of Jeollabuk-do.


This season continues to bring COVID-19

uncertainty across the globe, forcing us to

put a stop to our usual bustling lives. With

this issue, we really wanted to focus on the

positive impact of slowing down and what that can mean

for the world in which we live. We explore ways in which

individuals and communities can make better changes


Our featured articles show us how food, fashion, wellbeing,

globalization, the environment, and colonization

intersect. We take a look at traditional aspects of

Korea, with insight on hanboks, farming, and means of

transportation, and how they will change in the future.

We also learn about two restaurants in Jeonju that

have adopted healthier menus, inclusive of vegans and

vegetarians, as accessibility around food continues to

increase. Then, we explore the places in the province that

are not only safe for us to visit, but recommended in times

where going outside is a privilege.


Bree Dunn

Bree Dunn

JB Life Editor

2 Jeonbuk Life Magazine

If you would like to get

involved and contribute to

the next issue of Jeonbuk Life

magazine, email:








Peter is a JBCIA Associate

Manager & oversees the

publishing of JB Life. His

passion is international

exchanges around the world

& hanging out with expats

from diverse countries &


Yujeong is a JBCIA Associate

Program Officer of the

International Exchange &

Cooperation Dept. and an

editor of JB Life. She loves

to travel around Korea and

to tell people how beautiful

Jeollabuk-do is.

Dianne Pineda-Kim is an

editor for Groove Korea,

Soompi, and writes about

travel, food, and Korean pop

culture. She has published

two books under Skyhorse

Publishing, NY.

Bree Dunn wants to help

people feel more connected

to our diverse world, so she

enjoys sharing stories about

her journey as an expat and

focusing on helping others

travel abroad better.

Bethany has experience

as an editor, writer, and

educator. She enjoys helping

people find their voice in

writing because she believes

everyone has a story to tell.






Aaron is JB Life's graphic

designer as well as a

computer programmer and

educator. He's lived in Jeonju

for almost 15 years.

Brittany Singler is an

English instructor at JBNU.

She enjoys exploring and

writing about her travels.

Writing, reading, hiking, and

the occasional video game

are some of her hobbies.

Satabdi is an international

student studying for her

Master's degree in Jeonbuk

National University in the

College of Natural Science.

In her free time, she enjoys

exploring Korea.

Valerie Merrick is an

English teacher at Jeonbuk

National University. She

loves showing people

around Jeonju, eating

banchan, and reading books.

Jisun runs a small English

academy and serves as a

Sunday school teacher at

church. She loves interacting

with foreign friends and

sharing opinions about

values ​and lifestyle.


A special "Thank you" to the JBCIA Supporters who

helped translate the article summaries in this issue:

형분여, 강다연, 한리나, 안철희, 윤석훈, 이미원, and 김찬권.



ISSUE 21 • WINTER 2020

Hiking in winter can be more of

a challenge, but if you’re properly

equipped, it can be an enjoyable

and thrilling experience.


MOUNTAIN Jirisan's "Baraebong" Peak p. 6-8

Hiking in winter on the Korean peninsula's biggest mountain.

CAMPGROU Scouting Outing to Namwon p. 8-11

In preparation for the 2023 World Scout Jamboree.

Hiking Sunchang Suspension Bridge p. 12-13

This is Korea's longest free standing suspension bridge.


PAINT-RO Artists Assemble p. 14-17

A foreigner-led exhibition at Jeonju Art Museum.

BUS-ALT Jeonju's Hydrogen Electric Bus p. 18-19

The first hydrogen-electric bus in Jeonju is on line #103.

skating Figure skating lessons in Jeonju p. 20-21

Rina is an English teacher taking skating lessons in Jeonju.


TSHIRT Made in Korea p. 22-24

Sustainable, ethical fashion designed in Korea.

TSHIRT The Future of Hanbok p. 25-29

Designer Leesle tells the story of creating the "daily hanbok."

TSHIRT Fashion in the Time of the Pandemic p. 30-33

An exclusive interview with Redress founder Christina Dean.

TSHIRT Inhwa Jin, 2020 Redress Nominee p. 34-35

Interview with Inhwa Jin, an upcycling designer from Seoul.

4 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21


Apple-Al From Farm-to-Table p. 36-38

Yellow Farm is farming brought to you by Gen-Z’s.

CARROT Vegan Restaurant Review p. 39-41

Here are two new places to enjoy vegan food in Jeonju.

LANGUAGE Learn Korean p. 42

V-아/어 보다 "Try it!" • V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다 "Can / can't"


VIDEO Untact Union Festival for Foreign Workers p. 42

In the COVID-19 era, we’re united on the screen.

COPY Jeollabuk-do Hanji in Kagoshima Prefecture p. 43

The first untact Hanji experience program of the center.

Leaf 2020 Urban-Rural Exchange & Coop Program p. 44

Go to agricultural sites in Jeollabuk-do for healing.

Apple-Al Crossword Puzzle p. 45

Answers are on the back cover.


Bullhorn 2022 Asian Pacific Master's Games p. 46-47

The competition is open for anyone over age 35.

Bullhorn 2023 World Scout Jamboree in Saemangeum p. 48-51

Scout troops from all over the world will experience Jeonbuk.



World Scout




2hr 30min




Personnel Area




Words & Photos by BRITTANY SINGLER

Hiking in winter can be more of

a challenge, but if you’re properly

equipped, it can be an enjoyable

and thrilling experience.

6 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21


Hiking is a wonderful activity that is possible

during any season, although you may have your

seasonal preference in mind. Hiking in winter

can be more of a challenge, but if you’re properly

equipped, it can be an enjoyable and thrilling experience.

A great place to hike is the Jirisan mountain range, which

encompasses a few different cities and areas in the southern

area of Korea. One specific hike along the range

is within the city of Namwon. You can

find numerous trails which lead to

different peaks. One such peak is

called Baraebong (바래봉) peak,

along the Jiri mountain range,

in Namwon city.

We attempted this hike

during late winter, in

February. It had snowed

about a week earlier, which

was a crucial detail that

slipped our minds. Every

local that we passed along

the trek up the mountain had

ski poles that were good for

sticking and digging in a good grip

into the snow and ice. We wished we

had brought some, too. However, we had

to manage with just our hiking boots and winter

jackets. There are some very steep parts up this mountain,

with nothing to hold onto for support. It was doubly difficult

with snow and black ice hidden underfoot. We had to hug the

side of the trails and step in the slush that provided some

safety from the ice in the middle of the trail, where the sun

hardly shone.

Only one of us slipped and fell on the ice, and soon we kept on

our way. This was an unplanned twist in our hiking plans, as

it had been sunny ever since the snowfall the previous week.

But mountains will hold onto snow for a few weeks. Once we

neared the summit and finally left the snow and ice behind, we

encountered very strong winds that nearly knocked us off our

feet. The winds chilled us to the bone, and made us feel as if

we were jumping out of a plane. However, the hike

was full of interesting views that changed

every few kilometers with the terrain.

Once we struggled up to

the summit, the view was

spectacular. The rays of the

sun shone down through

a partially overcast sky,

creating a breathtaking

effect of dappled

sunlight. The sun streaks

cascading around the

mountains before us was

an unforgettable sight, and

a perfect shot for photography

enthusiasts. As is expected, the

hike down was much smoother and

quicker, and by that time, the sun had

turned all the snow and ice to slush. The

green spring shoots poking out from around the

wintry snow was a lovely sight, which is why this hike would be

lovely no matter the season. However, for winter, come prepared

with gripping hiking boots, hats, face scarves and hiking poles.

It’s a thrilling adventure in winter, almost akin to snowshoeing.

Try Baraebong peak this summer, or if you’re truly brave, wait

until next winter to attempt the snow-covered climb.


지리산 바래봉

[번역: 형분여님]

겨울등산은 다소 어렵다. 그러나 장비만 적절히 갖춘다면

즐겁고 신나는 경험이 될 수 있다. 한국의 남부지방 몇몇 도시를

에워싸고 있는 지리산은 등산하기에 좋은 곳이다. 여러 개의

각기 다른 봉우리로 올라가는 등산길이 꽤나 많은데, 남원에서

그 중 하나의 등산코스를 이용할 수 있다. 남원에서 지리산

자락을 따라 올라갈 수 있는 봉우리 중 하나라면 바래봉을

꼽을 수 있다. 우리는 지난겨울, 2월에 이 등산에 도전했다.

지리산에는 우리가 등반하기 일주일 전부터 눈이 왔었다.

도중에 우리가 마주친 지역사람들은 모두 스키스틱으로 눈과

얼음 위를 찍으며 올라가고 있었다. 우리도 하나 가져올 걸 하는

아쉬운 마음이 들었다. 정상에 오르자 매서운 바람은 있었지만

경치는 장관이었다. 그야말로 압도적인 시야가 펼쳐졌다. 올

겨울 등반할 용기를 낼 수 있다면, 등산화와 모자, 마스크와

등산스틱을 꼭 준비해가기 바란다.

智 异 山 巴 来 峰

[번역: 강다연님]

冬 季 攀 登 是 最 具 有 挑 战 性 的 运 动 。 只 要 准 备 好 了 适 当 的 装 备 ,

攀 登 就 可 以 成 为 一 种 愉 快 的 体 验 。 智 异 山 被 韩 国 南 部 地 区 的

几 个 城 市 所 环 绕 , 非 常 适 合 登 山 。 登 上 各 个 山 峰 的 登 山 路 非 常

多 , 南 原 市 就 是 这 其 中 可 以 利 用 的 一 条 登 山 路 线 。 从 南 原 市

沿 着 智 异 山 的 山 脚 向 上 攀 登 的 山 峰 中 , 有 一 座 屈 指 可 数 的 山

峰 称 为 巴 来 峰 。 我 们 在 去 年 冬 天 和 2 月 时 曾 经 攀 登 过 巴 来 峰 。

在 我 们 攀 登 智 异 山 一 周 前 就 开 始 下 雪 , 所 以 我 们 在 登 山 过 程

中 遇 到 很 多 登 山 者 在 雪 和 冰 面 上 借 助 滑 雪 杖 来 攀 登 上 去 的

情 况 。 对 此 , 我 们 很 遗 憾 , 早 知 道 这 样 , 我 们 也 带 着 滑 雪 杖 该

有 多 好 啊 。 登 山 顶 峰 后 , 虽 然 寒 风 很 凛 冽 , 但 是 景 色 却 非 常 壮

观 , 这 可 真 是 开 阔 了 我 们 的 视 野 。 如 果 今 年 冬 天 你 能 鼓 起 勇 气

去 攀 登 的 话 , 清 准 备 好 登 山 鞋 , 帽 子 , 口 罩 和 登 山 杖 等 物 品 。

8 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

Scouting Outing to Namwon

Jeollabuk-do is hosting the 25th World Scout

Jamboree in SaeManGeum 2023. In preparation, the

Provincial Jamboree Promotion Office is arranging

some HoHo (Home Hospitality) experiences to get

foreign perspectives on the accommodations, hospitality,

events, and attractions. The final HoHo program will be

announced to potential participants in 2022 to book the

accommodation and experience program.

After completing the evaluation of accommodations,

meals, and program experiences, the price will be set by the

Organizing Committee (i.e. $300-500 USD.) Participants in

the preliminary program monitoring process will advise

members of the Organizing Committee in surveying the

HoHo programs and are asked to fill out a questionnaire

and survey based on their monitoring experiences. Due

to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Jeollabuk-do Provincial

Office urgently arranged this monitoring program with

foreign passport owners who can give candid feedback to

improve the planned programs in 2023, before and after

the Jamboree period.

