Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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When Someone Else Has a Broken Heart: OS p. 38. It is good to think about ways

we can be a caring presence for somebody else who is grieving the death of someone

important to them. The pictures suggest some ways we can show that we care. How else

could we be a friend? This page is available in color as a PDF at www.kidtalkgrief.com.

Strawberry Graham Cracker Bites: can be found at:


Love Bubbles: 1-oz. colorful little bottles can be purchased with party supplies very

inexpensively. Make self-adhesive labels that say, “Kid Talk.” These are available to print

at www.kidtalkgrief.com. Let the kids stick them on the bottles and then fill the room

with “love bubbles.” Stand in a circle and say, “I love you,_____!” and then blow bubbles.

Include everyone in the group, not just the decedents. “Toast” one another too.

Kid Talk Feedback Form: is included with this week’s material. It allows the children

to “grade” their Kid Talk experience with a letter after each of the six statements, or by

writing the number of the statement in the appropriate place (in their opinion), on the

target. Note: the parents are also given feedback forms to complete at this session.

Bear Hug Coupons: PDF printable Bear Hug coupons from -www.printthistoday.com.

The kids may give them out this week or next if you are planning a 14 th week



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