Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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Week 8: Imprints and Knowing God

Scripture & Theme

Isaiah 26:3 NLT

You [God] will keep in

perfect peace all who

trust in You, all whose

thoughts are fixed on



Lord, we need Your

perfect peace during

our grief. Help us to

trust You more and

focus our thoughts on

You, the source of



Like a thumbprint, our

decedents leave a

lasting impression on

our lives.

Scripture helps us

know God better so

that we can love and

trust Him more.


Kid Talk Curriculum – Week 8

Activities (minutes)

OS = Our Story Memory Book

LG = Leader’s Guide

OPEN: (Approximately 30 minutes)

Welcome: Ground Rules with poster

ASL: Psalm 147: 3, discuss and pray.

Session Log: Isaiah 26:3 NLT, discuss and pray.

Fiddle Things: color mandalas.

Check-In: - Have Wilma share for the kids. Did you talk

about “griefwork” with your family? Did you explain

toilet bowl love? Grief vomit?

FOCUS: (Approximately 55 minutes)

(10) Chutes and Ladders: play the game as griefwork

review. Track how many kinds of griefwork the kids can

name. Offer a prize if they reach 20. See LG.

(20) GAK: Children combine the ingredients to make GAK

and take it home in a zip-lock baggie. Relate GAK to

feelings and imprints.

(5) How My Family Has Changed: OS p. 27. Complete

the page with drawings of how their families have

changed since the death. Talk about how hard it is to

draw changes.

(10) Imprint – Your Mark on My Life: OS p. 28. See LG.

(10) Scripture Basket: Let each child choose a scripture

card from the basket to read out loud and tell how it can

help them. This is griefwork.

SNACK: (Approximately 20 minutes)

Sea Turtles

CLOSE: (Approximately 15 minutes)

Someday Heaven: Read and discuss one question.

Session Log

Take-Home Griefwork

Happy Snaps


See Leader’s Guide for Details

Handouts and



Handouts for Adults:

Scripture Verses for the


Handouts for Kids:

• Our Story binders

• Session Logs

• Bible Verse Stickers

• GAK recipe

Take-Home Griefwork:

• Discuss OS p. 28 with

your family. Have

they been imprinted

differently than you?

• Share this week’s

scripture with your

family and pray


Next Week:

• Make Dream


• Dip Pretzel Sticks.


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