On October 23-24, I participated in one such event that

took a small group of foreign participants to Namwon.

The following is a brief overview of the Namwon tour.

We visited many of Namwon’s most famous sites to check

on the readiness of the venues and staff. For potentially

thousands of the total 40,000 foreign scouting visitors

from among more than 171 NSOs (National Scout

Organizations) expected in 2023.

Words & photos by AARON SNOWBERGER

남원으로 간 스카우트 나들이

[번역: 형분여님]

2023년 전라북도는 세계잼버리대회를 개최한다. 대회를

성공적으로 개최하기 위해 전라북도는 HOHO(Home

Hospitality) 프로그램을 마련하고 있다. 이는 대회에 앞서,

스카우트들에게 제공될 숙소와 환대정도, 대회와 관련해서

방문하게 될 장소들에 관해 외국인들의 피드백을 얻고자

함이다. HOHO 프로그램의 자세한 내용은 향후 2023

스카우트 잼버리 참가자에게 안내 될 예정이다.

숙박, 식사, 프로그램 등을 평가한 뒤에, 조직위원회와 협의를

통해 금액 등이 책정 될 예정이다. 이전에 이 프로그램에

참여했던 사람들은 HOHO프로그램 조사위원회의 멤버로

활동 하게 되며, 본인의 경험을 토대로 설문지를 작성하게

된다. 코로나 바이러스 상황에서, 이 운영위원회는 2023

잼버리 대회 이전, 이후의 계획을 개선하기 위해 국내

외국인을 대상으로 급히 이 모니터링 프로그램을 추진하게

된 것이다.

지난 10월 23일과 24일에 필자는 소규모 외국인 참가자를

대상으로 남원에서 열린 이러한 행사에 참여했었다. 이후

남원시내를 둘러보는 시간을 가졌다. 잠재적으로171개

국가 스카우트 연맹에서 온 4만여 해외스카우트 중 많은

인원이 2023년에 남원을 방문할 것으로 예상하는데, 이에

우리는 남원의 유명한 식당을 둘러보며 장소와 직원들의

준비도를 점검했다.

到 南 原 去 打 球

[번역: 강다연님]

2023 年 , 全 罗 北 道 将 举 办 ‘ 世 界 露 营 大 会 ’。

为 了 成 功 的 举 办 大 会 , 全 罗 北 道 正 在 筹 备

HoHo(HomeHospitality) 项 目 。 这 是 为 了 在

大 会 举 办 之 前 , 通 过 向 外 国 球 员 们 提 供 关

于 住 宿 , 接 待 服 务 以 及 访 问 与 大 会 相 关 的

场 所 等 信 息 , 从 而 得 到 他 们 的 反 馈 。

该 项 目 免 费 提 供 住 宿 , 用 餐 以 及 参 与 活 动

的 费 用 。 但 是 , 参 与 者 们 必 须 佩 戴 事 先 准 备

的 球 员 头 巾 拍 照 , 并 且 根 据 本 人 的 经 验 诚 实

的 参 与 问 卷 调 查 。 全 罗 北 道 正 在 等 待 来 自 不

同 国 家 的 参 加 者 的 意 见 。 如 果 这 些 参 加 人 员

有 打 球 经 验 的 话 , 那 将 是 锦 上 添 花 。 但 这 不

是 必 须 的 要 求 。 我 们 曾 在 10 月 23 日 和 24 日

参 加 了 在 南 原 举 办 的 以 小 规 模 外 国 参 加 者

为 对 象 的 活 动 。 我 们 还 参 观 了 南 原

市 区 。 我 们 预 计 在 2023 年 时 约 有

40000 名 左 右 的 外 国 球 员 会 是

潜 在 型 的 访 客 。 对 此 , 我 们 查 看

了 南 原 市 有 名 的 饭 店 ,

并 检 查 了 场 所

和 工 作 人 员 的

准 备 情 况 。



Gwanghallu is a famous setting in "The Tale of Chunhyang"

which is based on Chunhyangga, the most famous of the five

remaining pansori tales. The story details the forbidden love of

a couple in 13th-century Korea who fall in love at first sight, but

are separated by social class and cannot make their love public.

The garden was built during the Joseon Dynasty and designed to

unite with nature to create a utopia on earth. It was designated

as Natural Cultural Heritage Scenic Site No. 33 in 2008.



The Namwon Modern & Contemporary Archive contains

many old artifacts of Korean life from between the end of

the Korean War to the present day. There are old pieces of

technology, publications, music albums, and even recreations of

old buildings including a hair salon, and a presidential desk. A

virtual street cart experience enables visitors to sit in a street

cart and virtually “ride” through an old city while projectors

display video of the streets on the surrounding walls.



The Tomb of 10,000 Patriotic Martyrs pays homage to more than

10,000 civil and conscripted fighters who died in the Japanese

attack on Namwon Fortress in 1597. Lee Bok-nam (Jeolla

province) and his command of 1,000 soldiers stood with Yang

Won's (Ming Dynasty) 3,000 soldiers to protect the fortress. The

enemy laid siege to the fortress on August 12, and a fierce battle

ensued for four more days. The additional 6,000 fallen include

residents of Namwon who died in the overwhelming assault.



The Honbul Literary House was built to commemorate the

widely celebrated epic novel, ‘Honbul,’ by author Choi Myeonghee

which was written over a period of 17 years. The word “honbul”

literally means “soul’s fire” and refers to the indomitable spirit

of three generations of women who persevered through hard

times under 1930s Japanese rule. The exhibition hall is built in

the style of a nobleman’s (yangban) house and allows visitors

to gain a deeper understanding of the novel.



The "Holy Land of Korean Traditional Music" (국악의 성지) was

established to preserve and develop Korean traditional music

(Gukak). An outdoor shrine and tomb commemorate the legacy

of numerous famous musicians including the acclaimed “King

of Korean traditional music,” Master Heung-rok Song, In the

main building, there is a Gukak exhibition and experience

hall where visitors can discover Korean traditional music

themselves by playing with authentic instruments.



In Dongpyeonje village (home of Master Heung-rok Song),

there is a South African co-owned meat packaging plant

named simply, “The Chop Shop.” They specialize in sausages,

cold dried meats like salami and pepperoni, as well as larger

cuts of pork, and other meats. The plant is located very near

a large pig farm that provides much of their meat, fresh from

farm to food. Expect a full-length article with interview in one

of our upcoming editions of Jeonbuk Life magazine.



The Jirisan Baekdudaegan Resort is located midway up Jiri

Mountain at between 600-700m above sea level. It includes

camping spots and treehouse pensions, built 2m above

ground, where visitors can stay to immerse themselves in the

sights and sounds of nature. The nearby pine forest produces

abundant phytoncide, an antimicrobial organic compound

derived from plants that refers to the aroma of the forest,

which is good for healing and rest.



In the Jeonju Farming Village, we saw a live pansori performance

by two highly trained musicians. In my 15 years in Korea I've

seen countless pansori performances but after only 5 minutes

of this performance, the singer addressed us directly: “No!

Pansori is not merely a performance! Don't just sit there!

Pansori is interactive! Shout me some encouragement!” Then,

she taught us what to say and when to do so. After 15 years in

Korea, I find myself still a beginner in many things.





During the Chuseok holiday this year I went to

a recently opened suspension bridge located

between two ridges of Chaegyesan Mountain

in Sunchang county. This 270-meter bridge was

completed in March and is suspended all alone in midair

without any pillars, the longest of its kind in Korea.

Elevated at between 75 to 90 meters above the land below,

walking on the bridge feels like you are walking on air with

almost no support at all. While you walk across the bridge,

your heart will be pumping slightly faster just because you

are so high up over some dangerous-looking rocks and a

national highway. But don’t forget to enjoy the beautiful view

of the farmland and trees all around the area.

From above, the river below looks beautiful on a sunny day.

It takes 15 to 20 minutes from the bus stop at the bottom of

the mountain to climb up the stairs to reach the bridge. You

can cross the bridge from either side as there are staircases

leading up and down on each mountain ridge.

Although the bridge is very narrow and its width only

accommodates two people at a time, the entire bridge has

been engineered to hold up to 1,300 people at a time. Because

of its height and length, the bridge shakes quite a lot when

you walk on it, making the experience a little scary. Obviously,

the experience will be enhanced in stronger winds or with

more people on the bridge at once. It’s a thrilling experience

looking down. It shakes a lot when it’s windy. Initially when

I started walking it was so scary, but later I found it very


It’s good to bring some typical hiking supplies like food and

water with you as you will not find any convenience stores

nearby. The valley has some small shops and street food

vendors but they are sometimes closed. At one vendor, I

enjoyed a fruit shake made with real fruit.


By bus or train to Namwon busstop or Namwon station. Take

shuttle bus going for Samnye.

Those who are looking for a thrill, you can visit

the suspension bridge located in Sunchang county,

Jeollabuk-do province.This 270-meter long bridge

suspended all alone in the midair. This suspension

bridge does not use any of the conventional

supporting ropes or beams but is still able to

serve its function as a walkway due to the latest

engineering technology. When you are climbing

the bridge don’t forget to stand in the middle and

enjoy the beautiful view of river and gorge. It can be

visited at any time throughout the year and there is

no age limit nor entry charge for this bridge.

순창 체계산 출렁다리 방문

[번역: 한리나님]

스릴을 원하는 당신이라면 전라북도

순창에 있는 출렁다리를 방문하시라.

270미터 되는 다리가 공중에 걸려있다.

이 다리는 전통적 지지방식인 로프나

빔을 사용하지 않고도 최신 건축

기술덕택에 산책로의 역할을 할 수 있다.

다리에 오를 때 잊지 말고 가운데에 서서

아름다운 강과 협곡의 전경을 즐겨라.

연중 어느때나 방문 할 수 있고 나이

제한도 입장료도 없다.

访 问 淳 昌 悬 索 桥

[번역: 안철희님]

如 果 您 喜 欢 刺 激 , 我 建 议 您 访 问 位 于

全 罗 北 道 淳 昌 郡 的 悬 索 桥 。 有 一 百 二

十 米 高 的 桥 悬 挂 在 空 中 。 这 座 悬 索 桥

不 用 绳 索 或 钢 束 等 传 统 的 支 撑 方 式 ,

托 最 新 的 建 筑 技 术 的 福 起 到 了 散 步 路

的 作 用 。 上 了 桥 请 不 要 忘 记 , 站 在 桥 中

间 欣 赏 美 丽 的 江 和 峡 谷 的 风 景 。 您 在

年 中 任 何 时 候 都 可 以 访 问 , 这 里 没 有

年 龄 限 制 也 没 有 入 场 费 。

12 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

A visit to Chaegyesan Suspension

Bridge in Sunchang County


Words & photos by SATABDI ACHARYA




¼ R T IS T S


Foreigner-led Exhibition

at Jeonju Museum



Article Cover Photo by MARLI JANSE VAN VUUREN

Interpretation provided by YOO JI-MYEONG

14 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

The Arts

... rtists Assemble” is a new exhibit at the Jeonju Art Museum


featuring 7 artists who are not from Korea but have resided

in Jeollabuk-do. From playful to serious, each artist uses a

different medium to highlight their experience in Korea. Located in an

old building, the museum is housed in the oldest male sauna in the

region. Do not miss this chance to see Jeollabuk-do through the eyes of

foreigners. The exhibit will continue until December 31, 2020.

