Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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Kid Talk Curriculum – Orientation Week

ORIENTATION: Get Acquainted

See Leader’s Guide for Details

Scripture & Theme

Psalm 147:3

He heals the brokenhearted

and binds up

their wounds.

Sign it with ASL. See



Lord, thank You that

You see our broken

hearts, You know how

much we hurt, and You

heal us.


Let’s Get Acquainted!

My Broken Heart


Activities (minutes)

OS = Our Story Memory Book

LG = Leaders Guide

OPEN: (Approximately 30 minutes)

Welcome: Flash Paper and Ground Rules with poster

Learn ASL for Psalm 147:3: discuss and pray.

Introduce Session Log: discuss and pray.

Fiddle Things: Stone Hearts or Mosaic Hearts to color.

Introductions: Name, grade, who died (Use Wilma, the

Pop-Up Puppet.)

(10) Activity: “MOVE!”

FOCUS: (Approximately 55 minutes)

(10) Acrostic on 9” x 12” envelope using child’s name.

(15) Introduce OS Memory Book: fill in the OS title

page, discuss pp. 3, 4, and 5:

Color duck and talk about “What is grief? Bereaved?”

“How are you? Just ducky!” “Grief is Like an Onion”

and “Tears.” Tissues are self-serve. See LG.

(10) My Silent Hurting Heart: OS p. 7. Read poem while

children are gluing their broken hearts back together.

See LG.

(20) Model Magic: Children create something that

reminds them of the person who died. Allow to dry on

wax paper until next week.


Kathleen Fucci while the children are working.

• Take Smile On A Stick photos.

SNACK: (Approximately 20 minutes) –

Cheese (cookie cutter hearts) and Ritz crackers

CLOSE: (Approximately 15 minutes)

Someday Heaven: read and discuss one question.

Session Log

Take-Home Griefwork


Handouts and

Take-Home Griefwork

Handouts for Adults:

“Kid Talk Grief Support

Objectives” - (Kid Talk

Curriculum p.12)

Handouts for Kids:

• Our Story Memory

Books in 1” binders

with a section divider

for the Session Logs

• Session Log and Bible

Verse Stickers

• 9” x 12” envelope

• 2 red, paper hearts for

each child (for OS p. 7)

Take-Home Griefwork:

• OS p. 8

“All About Me”

• Bring photo/s for

cover of binder.

Next Week:

• Introduce decedents

with photos.

• Recieve Smile on a

Stick photos.

• Share “All About Me.”

• Paint Model Magic


• Put our tears in a



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