Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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Kid Talk Leader’s Guide – Week 11

“Wilma,” the Pop-Up Puppet has been previously introduced. The children will have the

opportunity to make a puppet of their own in Week 13 (p. 129). Using her this session

will increase their enthusiasm for making their own puppet.

My Gratitude List: OS p. 34 is an important lesson in the power of gratitude towards

our good mental health and the healing of our grief. The Bible says we are to be thankful

IN all things. That is not FOR them, but in the midst of them. We trust God when we

don’t understand. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. (He is smarter!) He has

asked us to be thankful. It is for our own well-being. Let’s take time to “count our

blessings.” It is really a good habit to do this every morning or at some point every day.

Treasured Memories: OS p. 35. Print coins on gold paper or print a PDF of gold

coins from www.kidtalkgrief.com. Give each child a half-sheet to cut out. Prepare the

pages before the children arrive as follows: use an X-acto knife to make a horizontal slit

between the top left and bottom right corners of the treasure chest. Use a glue stick

around all the open edges of a 3 ” x 6 ½” envelope and place it on the back of the page

over the opening in the treasure chest. The children can then insert the coins with their

treasured memories into the chest. Challenge the children to remember things that

were not in their floral bouquet of memories. They can take coins home and have their

family add memories also.

Treasured Memory Boxes: are an all time favorite of the kids. Obtain cigar boxes

from a local smoke shop. They will often donate them for your purpose. Each child

decoupages magazine pictures and words that remind them of their person who died

onto the outside and/or inside of their box with Mod Podge. Be careful not to let glue get

on the top edges of the box so the lid sticks closed. Figure out a way to prop them open

until they dry. Ask the children if they have something that belonged to their person who

died. Will it fit into their memory box? What might they like to add in the future?

Seasonal cards? Photos? The memory box gives us a place to keep “connecting links”

with our decedent.

Banana Palm Tree: www.mommysfabulousfinds.com/fruit-palm-tree-how-to-getkids-to-eat-fruit.

These are made by splitting a banana in half lengthwise and laying the

flat sides down curved away from each other on a plate. Cut Kiwi slices in half to make

the palm branches with sections of fresh mandarin oranges at the base. Palm trees can

withstand heavy storms: so can we, with God’s help.


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