예술가 앙상블, 전주 미술관에서

열리는 외국인 주최 전시

[번역: 이미원님]

"Artists Assemble" 은 한국인은 아니지만 전라북도에 거주하는 7명의 외국인

예술인들이 전주 미술관에서 여는 새로운 전시회이다. 생동감 있는 느낌부터 무거운

느낌까지, 각 작가들은 다른 기법을 사용하여 한국에서의 자신들의 경험을 나타냈다.

이 미술관은 이 지역에서 가장 오래된 남성 전용 사우나가 있던 오래된 건물에

위치하고 있다. 외국인들의 눈을 통해 보는 전라북도를 감상할 기회를 놓치지 않기를

바란다. 이 전시는 2020년 12월 31일까지 진행된다.

在 全 州 美 术 馆 举 行

的 外 国 主 导 展 览

[번역: 윤석훈님]

“ 艺 术 家 集 合 ” 是 全 罗 北 道 的 7 位 居 住 在 全 罗 北 道 的 艺 术

家 的 新 展 览 。 从 活 跃 到 沉 重 , 每 个 艺 术 家 都 使 用 不 同 的

技 术 来 表 达 自 己 在 韩 国 的 经 历 。 美 术 馆 位 于 一 栋 古 老 建

筑 中 , 该 地 区 最 古 老 的 男 士 桑 拿 浴 。 请 你 不 会 错 过 在 外

国 人 眼 中 欣 赏 全 罗 北 道 的 机 会 。 该 展 览 将 持 续 到 2020

年 12 月 31 日 。


. hen you step into the building that houses the Jeonju


Museum of Art, you don’t expect much. You certainly

don’t expect to be transported from a dilapidated officelike

hallway into a unique gallery space created in the

first male sauna in Jeollabuk-do. Built over forty years ago, this

was one of the first tall buildings in Jeonju. The view from the

top floor transports you back to the days before apartment

buildings as you gaze on the old neighborhoods below.

But down below in the basement is where you can enjoy the

new exhibition inspired by "foreigners" in Jeollabuk-do. The

exhibit’s curator, Son Jin-hee, explained that in 2018 and 2019

the museum had a collaborative exhibit featuring Korean and

Chinese artists. Then, a colleague told her about how there

were many foreigners in Jeonju doing various art activities,

so Son decided to hold an exhibition to feature them. To

the team at Jeonju Museum of Art, the word “foreigner” isn't

exactly what they want to use to express the artists chosen

in this exhibit. They feel that this perpetuates the dichotomy

between foreigners and Koreans. Instead, the museum

sought to show the various perspectives, environments, and

thoughts from people who were from all over the world

as they experienced Jeonju and the surrounding areas. The

museum chose artists through a public contest held back in

October 2019. A total of seven artists were chosen to be a part

of the exhibition with various works including photography,

sketches, and mixed media.

I recommend you start by exploring the old bathhouse for

men in the basement. The bathing pool has been transformed

by artists Leah Yochman and Emily Rake (Erake) into

an interactive art installation. Yochman and Erake had

collaborated before on installations in Seoul that were

equally imaginative. When they saw the pool in the gallery,

they knew they had to make a ball pit.

Like Yochman and Erake, all of the artists in the exhibition

reside in Jeollabuk-do, with most of them living in Jeonju.

Perhaps the most traditional of all of the photographers,

Christian Michael Mata created work that centers on

nighttime views in urban areas around Jeonju. Mata explained

that Covid-19 upset his original plans to photograph subjects

inside places like singing rooms (노래방), which were deemed

too dangerous because of the virus. Instead, he photographed

subjects outside to maintain safety.

16 Jeonbuk Life Magazine

Marli Janse van Vuuren’s photography is unique because

of the three-dimensional texture created by folding the paper

on which the images are printed. A favorite of Son’s, Anjee

DiSanto’s photographs utilize double exposure techniques,

layering temple motifs with nature scenes. Her piece

“Hyanggyo Psychedelic” features autumn’s most prominent

leaf, the yellow ginkgo, with red, green, and blue tones as

well. Like Korean traditional colors, DiSanto’s photography is

vibrant and bold.

Natalie Thibault created pieces using a variety of mediums,

including traditional Korean hanji paper. Her piece titled “The

YDD Paradox” seems to evoke a structured map of black and

white bleeding into a wild mix of greens, perhaps mimicking

the cities in Jeollabuk-do where neighborhoods abruptly end

at the base of mountains and the edges of rice fields.

Jasmine Trent Collins’s pieces are a collection of cartoonlike

sketches centered on the theme of otherness. Her piece

“I Have So Much to Say” will resonate with anyone trying to

communicate ideas through the filter of a foreign language.

The figure seems to be pulling off the English-language

sheet covering them, suggesting the stickiness with which

our mother tongue can take hold of us even as we try to

speak another language. Her sketches are perhaps some of

the darkest pieces in the exhibit, but her animation seems

to lighten the mood. When asked by curator Son about her

work, Collins explained that she drew animals because she

feels Korean people look at her like an animal in a zoo. Son

was shocked by this answer.

While seemingly disconnected from each other, each piece

shows a different part of foreigner life in Jeollabuk-do.

From Yochman and Erake’s playscape celebrating the fun of

exploring a new place, to Collins’s and Mata’s serious depiction

of loneliness, to the celebration of nature through the eyes of

DiSanto, Thibault, and Janse van Vuuren, the artwork is multifocused,

just like our varied experiences. Do not miss this

unique exhibit featuring the works of these talented artists.

“Artist Assemble” Exhibition: Jeollabuk-do through the eyes of the world

October 27, 2020 ~ December 31, 2020

Jeonju Museum of Art 전주미술관

B1 25-26 4-gil, Pungnammun, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do

(전라북도 전주시 완산구 풍남문 4길 25-26 B1)

Hours: 10:00~18:00, closed Mondays

Phone: 063-283-8886









Words & street photos by AARON SNOWBERGER

1st gen bus photos by MINSEONG KIM (Wikimedia)

On July 29, 2020, Hyundai Motors delivered a

brand new hydrogen-electric fuel cell powered

bus to the Jeonju City Hall, the first of thousands

it plans to build and ship out over the next few

years. In fact, the company is rolling out the environmentally

friendly bus in at least seven other major cities throughout

Korea including Seoul, Busan, Ulsan, Gwangju, Changwon,

Asan, and Seosan. The Jeonju Hyundai plant in Bong-Dong is

one of the only bus building plants in the country, and a whole

assembly line will be dedicated to cranking out these new

electric buses. The buses are not only eco-friendly, because

they produce water as they operate, but they also reduce fine

dust particles in the air. A single bus can purify 4.863kg of

air while driving a distance of 1km, so on a single charge,

that bus will purify 2188.35kg over its maximum distance

of 450km. In one year, the bus can purify up to 486,300kg

of air if it averages 100,000km per year. Currently, Jeonju’s

first and only hydrogen-electric bus is running on line #103

that passes through Dongsan-dong, Palbok-dong, Songcheondong

and Ajoongri.




18 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

전주 현대자동차, 수소-전기

연료전지 버스 사업을 이끌다

[번역: 형분여님]

全 州 现 代 汽 车 ,

引 领 氢 - 电 能 源 公 交 事 业

[번역: 강다연님]

올 7월 29일, 현대자동차는 전주시청에 새로 나온 수소-전기연료전지

버스 한 대를 납품했다. 이는 현대자동차가 향후 몇 년간 만들어서

출고할 수천대중 첫 번째이다. 사실 현대자동차는 서울, 부산, 울산,

광주, 창원, 아산과 서산과 같은 7개의 다른 주요도시에도 친환경버스를

선보일 예정이다.

완주 봉동에 있는 전주 현대공장은 국내에서 버스만 만드는 공장 중

한 곳이다. 한 조립라인이 전적으로 이 새로운 전기버스를 만들어내고

있다. 이 버스들은 운행 중 물을 배출하기 때문에 친환경적이거니와,

공기 중 미세먼지 분자를 줄이기까지 한다. 이 버스 한 대가 1km를

달리면 4.863kg의 공기를 정화할 수 있으니 한 번 충천으로 최대거리

450km를 달린다고 친다면 2188.35kg의 공기를 정화하게 되는 것이다.

일 년에 100,000km를 평균운행이라고 한다면, 이 버스는 연간 최대

486,300kg의 공기를 정화할 수 있다. 현재 전주시 최초이자 유일한

수소-전기 버스는 103번 번호로 달리고 있고, 동산동, 팔복동, 송천동,

아중리를 지난다.

今 年 的 7 月 29 日 , 现 代 汽 车 向 全 州 市 政 府 交 付 了 一 辆 新 推 出 的 氢 电

池 客 车 。 这 是 现 代 汽 车 准 备 在 未 来 几 年 内 制 造 并 且 出 库 的 数 千 辆 汽

车 的 第 一 辆 。 事 实 上 , 现 代 汽 车 计 划 将 在 首 尔 , 釜 山 , 蔚 山 , 光 州 , 昌

原 , 牙 山 和 西 山 等 7 个 主 要 城 市 推 出 环 保 巴 士 。

位 于 凤 洞 的 全 州 现 代 工 厂 是 国 内 只 生 产 公 交 巴 士 的 工 厂 之 一 。 所 有

的 装 配 线 都 在 参 与 制 造 这 种 新 的 电 能 源 巴 士 。 这 种 巴 士 在 行 驶 中 排

放 水 分 , 既 环 保 又 能 减 少 空 气 中 的 微 尘 颗 粒 。

如 果 一 辆 巴 士 行 驶 1 公 里 能 净 化 4.863 公 斤 的 空 气 , 那 么 充 满 一 次 电

可 以 行 驶 450 公 里 的 话 , 就 能 净 化 2188.35 公 斤 的 空 气 。 如 果 年 平 均

行 驶 100000 公 里 的 话 , 这 辆 巴 士 一 年 中 最 多 可 以 净 化 486300 公 斤

的 空 气 . 目 前 , 这 辆 103 路 线 的 巴 士 是 全 州 市 第 一 辆 也 是 唯 一 一 辆 氢

电 巴 士 , 它 的 路 线 是 东 山 洞 , 八 福 洞 , 松 川 洞 , 阿 中 里 。








Getting figure skating lessons in Jeonju Indoor Ice Rink as a foreigner

Words and photos by JISUN AHN

전주화산체육관 피겨스케이팅

레슨 1달 후기

[한국어 번역] 안지선

제 딸은 2019년부터 전주 실내빙상

경기장에서 하는 피겨스케이팅 클래스에

다니고 있다. 피겨수업에 외국인이 있다고

말하길래, 나는 그 사람을 인터뷰하고

싶은 생각이 들었다. 다른 외국인들도

스케이팅을 시작할 수 있는 좋은 계기가

될 것 같아서이다. 리나(Rina)는 2020년

초에 영국에서 온 교사다.

리나에게 왜 한국이 좋냐고 물어보자, ‘

한국은 지루할 틈이 없는 나라’ 라고 답했다.

