Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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Kid Talk Leader’s Guide – Week 9

Colored Dice: a set of 6 colored-dice can be ordered from Amazon. These have a

different color on each side: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Let the kids

determine the color coding, then take turns rolling the die and sharing on that topic.

Make one color a “pass.” Another option is a 4” die (Amazon) that has whiteboard sides

on which you can write “PASS” on one side and “Talk Topics” on the other five sides. They

might be: Griefwork, Feelings, Grief Bundle, Safe Place, Dreams. Include review topics or

issues you want to revisit with conversation.

Dreams: OS p. 29. Our dreams come from our own subconscious. We write our own

dreams. In the Bible God spoke to people in their dreams: Abraham and Joseph in the

Old Testament and Mary, Peter, and John in the New Testament. There are others. God

has also given us authority over everything (Matthew 16:19), so we can speak to our

dreams and tell them to go away. We can ask God to help us re-write our dreams with a

happy ending. We can also ask God for angels to watch over us. (Psalm 91:11)

Dream Catchers: Native American moms have placed “Dream Catchers” above their

sleeping babies in the belief the bad dreams would be caught in the web and perish with

the light of dawn. The good dreams would pass through the little hole in the middle to

the sleeping baby. There are a lot of dream catchers for sale in the southwest part of the

United States. They can be simple and lovely or very complex and expensive. They are

beautiful and fun to make, so we will.

To make a simple dream catcher visit:


or www.dream-catchers.org/make-a-dream-catcher-for-kids

or www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-Dreamcatcher-2

These are examples of different levels of difficulty. Using paper plates, yarn, plastic pony

beads and craft feathers, works for the younger children. The rims of plastic lids and

embroidery floss are nice also. The web wrapping is simple once you catch on. See the

printed diagram and practice!

My Circle of Support: OS p. 30. God loves us and made us in His image. He is our

number one support. God created us to be in fellowship with Him, with our families and

with our friends and neighbors. He made us to need Him and to need each other. We all

need “A Circle of Support.” Jesus had the disciples.


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