그녀는 한국에서 아이들을 가르치는

것이 즐겁고, 한국의 문화와 음식들에 푹


我 在 全 州 学 滑 冰 的 外 国 人

[중국어 번역] 안철희

我 的 女 儿 从 2019 年 开 始 在 全 州 室 内 滑

冰 场 参 加 花 样 滑 冰 课 。 听 说 课 堂 上 有 个

外 国 人 。 我 觉 得 采 访 那 个 人 是 很 不 错 的

想 法 。 也 许 她 可 以 成 为 其 他 的 外 国 人 学

滑 冰 的 契 机 。 李 娜 (Rina) 是 2020 年 初 从

英 国 来 的 教 师 。

当 我 问 她 为 什 么 喜 欢 韩 国 时 她 回 答 说 "

韩 国 是 无 暇 无 聊 的 国 家 "。 她 觉 得 教 孩

子 们 是 件 非 常 幸 福 的 事 , 并 深 深 陶 醉 于

韩 国 的 文 化 和 饮 食 。

20 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

Section: Culture

My daughter has attended a figure skating

class at Jeonju Indoor Ice Rink, also known

as the Hwasan Indoor Ice Rink, since 2019.

When she told me that there was a foreigner

in her class, I thought it would be interesting to interview her

because it could help other foreigners to get started with

figure skating lessons. Rina is a teacher from the UK who has

lived in Jeonju since early 2020.

[The Jeonju Indoor Ice Rink (전주실내빙상경기장) was built in

1996 for the 1997 Winter Universiade. It is the largest ice rink

in Jeollabuk-do, and was used as the venue for figure skating

and short track events during the event. The Ice Rink also

hosted the Four Continents Figure Skating Championships

in 2002 and 2010, which is a competition modeled after

the European Figure Skating Championships in which the

Americas, Africa, Asia, and Oceania compete.]

When I asked Rina why she likes Korea,

she said that in Korea a person would

never be bored. She was very happy

about her class and said she also loves

Korean culture and food.

Could you introduce yourself?

I am a teacher, but I want to become a

Korean student next year. I came to Korea

in 2019, but went back to the UK for a

while. I came back to Jeonju this February

after previously living in Gwangju.

Why did you start figure skating?

I always wanted to do figure skating,

but in North Wales, the closest one was

a one and a half hour drive away. So I

decided that when I came here, it would

be a perfect opportunity to start skating.

How did you get the information

about the ice rink? What did you

do first? Did you ask someone?

I just decided to come. I searched the

Internet for the nearest ice rink, then

just got a taxi and came. Everybody

was so helpful. The office lady helped

me understand how to wear a helmet

and use the facilities.

Where did you buy your skates?

I wanted to buy them in Jeonju but they

didn’t have my size at that time. They

said I needed to wait a few days. Then

the office lady said that the next nearest

ice rink was in Daejeon and it also had a

shop. So the next day I went to Daejeon.

Wow. How long have you

been learning now?

It has been about one month. This is my

fourth lesson. Every Saturday morning

I come here. But because of Covid-19 I

couldn’t start sooner. At first it was not

easy to understand the class instruction,

but a student who can speak English

helped me. Recently, they hired someone

who can speak English fluently.

Do you have anything to say

to those who are interested

in learning figure skating?

Go for it. It encourages you to speak












Words & photo compilation by


22 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

Sustainable, ethical fashion that promotes cultural

representation will never go out of style

It is often said that you are what you wear. An outfit can

be simple, eccentric, whimsical or practical, reflecting

not only a person’s aesthetic proclivities such as

personal taste, style, and mood, but also their intrinsic

points of view—ultimately, of their beliefs, passion, and sense

of being. Perhaps more often than we’d care to admit, there is

more meaning to clothes than basic necessity or as a means

to impress. Depending on how it is used, fashion can be a

mask with which to hide one’s true self, or for those who are

brave enough, express what’s real. It can also be a memento

of a certain time, with different styles that define bygone eras

and preview a future that is yet to come.

Fashion is a tool for opening important conversations about

the environment, how age-old practices within it leave

permanent damage to the Earth, and ultimately, how the

industry is changing to answer the call of the times. Here,

three fashion stories will illustrate these points and perhaps

give new insights in the context of Korea and its creative

design talents. I interviewed Inhwa Jin, a Korean designer

and winner of the Redress Design Award, an educational

sustainable fashion design competition held in Hong Kong.

Designer Leesle Hwang, a native of the traditional city of

Jeonju, tells the story of her process of creating the “daily

hanbok,” a modern version of Korea’s traditional costume.





fashion is a tool for opening important

conversations about the environment,

how age-old practices within it leave

permanent damage to the earth, and

ultimately, how the industry is changing

to answer the call of the times. I

interviewed Inhwa Jin, a Korean designer

and winner of the Redress Design Award,

an educational sustainable fashion design

competition held in Hong Kong. Designer

Leesle Hwang, a native of the traditional

city of Jeonju, tells the story of her process

of creating the “Daily hanbok” modern

version of Korea’s traditional costume.

메이드 인 코리아

[번역: 한리나님]

문화의 특징을 나타내는 지속가능하고

윤리적인 패션은 결코 시대에 뒤떨어지지

않는다. 환경에 관한 중요한 이야기를 시작할

때 패션은 좋은 이야기 거리이다. 패션의 오랜

관습이 지구에 얼마나 데미지를 주었는지,

그래서 시대의 요구에 맞춰 어떻게 패션 산업이

변해야 할지에 대한 논의는 필요하다. 홍콩에서

열린 교육적이며 지속가능한 패션디자인대회인

Redress 디자인 어워드에서 수상한 한국인

디자이너 진인화씨를 인터뷰했다. 전통적인

전주 토박이인 황 이슬레 디자이너와는 한국

전통 한복의 현대적 버전인 생활 한복 제작에

관하여 이야기 했다.

韩 国 制 造

[번역: 안철희님]

体 现 文 化 特 征 的 可 持 续 的 伦 理 时 尚 绝 不 会

落 后 于 时 代 。 时 装 一 般 在 讲 有 关 环 境 的 重

要 性 的 话 题 时 会 登 场 , 主 要 讲 的 内 容 是 时 装

的 古 老 习 俗 给 地 球 带 来 了 多 大 的 伤 害 , 以 及

如 何 适 应 时 代 的 要 求 , 使 时 装 产 业 发 生 变 化

等 。 我 采 访 了 在 香 港 举 行 的 教 育 性 可 持 续 服

装 设 计 大 赛 Redress 设 计 大 奖 上 获 奖 的 韩 国

服 装 设 计 师 陈 仁 华 。 在 全 州 土 生 土 长 的 黄 伊

瑟 莱 设 计 师 讲 述 了 韩 国 传 统 韩 服 的 现 代 版

本 -- 生 活 韩 服 是 如 何 制 作 的 。

24 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

The future of Hanbok

for designer Leesle Hwang, a native of Jeonju, the hanbok

can be made accessible for everyone, on any ordinary day.

She says in an interview, “Daily hanbok is made for daily lives,

not for traditional occasions. It’s shorter than the traditional

hanbok and easier to wear with buttons and zippers. It’s made

it more convenient.” She opened her atelier in Dokjin-gu,

Jeonju, which still stands there today. She also has another

branch in Seoul. Two of the breakthrough moments in her

career was when the coat design she created was chosen

and won the Excellent Cultural Product Award by the Korean

Culture Ministry and when she designed a performance outfit

for K-pop star Jimin of BTS. Her hope for the future? “When

people open their closets, they usually think, ‘Should I wear a

t-shirt, blouse or dress?’ I hope one day, they will think, ‘Should

I wear a hanbok today?’”

한복의 미래

[번역: 한리나님]

전주에서 태어나고 자란 이 디자이너가 한복을 일상 생활로 데려왔다.

전주 토박이 황 이슬레씨는 일상에서 누구든 쉽게 생활 한복을 접할 수

있다고 말한다. 이 생활 한복은 전통 한복보다 더 짧고 단추나 지퍼가

있어 쉽게 입을 수 있다. 그녀는 전주 덕진구에서 아뜨리에를 운영하고

있고 서울에도 샵이 하나 더 있다.

그녀에게는 특별했던 순간들이 있었는데 대한민국 문화부에서 주최한

우수 문화 상품 상을 받은 것과 다른 하나는 K-pop 스타인 BTS지민의

공연 의상을 디자인 했을 때였다. 그녀에게 미래의 희망을 물었더니,

사람들이 아침마다 옷장을 열고 티셔츠나 블라우스, 드레스 중 뭘 입을까

생각 할 때, 오늘은 한복을 입을까 라고 생각하게 되기를 바란다고 했다

韩 服 的 未 来

[번역: 안철희님]

在 全 州 出 生 长 大 的 该 设 计 师 将 传 统 的 韩 服 制 作 成 日 常 生 活 中 可 以

穿 的 衣 服 。

在 全 州 土 生 土 长 的 黄 伊 瑟 莱 说 , 在 日 常 生 活 中 , 任 何 人 都 可 以 轻 易

接 触 到 生 活 韩 服 。 这 种 生 活 韩 服 比 传 统 韩 服 短 , 而 且 有 纽 扣 和 拉 链 ,

所 以 穿 着 很 方 便 。 她 在 全 北 全 州 德 津 地 区 运 营 着 아뜨리에 的 店 , 在 首

尔 也 有 一 个 店 。 对 她 来 说 , 最 特 别 的 瞬 间 是 获 得 大 韩 民 国 文 化 部 主

办 的 优 秀 文 化 商 品 奖 和 她 设 计 了 K-pop 明 星 BTS 智 敏 的 演 出 服 装 。

当 问 起 她 对 未 来 的 希 望 时 , 她 说 人 们 每 天 早 上 打 开 衣 柜 , 在 T 恤 、 衬

衫 、 礼 服 等 衣 服 中 挑 选 今 天 要 穿 的 衣 服 时 , 希 望 也 能 想 到 今 天 要 不

要 穿 韩 服 。


The future of Hanbok


Photos from LEESLE

One usually imagines hanbok, the

traditional clothing of Korea,

as an elaborate costume that

was worn in the Joseon Dynasty

or at special yearly Korean occasions like

weddings, Chuseok, and Seollal. Here in Jeonju,

there are several modern-day hanbok rental

shops that people visit to take photos with

the beautiful backdrop of the Hanok Village.

But for designer Leesle Hwang, the hanbok

can be made accessible for everyone, on any

ordinary day. “A traditional hanbok is made of

silk or more bulky, high-quality materials,” she

explains in an interview with Yonhap News.

“But daily hanbok is made for daily lives, not

for traditional occasions. It’s shorter than the

traditional hanbok and easier to wear with

buttons and zippers. It’s made more convenient.”

Initially, her venture into fashion started

with the simple idea of wearing

traditional clothing at a cosplay festival

during her university days. “Hanbok just

looked so beautiful and I wanted to

try it on since it’s an outfit I couldn’t

usually wear. My friends loved it.

They exclaimed, ‘You look like a

different person,’” she says. That

day remained engraved in her

memory as the exact moment

when she fell in love with hanbok,

and eventually decided to begin

making them herself as a hobby.

This Jeonju born-and-bred designer

makes the traditional Korean

costume wearable for everyday life



Soon, however, she realized that her connection to the

hanbok was deeper than it seemed. It might even be fate

that introduced her to this attire. She recalls, “My mom told

me, ‘I made hanbok when you were in my belly!’" This, it turns

out, was how her mom used to make a living before getting

married. “It must be genetic!” she says.

Hwang opened her atelier in Deokjin-gu, Jeonju, which still

stands today. She also has another branch in Seoul. One of

the breakthrough moments in her career was when the coat

design she created was chosen and won the Excellent Cultural

Product Award by the Korean Culture Ministry. But the biggest

opportunity that really put her name on the mainstream map

was designing a performance outfit for K-pop star Jimin of

BTS, the chart-topping, award-winning group that soared to

stardom all over the world. She recalled the time she got a

call from the stylist of the group, “‘It’s for BTS!’ I shouted so

loud inside, but I’m a professional, so I remained calm and

said, ‘Oh, really?'” But ultimately, she said, that one opportunity

was “a great way to promote Korea around the world.”

Leesle has many hopes for her hanbok in the future. She

summed them up with this thought: “When people open their

closets, they usually think, ‘Should I wear a T-shirt, blouse or

dress?’ I hope one day, they will think, ‘Should I wear a hanbok


Instagram: @leesle Website: https://leesle.com/

Address: 687 Dongbudaero, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do / 덕진구 동부대로 687


“When people open their closets,

they usually think, ‘Should I

wear a T-shirt, blouse or dress?’

I hope one day, they will think,

‘Should I wear a hanbok today?’”


1. What inspires your designs?

I'm inspired by design in every problem. When you

feel uncomfortable in some situations and find

solutions for them. If the length of the hanbok

skirt is too long and the problem is that it is being

stepped on, the answer is how to modify the length

of the skirt.

2. Because of the coronavirus, the

fashion industry is changing these

days to make design greener and

attract more audiences online.

How is your brand changing?

Eco-friendly fashion is an area that needs to be

studied. Designers can't do it alone; they have to

collaborate with a lot of people. Hanbok is not

something that you buy frequently according to

trends, but something that you can wear for a long

time. I aim for good, basic quality clothes. I also

changed the delivery box into an eco-friendly box.

3. A lot of foreigners want to know

about hanbok. What do you think about

this? And how does your brand help

promote hanbok to the world market?

I feel very positive and welcoming about this. Our

Instagram is in English, as well as our website.

Payment, order, and delivery are available

anywhere in the country. We make things very

fast and convenient. The Internet connects

us and through this information about the

hanbok can be accessible to the world.

4. What is your goal for the

future of Hanbok?

To make it as a fashion genre. I want hanbok

to become a fashion item that’s a staple in

the closet. For it to become a wearable and

regular clothing option like jeans.

28 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21


The designer has worked with popular

K-pop stars who have worn her hanbok

designs. Here are some of them:

BTS JIMIN - At the Melon Music Awards

2018 (MMA), Jimin appeared on stage to

dance the Bachaechum dance, which is

a traditional Korean form of dance. What

caught the fans’ attention aside from his

wonderful performance was his stage

outfit. The black robe and pants set is

actually designed by LEESLE!

AOORA and Jeon Chang Ha - At the Hallyu

Com-on Swiss 2020, Live Streaming

Show, these two stars promoted hanbok

by wearing designs by LEESLE!

KARD - The coed K-pop group KARD

recently collaborated with LEESLE for a

capsule collection of modern and edgy

hanboks that combine a street and

traditional look!

“I was surprised to see KARD members

in person because they were handsome

and pretty,” the designer said. “After

looking at the sketch of the costume,

I finally saw it for the first time, and

the members, too. I think they were

all excited. It was our first time fitting

clothes so we were very nervous.

Thankfully, they liked the costume and

gave us feedback.” The KARD Hanbok

Collaboration was planned through the

"2020 Hallyu-linked Collaborative Content

Planning and Development Support



in the Time of the Pandemic

An exclusive interview with sustainable

fashion competition founder Christina Dean

and Korean upcycling designer Inhwa Jin


Photos provided by SINCLAIR COMMS





charity that works

to reduce textile

waste in the fashion industry.

It achieves this through a

variety of dynamic programs

that work to minimize the

negative impacts of fashion,

and it starts this herculean task

from the ground up—through

education and awareness.

[번역: 한리나님]

팬데믹 시대의 패션

지속가능한 패션 대회 설립자인

Christina Dean과 한국의

업싸이클링 디자이너 진인화씨와의

특별한 인터뷰. Redress는 패션

산업에서 섬유 낭비를 줄이기

위한 환경 자선단체이다. 그들은

패션의 부정적 영향을 최소화하기

위해 다양한 프로그램으로 일하고

있으며 교육과 인식을 통하여 이

힘든일을 기초부터 시작하고 있다.

[번역: 윤석훈님]

大 流 行 病 时 代 的 时 尚

跟 持 续 时 尚 大 赛 创 办 人

Christina Dean 和 韩 国 升 级 改 造

设 计 师 진인화 特 别 采 访 。 在 时 尚

产 业 中 , Redress 是 一 个 成 为 减

少 纤 维 浪 费 的 慈 善 机 构 。 他 们 为

了 对 时 尚 使 负 面 效 果 最 小 化 、 进

行 着 各 种 充 满 活 力 程 序 、 经 过 教

育 及 认 知 , 这 件 难 事 从 基 础 做 起 。

Christina Dean, founder of Redress gives her views

on sustainability and the future of fashion in the

time of the pandemic. “I used to be a journalist,

writing about the environment and before that,

I was a dentist with a passion for public health.

When I moved to Hong Kong 13 years ago from

the UK, I researched and traveled extensively

in Asia and was really shocked by the heavy

environmental toll that production— from phones

to fashion and beyond—has on the Earth. Redress

was then founded to reduce waste in the fashion

industry. One impactful way to achieve this is by

educating emerging fashion designers.”

Redress 와 The R Collective의 설립자인 그녀는 팬데믹

시대에 패션의 지속 가능성과 미래에 대한 자신의 견해를

말한다. “ 나는 전에 환경에 관한 글을 쓰는 언론인 이었고,

그 전에는 공중 보건에 열정을 지닌 치과의사였다. 13

세때 영국에서 홍콩으로 이사 왔을 때 아시아 지역을 많이

여행했는데, 폰에서 패션까지 아니 그 이상으로, 생산이

지구에 미치는 환경 피해를 보고 충격을 받았다. 그 때 패션

산업에서 쓰레기를 줄이기 위하여 Redress가 설립되었고

이것을 이루기 위한 효과적인 있는 방법은 차세대 패션

디자이너들을 교육하는 것이다.

Redress 和 The R Collective 创 办 人 Christina Dean 表

达 大 流 行 病 时 代 中 对 时 尚 的 可 持 续 及 未 来 自 己 意 见 。“

我 是 前 关 于 环 境 写 的 一 个 媒 体 人 , 那 之 前 有 公 共 卫 生

充 满 热 情 的 一 个 牙 医 。13 岁 时 从 英 国 搬 家 到 香 港 后 , 我

旅 行 过 很 多 亚 洲 地 区 , 从 手 机 到 时 尚 , 不 是 , 那 以 上 , 我

看 到 生 产 对 地 球 造 成 的 环 境 破 坏 收 到 了 冲 击 。 那 时 候 设

立 了 成 为 减 少 时 尚 产 业 的 垃 圾 , 为 实 现 这 个 目 标 的 有 一

种 影 响 的 方 法 就 是 教 育 下 一 代 的 时 尚 设 计 师 。

Inhwa Jin, a Korean upcycling designer,

is a finalist in the 2020 Redress Awards.

She says, “Korea is very sensitive to

fashion so fast-fashion culture has

grown tremendously. Dongdaemun is the

biggest source of production, and Koreans

are now increasingly interested in the

overconsumption of clothing. In a way,

I produce clothes with a process that is

very opposite to the production process of

Dongdaemun. I want to help solve these

problems through eco-friendly messages

and empathy with consumers.”

한국의 업싸이클링 디자이너인 진인화씨는

Redress 어워드의 최종 수상자중 한명이다.

“ 한국은 패션에 매우 민감해서 패스트 패션이

엄청나게 발전했다. 동대문은 최대 생산지이고

이제 한국인들은 점점 의류 과소비에 대한

관심을 갖게 되었다. 한 예로, 나는 동대문에서

만드는 의류 제작 과정과 완전 반대로 옷을

만든다. 나는 환경 친화적 메시지와 소비자와의

공감을 통하여 이 문제를 해결하는 1세대가

되기를 바란다.” 고 말한다.

韩 国 升 级 改 造 设 计 师 진인화 就 是 Redress 奖

励 最 终 获 奖 者 之 一 。 她 表 达 了 “” 韩 国 对 于 时

尚 很 敏 感 而 非 常 进 步 了 快 熟 时 尚 。 东 大 门

是 最 大 生 产 地 , 目 前 韩 国 人 渐 渐 感 兴 趣 服

装 过 度 消 费 。 举 个 例 子 , 我 做 服 装 方 式 和 东

大 门 做 服 装 过 程 完 全 相 反 。 我 认 为 这 与 其 他

品 牌 不 同 。 我 希 望 通 过 环 保 消 息 和 消 费 者 的

共 鸣 , 成 为 解 决 这 些 问 题 的 第 一 代 。‘’





a Hong Kong-based

environmental charity

that works to reduce

textile waste in the fashion industry.

It achieves this through a variety

of dynamic programs that work to

minimize the negative impacts of

fashion, and it starts this herculean

task from the ground up—through

education and awareness.

The organization recently held the

Redress Design Award 2020 All

Stars, a competition that provides

emerging designers with the tools

and techniques to help them reach

their potential, and enable them to

adapt to the growing demands of

the fashion industry that’s set in the

uncertainty of environmental issues

and the pandemic. Over the last

decade, the program has provided

support to over 200 alumni from

37 countries and regions, who

have the passion to transform the

fashion industry with sustainable,

ethical, and eco-friendly practices.

In collaboration with Create

Hong Kong and Hong Kong

Special Administrative Region, the

competition was held on September

3, 2020, with menswear designer

Le Ngoc Ha Thu of Vietnam and

womenswear designer Juliana Bello

of Argentina winning significant

sustainable design collaboration

prizes. Here, I had the opportunity

to interview Christina Dean, founder

of Redress and The R Collective, and

Inhwa Jin, a standout designer from

Seoul. Both of them shared their

perspectives on how sustainable

fashion is more important than ever

during the pandemic.


What first sparked your

decision to organize this

fashion competition?

I used to be a journalist, writing

about the environment and prior to

that, I was a dentist with a passion

for public health. When I moved

to Hong Kong 13 years ago from

the UK, I researched and traveled

extensively in Asia and was really

shocked by the heavy environmental

toll that production— from phones

to fashion and beyond—has on the

Earth. Living in Hong Kong, and with

China—which has a massive textile

and clothing industry—gave me

insight into why the very polluting

fashion industry needs to change.

Redress was then founded to reduce

waste in the fashion industry. One

impactful way to achieve this is by

educating emerging fashion designers.

It is estimated that around 80% of the

environmental impact of a product is laid

down at the design stage; and that’s why

we started our educational sustainable

fashion design competition to reach the

next generation before they move into

their design careers. We also realized that

injecting sustainable design education

into universities and colleges would take

a long time—so our competition served

to fast track education to thousands of

designers globally.

32 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21


“We’ve seen a real spike in businesses’

value on ‘sustainability’ post Covid-

19, which really includes many more

complex sustainability considerations

above and beyond ‘just’ the product.”



Use your clothes for

as long as possible

Repair and care for

your clothes to keep

them in use for longer

Give your clothes a

second life if you no

longer want them.

Give, swap or sell

Buy secondhand

clothes, swap,

or rent clothes

before deciding to

buy brand new

Can you give easy, simple tips

on how to stay fashionable

while being eco-friendly?

How do you see the future of fashion

in the midst of the pandemic and the

growing environmental crisis?

Many consumers show interest in

becoming more sustainable, but

they don’t know how to do this, with

many incorrectly thinking that they

have to rush out and buy new "eco"

clothes. Instead, becoming more

conscious with our closets all starts

with a mind-shift, where we start to

realize that everything we buy and

wear is connected to the global

and very complex supply chains,

responsible for huge environmental

and social input.

Firstly, how and what consumers

buy will change. Many consumers

are realizing that they have enough

clothes; many more purchases,

which are now more basic and

casual-wear, are being done

online; and many more consumers

are shifting their values, perhaps

having a greater focus on wellbeing,

health, and their families. This has

given us a major wake up call that

we need to act more responsibly.

At the core of this, is the idea of

sustainability. We’ve seen a real spike

in businesses’ value on "sustainability"

post Covid-19, which really includes

many more complex sustainability

considerations above and beyond

"just" the product. i.e., from how and

where they source their materials to

consolidate their supply chains; how

they digitally track their supply chains

to give greater traceability on their

materials and who makes their clothes;

to digitizing the design and production





“Korea is very sensitive to fashion and

therefore, fast-fashion culture has

developed tremendously. I want to be

a first-generation brand that solves

these problems through eco-friendly

messages and empathy with consumers.”

34 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21


How would you describe

your design aesthetic?

In this collection, I was inspired by the culture

of the past and present young people who were

rebellious and longing for freedom. I reinterpreted

it by mixing a modern street fashion with suits

symbolizing the resistance of American subculture

in the 40s.

Korea is known to be a trendsetter

in fashion but this also often

creates a culture of fast fashion.

How do you differentiate your

design process from this?

Korea is very sensitive to fashion and therefore,

fast-fashion culture has developed tremendously.

Dongdaemun is the biggest source of production,

and Koreans are now increasingly interested in the

overconsumption of clothing. In a way, I produce

clothes with a process that is very opposite to the

production process of Dongdaemun, so I think

it is different from other brands. I want to be a

first-generation brand that solves these problems

through eco-friendly messages and empathy with


Instagram: @inhwajin17

Website: www.notjustalabel.com/inhwa-jin

How important is sustainable fashion

for you and how do you think you

can sustain your business with it?

I think sustainable fashion is one of the most

necessary and important businesses in the future.

I feel that we should try to make people more aware

of the problem of overconsumption of clothing and

its garbage. If we continue to provide consumers

with eco-friendly direct and indirect experiences by

constantly developing and introducing sustainable

clothing, we will be able to grow into a brand

for a better future someday by providing better

alternatives and measures than now.

What is your message to people on

becoming more conscious about the

environment when it comes to fashion?

I've been running a vintage shop for about

two months now, and I realized that I have a

preconceived notion of what many people wore

and what they recycled. If we are aware of how

serious the environmental and human rights issues

are due to the overspending on clothing, I think it

will help us break that stereotype. I think one of the

most important duties of designers is to develop a

variety of content and ideas so that many people

can be interested in these issues.



brought to you by Gen-Z’s

Yellow Farm is making traditional lifestyles approachable for everyone.

Words & Photos by BREE DUNN

Yellow Farm is an example of a “youth” organised project that brings attention and

education around farming, which to most, might seem far removed from their lives.

36 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

Yellow Farm has brought an edge into

farming where they connect traditional

and modern lifestyles and as a result,

their success has been measured

by the long wait times to even get

into the door to try their products.

Gen Z’s and younger Millennials get a bad rap At both a retail and wholesale capacity, they sell agricultural

all the time, but they are also known to be products, seafood, livestock, semi-cooked food, snacks, and

innovative and creators of change. From tiktok gift sets. Their most sold items are their ginseng sprouts, jeju

resumes to search for employment, to being tangerines, and pear gift sets, all of which can be purchased

involved in activism at a young age, and creating new ways through Naver and delivered across the country. The

to make old traditions approachable, they are revolutionizing warehouse cafe in Wanju sells hot items such as croffles with

old systems. Yellow Farm is an example of a “youth” organised seasonal fruit, fresh fruit drinks, sandwiches, and coffee. There

project that brings attention and education around farming, is also a fridge full of fresh produce, which can be purchased

which to most, might seem far removed from their lives. directly there. The interior of the cafe is a combination of old

and new elements; from industrial looking decor to beautiful

The company has built a massive social media following and chandeliers hanging over the tables. Next to the warehouse

gained a lot of attention around what they do. Their mission is is a chance to see firsthand how their produce is being made.

simple; to introduce unique seasonal foods from across Korea. For example, sweet potato harvesting happens less than 2 ft

In the summer, they built a warehouse and transformed it into away from the facilities and the process is documented on

a cafe, where customers can come and sample their products social media for people to engage with the content.

and specialty drinks. Building an in-person experience has

attracted a variety of customers, some who might have never It’s an immersive experience that invites everyone to be

been exposed to sustainability and farming. Yellow Farm has involved in the change and to think about sustainability,

brought an edge into farming where they connect traditional farming, food, and our planet as a collective.

and modern lifestyles and as a result, their success has been

measured by the long wait times to even get into the door to 10 Sangwoon-gil 46, Wanju-gun, Jeollabuk-do

try their products.

(전북완주군 용진읍 상운길46-10) / Operating hours: 11am-10pm everyday

Instagram: @yellow.farm

Yellow Farm is farming brought to you by Gen-Z’s.


Z-세대가 여러분에게

가져다 줄 농업

[번역: 김찬권님]

Z 世 代 将 给 大 家 带 来 的 农 业

[번역: 안철희님]

黄 色 农 业 使 古 老 的 生 活 方 式 让 大 家 平 易 近 人

옛 전통과 가까워지다, 옐로우 팜

요즘 젊은 세대는 오래된 전통을 모두가 좀 더 쉽게 접근할 수 있게 하며,

더 이상 쓰지 않는 경우도 혁신시키기에 이른다. 옐로우 팜은 그 하나의

예로, 한국 농업에 대한 교육과, 집중도를 증가시켜 모두에게 알릴 수

있게 하자는 젊은이들이 기획한 프로젝트이다.

그들의 업적은 수많은 팔로워 수와 집중을 받고 있다. 그들의 경영

목적은 간단하다 “특이한 제철 음식을 소개하는 것” 이다. 여름동안,

그들은 창고형 카페를 운영하여 자신이 직접 고른 과일로 음료를 만들어

주는 체험을 하게 한다. 그들을 농산물에 접근시키는 이러한 방법은

성공을 넘어, 한국의 많은 사람들이 이곳으로 모이게 하였다.

옐로우 팜은 농산물, 해산물, 생필품, 반가공품, 스낵류 등 온갖 소, 도매

상품들을 판매한다. 이 상품들은 인터넷 사이트를 통해서도 구매할 수

있고, 해외 배송도 물론 가능하다.

이 완주에 있는 창고형 카페는 크로플, 계절 과일, 신선한 생과일 주스,

샌드위치, 커피 등을 판매하고 있다. 가게 옆에서는 이 제품들이 어떻게

만들어 지는 지 볼 수 있다. 예를 들어, 고구마는 이 건물에서 2피트

(60센티미터) 밖에 떨어져 있지 않는 곳에서 수확되고, 수확과정은

옐로우팜 소셜미디어에서 볼 수 있다. 이러한 선도적인 방식은 음식과

농업에 대한 많은 사람들의 관심을 받게 하였다.

年 轻 一 代 正 在 创 造 对 古 老 的 传 统 接 近 方 式 和 不 再 有 效 的 革 新 方 式

的 全 新 接 近 方 法 。 黄 色 农 业 是 年 轻 一 代 组 织 计 划 的 " 年 轻 " 项 目 , 其

重 点 在 于 使 所 有 人 都 能 够 接 触 到 韩 国 的 农 业 , 关 心 韩 国 的 农 业 。

这 家 公 司 造 就 了 庞 大 的 社 交 媒 体 追 随 者 , 并 且 对 他 们 所 从 事 的 工 作

产 生 了 浓 厚 的 兴 趣 . 他 们 的 任 务 很 简 单 。 就 是 在 韩 国 国 内 介 绍 独 特

的 季 节 饮 食 。 夏 天 期 间 , 他 们 建 造 了 仓 库 , 将 仓 库 改 造 成 咖 啡 厅 后 ,

让 来 访 的 顾 客 们 可 以 用 准 备 好 的 材 料 制 作 属 于 自 己 的 饮 料 。 他 们 的

这 种 体 验 方 法 取 得 了 成 功 , 很 多 人 从 韩 国 各 地 聚 集 到 了 这 里 。

他 们 通 过 naver, 最 大 限 度 地 销 售 了 可 供 派 送 的 农 水 产 品 、 生 物 、 半

调 制 食 品 、 快 餐 和 礼 品 套 装 等 批 发 零 售 产 品 。 位 于 完 州 的 工 厂 咖 啡

屋 销 售 的 人 气 商 品 有 季 节 水 果 的 Crople、 新 鲜 果 汁 、 三 明 治 和 咖 啡

等 。 在 工 厂 旁 边 , 可 以 亲 眼 看 到 商 品 是 如 何 制 作 的 机 会 。 举 例 来 说 ,

红 薯 是 在 距 离 他 们 不 到 2 英 尺 的 地 方 收 获 的 , 收 获 过 程 通 过 社 交 媒

体 向 大 众 提 供 。 无 论 在 什 么 地 方 , 这 种 先 导 性 的 方 式 都 会 从 不 同 的

人 群 中 得 到 对 食 物 和 农 业 的 持 续 关 注 。

38 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21





Interpretation by YOO JI-MYEONG

These days, vegan or “plantbased”

diets seem to be food all over the world. If you use the

food directory and review site for vegan

trending. More and more app, you’ll see that Jeonju has more

people are adopting a vegan options than many other cities

vegan diet for various reasons, such as including Daejeon, Daegu, or Gwangju.

caring about animal welfare, seeking For people more fluent in Korean, the

a healthier diet, or to reduce carbon application Vege Feed offers a similar

emissions. Despite the prevalence of way to find vegan and vegetarian food.

vegetables in traditional Korean cuisine,

it can appear difficult to find vegan Here are two new places where you

food in Korean restaurants. Thankfully, can enjoy vegan food in Jeonju to help

technology has found a solution. The make a positive difference for yourself

application Happy Cow serves as a and the earth.

Vegan food is becoming popular

in Korea, so many cafes and

restaurants serving vegan food can now

be found in Jeonju. One cafe, Fig From

Vegan, was opened in 2019 by Kang

Yoo-jin. To protect her health, Kang began

baking without butter, then decided to

open a vegan bakery. Her carrot ade and

yogurt bowl are the best dishes. Plantica,

opened in October by Jeon Eun-ji, has a

more food-focused menu offering burgers

and smoothies in addition to coffee, tea,

and baked goods. Her hot original burger

and tropical spinach smoothie are the

best. Try these foods to help your body,

the earth, and other animals!

채식 식당 리뷰

[번역: 이미원님]

채식(비건푸드)은 한국에서 인기가 높아지고

있다. 전주에서도 채식(비건푸드)을 판매하는

카페와 식당을 많이 볼 수 있다. Fig From Vegan

이라는 카페는 2019년 강유진 씨가 오픈하였다.

그녀 자신의 건강을 지키기 위해 버터를 사용하지

않는 베이킹(제빵제과)을 시작하였고 곧 채식

(비건) 베이커리를 열기로 결심하였다. 그녀의

당근 에이드와 요거트 보울은 수제 재료들로

만들어진 최고 인기 메뉴들이다. 10월에 문을 연

전은지 씨의 Plantica에서는 커피, 차, 제과류와

함께 버거와 스무디 같은 좀 더 식사위주의

메뉴를 제공한다. 그녀의 매운 오리지널 버거와

열대 시금치 스무디는 Plantica 최고의 메뉴이다.

당신의 몸, 지구 그리고 다른 동물들을 돕기 위해

이 음식들을 먹어보는 것도 좋겠다.

素 食 餐 厅 点 评

[번역: 윤석훈님]

素 食 ( 纯 素 食 ) 在 韩 国 越 来 越 受 欢 迎 。 在 全 州

市 , 有 许 多 咖 啡 馆 和 餐 馆 出 售 素 食 ( 纯 素 食 )

。 康 玉 珍 于 2019 年 开 设 了 一 家 名 为 Fig From

Vegan 的 咖 啡 馆 。 为 了 保 护 自 己 的 健 康 , 她 开

始 不 加 黄 油 ( 面 包 店 ) 烘 烤 , 不 久 决 定 开 一 家

素 食 ( 素 食 ) 面 包 店 。 她 的 胡 萝 卜 和 酸 奶 碗 是

一 些 用 手 工 制 作 的 材 料 最 受 欢 迎 的 菜 肴 。 全

恩 智 的 Plantica 于 10 月 开 业 , 提 供 更 多 以 餐 点

为 主 的 菜 单 , 例 如 汉 堡 和 冰 沙 以 及 咖 啡 , 茶 和

烘 焙 食 品 。 她 的 辛 辣 原 始 汉 堡 和 热 带 菠 菜 冰

沙 是 Plantica 的 最 佳 菜 单 。 你 可 以 帮 助 自 己

的 身 体 、 地 球 和 其 他 动 物 , 请 尝 试 这 些 食 品 吧 。



Plantica just opened in October and promises to deliver

vegan food that focuses on taste, while maintaining health

at the same time. Owner Jeon Eun-ji had a sickness her

entire life but wasn’t able to diagnose it. Finally, a doctor

realized it was an allergy to eggs and milk. Like Kang, Jeon

decided to open a place where she could enjoy food that

was safe for her to eat while still being delicious. Jeon

hopes to convince non-vegans that meatless food can be

just as tasty while being better for us at the same time.

Her menu includes meatless burgers, dairy-free smoothies,

and a vast array of scones, cookies, and cakes. Though her

menu is impressive, she has a wonderful helper in the

kitchen: her mom! The positive energy created by the

mother-daughter duo makes Plantica even more special.

With regards to the food, Jeon’s “Original Hot Burger,”

named for the spicy sauce it’s covered in, is my favorite on

the menu. I enjoy washing it down with a tropical spinach

smoothie that’s more sweet than leafy.



hopes to convince

non-vegans that meatless food

can be just as tasty while being

better for us at the same time.

Jeon’s baked goods is where she truly shines. Her green

onion scone and her orange cake took me by surprise. Her

cake was fluffy and moist, unlike other vegan cakes in town.

Her baked goods are all handmade and each one has been

tastier than the last. The cozy interior at Plantica invites

you to stay awhile to people watch or curl up with one of

the English novels on the shelf.

49 Chunggyeong-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si

(전주시 충경로 49, 1층)

Hours: 11:00~20:00, Closed Sundays and Mondays

Phone: 063-232-1277

40 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21



Learn Korean

입어 볼 수있어요?

Can I try it on?



V-아/어 보다

"Try it"

This pattern is used to express trying something out or

experiencing an action. For verbs ending in -하다, use -해 보다.

FIG FROM VEGAN 채식의자의 무화과


Opened in December of 2019, Fig from Vegan 채식의자의

무화과 serves delicious food in a modern interior. With large

windows, a simple aesthetic, and a minimalistic bookshelf,

the cafe deserves to be visited by any Instagrammer in town.

The added bonus is that no butter, milk, or eggs are used

to bake any of the delicious treats you see in the window.

The owner, Kang Yoo-jin, is in her late 20s. While she’s a

pescatarian herself (someone who eats fish), she discovered

butter made her sick. She was working in a non-vegan

bakery but decided to make a new vegan bakery so that

she could eat her own treats! She focuses on handmade

foods such as her handmade soy milk yogurt. While her

cinnamon tea is more lemony than sweet, her carrot ade (

당근에이드) is not to be missed. It’s a mix of carrot, orange,

and apple juice resulting in a refreshing drink with a lovely

color. Her many bakery items include scones, cookies, and

pound cakes and they pair nicely with any of the coffee

drinks on the menu.

Mac Design Bldg, 20 Jungwasan-dong 2 ga 10, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si

(전주시 중화산동 2가 20-10 맥디자인빌딩 1층)

Hours: 12:00~14:00

& 17:00~21:00

Closed Mon & Tues

Phone: 063-229-8254

V-(으)ㄹ 수 있다/없다

"Can / can't"

This pattern expresses ability or possibility. If something "can"

be done, use -(으)ㄹ 수 있다. For "can't", use -(으)ㄹ 수 없다.


드레스 (원피스)를 찾고 있어요.

I'm looking for a dress (one piece).

여기 보세요. 이 것은 어때요?

Here, look at this. How about it?

오!~ 예뻐요. 입어 볼 수있어요?

Oh!~ It's beautiful. Can I try it on?.

네~ 입어 보세요.

Sure. Try it on.


오븐 피자를 사고 싶어요.

I want to buy an oven-bake pizza.

여기요. 이 것좀 맛 보세요.

Here, have a taste of this.

음~~ 맛있네요! 콤비네이션도 먹어 볼 수 있어요?

Mmm~~ that's delicious! Can I try the combination pizza?

미안해요. 아직 요리가 안 되서 먹어 볼 수 없어요.

Sorry. It isn't cooked yet, so you can't try it.


센터 뉴스 기고 : 한지희 교류협력팀 인턴

Untact Union Festival for Foreign Workers

In the COVID-19 era, we’re united on the screen.

외국인 근로자 비대면 화합마당 개최

코로나 시대, 화면 속에서 하나된 우리!

지난 10월 25일 전주 MBC 공개홀에서 ‘2020년 비대면 외국인 근로자

화합마당’이 열렸다. 실시간 화상회의 시스템으로 진행되었으며, 베트남,

인도, 중국, 네팔 등 12개국에서 약 80명은 ZOOM으로, Youtube

채널에서도 76명의 실시간 시청자가 함께 하였다.

On October 25th, "2020 Untact Union Festival for

Foreign Workers" was held at MBC's open hall in

Jeonju. It was conducted using a real-time video

conference system, with about 80 viewers from

12 countries, including Vietnam, India, China and Nepal, and

76 real-time viewers on the Youtube channel.

Under the smooth progress of a professional host, video clips

of essential foreigner’s life information related to immigration,

finance, medical care and crime for foreign workers were

played on the screen. After that, the talent show videos of

foreign workers submitted in advance were shown and then

awards ceremonies and interviews were held on each of the

winners in five categories.

Sanwen from Myanmar, who sang the son “For Love” while

playing a guitar, won the grand prize, and Raju from Nepal,

who performed Break dance in the parking lot, won the gold

prize. Including Sanwen and Raju, total nine foreign workers

who showed off their own abilities received awards.

전문 사회자의 원활한 진행 아래 외국인 근로자들을 위한 출입국,

금융, 의료, 범죄와 관련된 외국인 필수 생활정보안내 영상 상영에 이어

사전에 제출된 외국인 근로자들의 장기자랑 영상 시청과 5개 부문

우수자들에게 시상식, 인터뷰가 진행되었다.

수상은 기타연주를 하며 ‘사랑을 위하여’ 노래를 부른 미얀마에서 온

싼웬이 대상을, 주차장에서 브레이크 댄스를 춘 네팔에서 온 라주가

금상을 수상하는 등 자신만의 능력을 뽐낸 외국인 근로자 9명이


또한 본 행사에서는 전라북도와 관련된 OX퀴즈를 진행하였고 퀴즈에서

고득점을 받은 사람들을 대상으로 기프트콘을 제공하는 등 깜짝

이벤트가 포함되어 있어 참가자 누구나 축제를 즐길 수 있도록 하였다.

비대면 행사로 진행되다 보니 규모가 감소했다는 점에서 아쉬움이

있었으나 전라북도에 거주하는 외국인들이 다함께 이 행사에 온라인으로

참여하여 다양한 콘텐츠를 통해 전북에 대한 관심과 이해도를 높일 수

있었던 시간이었다.

In the event there was the OX quiz contest related to

Jeollabuk-do and it included surprising events such as

providing mobile gift cards for those who scored high in the

quiz in order that all participants could enjoy the festival.

Although it was regrettable that the scale of the event

decreased because it was an untact event, it was a great time

for all foreigners living in Jeollabuk-do to participate in the

online event and to increase their interest and understanding

of Jeollabuk-do with various contents.

42 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

Jeollabuk-do Hanji in Kagoshima Prefecture

The first untact Hanji experience program of the center was held successfully.

The Jeollabuk-do Center for

International Affairs and

Kagoshima International

Exchange Association

conducted an untact traditional Hanji

craft experience program for the

residence of Kagoshima Prefecture. At

first, we planned to go to Kagoshima

Prefecture and meet with the people in

person, but inevitably switched to untact

exchanges due to the international

crisis caused by the prolonged COVID19.

Jeollabuk-do and Kagoshima Prefecture

made a friendship agreement in 1989

and have continued to exchange for

more than 30 years. Since the opening of

the Jeollabuk-do Center for International

Affairs in 2015, we have continued to

make meaningful exchanges in various

fields such as culture, education, and

art with the Kagoshima International

Exchange Association.

We sent fifty Hanji small tray DIY

set first to Kagoshima International

Exchange Association and met the

participants through a video conference

system. The event started with a time

that Jeollabuk-do residents explained

about Jeollabuk-do and Jeonju hanji in

Korean to the residents of Kagoshima

in the center's video conference room,

and later we showed them a recorded

video clip of making a hanji small tray

experience kit and they had time to

follow and make it themselves.

Throughout the experience, real-time

interviews of local participants were

conducted, and we could hear vivid

reviews of Kagoshima residents: “I

was afraid that hanji was too thin to

be torn apart”, “I wonder what other

experiences there would be other than

this in Jeollabuk-do”, “I’d like to visit

Jeollabuk-do as soon as the COVID19

situation ends.”

The event was meaningful in that it was

the first real-time online experience

exchange program of the center and

it helped the people of Kagoshima

Prefecture understand Jeollabuk-do.

일본 가고시마현에서 펼치는 전라북도 한지: 국제교류센터 최초 비대면 한지 체험 프로그램 성황리에 개최


가고시마현국제교류협회는 가고시마현민들을

대상으로 전라북도 전통 한지 공예 체험

프로그램을 비대면으로 진행하였다.

가고시마현으로 가서 현민들과 직접 만나

함께할 계획이었으나 코로나19 장기화에

따른 국제적 위기 상황으로 불가피하게 비대면

교류로 전환해 진행하였다.

전라북도와 가고시마현은 1989년에

우호협약을 체결하여 30년이 넘는 긴

세월의 교류를 지속해오고 있으며, 2015

년도에 전라북도국제교류센터가 개소한 이후

지금까지도 가고시마현국제교류협회와 함께

문화, 교육, 예술 등의 다양한 분야에서 뜻깊은

교류를 하며 소중한 인연을 이어가고 있다.

센터는 가고시마현국제교류협회에 50개의

한지다반만들기 체험 키트를 먼저 보냈고

현지에서 참가자들과 화상회의 시스템을 통해서

만나게 되었다. 행사는 센터 화상회의실에서

가고시마현민들에게 전라북도민이 직접

한국어로 전라북도와 전주 한지에 대해서

설명하는 시간을 시작으로, 이후 녹화된

한지다반 체험키트 만들기 동영상을 상영하여

현민들이 직접 따라 만들어 보는 시간을 가졌다.

체험이 진행되는 내내 현지 참가자들의 실시간

인터뷰가 진행되었으며, “한지가 너무 얇아

찢어질까봐 무서웠다”, “전라북도에 가면 이것

말고도 어떤 다양한 체험이 있는지 궁금하다”,

“빨리 코로나 바이러스 상황이 종식되어

전라북도에 가보고 싶다” 등등 생생한

가고시마 현민의 후기를 들을 수 있었다.

이번 행사는 가고시마현민들에게 전라북도에

대한 이해도를 높일 수 있었으며, 우리

국제교류센터 최초의 실시간 온라인 체험 교류

프로그램이었다는 점에 의의가 있다.


센터 뉴스 기고 : 한지희 교류협력팀 인턴

2020 Urban-Rural Exchange & Cooperation program

If you want to heal, you can go to agricultural sites in Jeollabuk-do.



「The place where Heaven & Earth meet, “Golden field Salon”」

The Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs

conducted the 2nd & 3rd Urban-Rural Exchange

& Cooperation program from October 24th to 25th,

and from October 31st to November 1st.

The Jeollabuk-do Center for International Affairs has been

selected for three consecutive years since it was first selected

in 2018 to the Urban-Rural Exchange and Cooperation project

in which the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

and the Korea Rural Community Corporation publicly recruit


We visitied Gimje Simpodri Village and Iksan Sandeulgang

Ungpo Village and selected new and diverse experience

programs such as making barley gangjeong and blueberry

sugar-filled Korean pancake and taking a traditional sail

boat in the Geum River basin. We also had a chance to visit

Manghae Temple in Gimje, one of the 100 untact travel

destinations selected by the Korea Tourism Organization, and

Byeokgolje, the oldest reservoir of Korea.

Young-ho Lee, the director of JBCIA, said “Through this project,

while providing exchange time for urban residents and foreigners,

We are looking forward to revitalizing the rural tourism industry

in Joellabuk-do, which has clean air and beautiful natural

environment, by encouraging participants to post reviews of

programs on their SNS(social networking service).

* In the Joseon Dynasty period, a test system for selecting the

country's civil servants. The king himself scored and selected

the successful candidates.

The theme of the 2020 project was 「International Salon in

Jeollabuk-do」, which borrowed the concept of salon to create

a place of exchange and harmony where various nationalities

and ages are united, including urban residents, multicultural

families, foreign students, foreign workers, and etc.


「Full of the scent of grass in our rural areas, “Healing Salon”」

We visited Iksan Jukcheong Daepani Village, Wanju

Changpo Village and Wanju Dueok Village and experienced

horiticultural therapy utilizing farms and ranches run directly

by each village, traditional Korean cultural experience, *the

past civil service examination experience, and other various

experience programs. Moreover, we visited Mireuksa Temple

Site in Iksan, which was selected as one of the UNESCO Baekje

Cultural Heritage Sites, and listened to the commentary by a

cultural commentator.

44 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21


(Answers on the back cover)

2020 도농교류협력사업(국제 살롱 IN 전라북도)

힐링을 원하신다면, 전라북도 농촌에서

전라북도국제교류센터는 지난 10월 24일~25일과 10월 31일~11월

1일 각각에 걸쳐 2회 및 3회 도농교류협력사업을 진행했다.

농림축산식품부와 한국농어촌공사에서 공모하는 도농교류협력사업에

전라북도국제교류센터는 2018년에 처음 선정된 이후, 올해까지 3년

연속으로 선정되며 이 행사를 꾸준히 진행해왔다.

2020년의 주제는 도시민 및 다문화가정, 외국인 유학생, 외국인

근로자 등 다양한 국적과 연령이 하나되는 교류 및 화합의 장을

만들기 위해 살롱의 개념을 차용한 「국제살롱 in 전라북도」를

주제로 프로그램을 운영하였다.

진정한 힐링은, 전라북도에서,「우리 농촌 풀내음 가득, 힐링살롱」

익산 죽청대파니마을, 완주창포마을과 두억마을을 방문하여 마을이

직접 운영하는 농원, 목장 등을 활용한 원예테라피, 한국의 전통문화

체험, 과거시험* 등 다양한 체험 프로그램을 진행하였고, 유네스코

백제문화유적지구 중 하나로 선정된 익산 미륵사지를 방문하여 문화

해설사의 해설을 들으며 문화탐방의 시간도 가졌다.

황금평야 대표지역 전라북도,「하늘과 땅이 만나는 곳, 황금들녘살롱」

김제 심포드리마을, 익산 산들강 웅포마을을 방문하여 각 마을

권역에서 재배한 천연 농산물을 활용한 보리강정만들기, 블루베리

호떡 만들기, 금강유역 돗배타기 체험 등 새롭고 다채로운 체험

프로그램들을 선정하여 진행하였다. 또한 한국관광공사가 선정한

가을 비대면 여행지 100선 중 하나인 김제 망해사와, 한국의 첫 번째

고대 저수지인 김제 벽골제를 방문하는 문화탐방의 기회도 가졌다.

전라북도국제교류센터 이영호 센터장은, “도농교류협력사업을

통하여 도시민과 외국인이 서로 교류하는 시간을 마련함과 동시에,

참가자들의 프로그램 SNS 후기 게시 독려로 맑은 공기와 우수한

자연환경을 보유한 전북 농촌 관광 산업 활성화를 긍정적으로

기대하고 있다”고 밝혔다.

*조선시대, 나라의 공무원을 뽑기 위한 시험 제도, 왕이 직접

채점하여 합격자를 선발했다.


1 They're found at the

Pansori Museum

4 Mountain provincial

park in Jinan County

9 Tomb of 10,000 patriotic ___

10 Approves

11 Jeonju photo

artist DiSanto

12 Korean upcycling

designer Jin

13 Semiconductor

light source

15 Puzzle cube maker

17 Military town

outside Daegu

19 "___ are the peacemakers"

22 Type of shirt

24 Ethical investment factors

25 Jeolla provinces region

26 Leah Yochman's

art partner

27 Ascend a mountain

28 Location of

Baraebong Peak

29 Stick to like glue

30 Ministry of ___,

Sports and Tourism


1 "One of the most important

and necessary" fashion

businesses of the future

2 COVID-19 frontline worker

3 Vegan drink

5 One of Leesle's

celebrity models

6 제비

7 Gov't rules for

industrial safety

9 University area of study

14 Small musical

village in Namwon

16 Hyundai's hydrogen

vehicle in Jeonju

18 Long period of time

20 TOEIC language

21 Festival on fifth day

of the fifth month of

the lunar calendar

22 Yellow curry spice

23 Supply ___

25 Influential early

missionary George ___ Jones

26 Artist's stand

27 Gov't's heritage

preservation body


46 Jeonbuk Life Magazine




World Scout




2hr 30min



Activity Course


Parking Lot 2

Parking Lot 1

Shade Area (vines)

Assembly Hall Parking Lot 3

Global Youth Leader Center (Operations HQ)

Renewable Energy Theme Park

2023 Saemangeum

World Scout Jamboree Aerial View

nnel Area




by City and County

Modern city + the early 19th century

Extreme sports(zipline)

Modern cultural heritage

Renewable energy, hologram,

futuristic automobiles

Glittering treasure of Jeonbuk

Shrines of four regions

Mireuksa Temple

(World Heritage)

Iksan jewelry tour & experience

Slow City with tradition & history

Hanok village treasure hunt

Palbokdong time travel

Hydrogen-fueled car exp

Waves of ripened grains on the horizon

Agricultural exp at

Byeokgolje Reservoir




25th World Scout Jamboree Host city



Julpo Bay Adventure Zone

Marine activities (windsurfing,

banana boat, jet ski, etc.)

Brownsea Island camping (Weedo)

Jikso Stream Nature Adventure

(rock climbing, water activity)






Fortress built with natural stones

Dolmen site

(World Heritage)

Mountain activity (cycling)

Aerial activity (paragliding)

Magnificent view of autumn colors

Climate, astronomy,

finding stars in the sky


50 Jeonbuk Life Magazine / Winter 2020 • Issue 21

A city of community culture

Eco-adventure Awards

Noltopia experience

Jinan Plateau: the roof of Korea

History + ecological exp

at Maisan Mountain

Ecofriendly healing + exp

of the clean-air forest

Slow food (red ginseng)



World Scout


supported by

14 cities

& counties

of Jeollabuk-do

Sacred place for Taekwondo



Taekwondo exp +

Poomsae certification course

Slow food (Meoru Wine Cave)

Water leisure activity (rafting)





Origin of Korean cheese: Imsil cheese!

Disaster management &

safety science experience

Extreme sports(shooting)

Slow food (Cheese Theme Park)

Jangsu Gaya: the kingdom of iron

Eco visit: Tteunbongsaem Spring,

the source of Geumgang River

Story of the Gaya confederacy,

the kingdom of iron

paradise of fermentation

Barefoot walking

Slow food (soybean pastes)

City of culture & arts at Jirisan

Gwanghallu Pavilion,

Namwon Yechon (history &

tradition experience )

Jiri Mountain eco visit + Pansori




The most "Korean" province,


A city cherishing a thousand years of history - Jeonju

A place creating a new culture while keeping its original flavor and taste!

Listen to the various stories of Jeollabuk-do made for a thousand years.











1. Which city was the

birthplace of the

Joseon Dynasty?

2. Which town is best


known for its wide

open plain that shows


a unique view of the

horizon in Korea?



3. Which county

surrounds Jeonju

and is the center

of local foods?

4. Which city sees both


the Geumgang and


Rivers flowing

through it?

5. Which county

includes one

of Korea's ten

natural wonders?

6. Which city is

located the shortest


distance from China?

7. Which city is

famous for Pansori,

Chunhyang's, and

Heungbu's stories?


8. Which town is

best known for

Naejang Mountain?

9. Which county is

scattered with

mountains ranging

over 1000m?

Hong Kong

10. Which county is

famous for Maisan


11. Which county

sees millions of

tourists per year for

skiing and other

outdoor activities?

12. Which county is

most well-known

for its cheese?

13. Which county is

famous for its red

pepper paste and

mineral springs?

14. In which county

was a stone fortress

built "just in case" of

Japanese invasion?

Quiz Answers: 1. Jeonju 2. Gimje 3. Wanju 4. Iksan 5. Buan 6. Gunsan 7. Namwon

8. Jeongeup 9. Jangsu 10. Jinan 11. Muju 12. Imsil 13. Sunchang 14. Gochang

Crossword Answers: ACROSS 1 SHRINES / 4 MAISAN / 9 MARTYRS / 10 OKAYS / 11 ANJEE / 12 INHWA / 13 LED / 15 RUBIK / 17 WAEGWAN / 19 BLESSED / 22 TUNIC / 24 ESG


14 DONGPYEONJE / 16 BUS / 18 EON / 20 ENGLISH / 21 DANOJE / 22 TUMERIC / 23 CHAIN / 25 HEBER / 26 EASEL / 27 CHA

276 Hongsan-ro Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do • +82-63-280-6112

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