Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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Kid Talk Leader’s Guide – Week 7

Toilet Bowl Love: OS p. 25. Refer to Week 6. Forgiveness is an important component

of healing our grief. With God’s help we can flush away hurtful words and actions as many

times as necessary. God forgives and forgets. We do not forget, unfortunately. We need

to flush again every time the hurt comes back.

Wilted Rose: a magic “Drooping Flower” or “Wilting Red Rose Toy” can be purchased

at: https://www.magictricks.com/drooping-flower.html. (See Kid Talk Supply Pantry pp

137 - 141.) It is an attention-getting way to motivate the children to name things they

can do to help them through the grieving process. (Griefwork!) Say, “When someone we

love dies, the life goes right out of us like this…....” (Droop the flower.) “What can you

do to help yourself feel better? Remember all the choices we have for doing griefwork?

What are they?” Ask the children to name activities, as you slowly release the string to

make the rose perk up again. Comment that it takes a lot of effort and time – more than

we would like.

Marshmallow Shooter: directions for making a Mini-Marshmallow Shooter from PVC

pipe can be found on the internet at www.instructables.com/id/Marshmallow-gun/.

Ideally, with Covid 19 precautions in mind, have a shooter for each child and antibacterial

wipes to clean them. The kids love this activity. Have them draw a picture about what

they hate about grief or being a kid with a broken heart. Tape the pictures to a wall with

about 10’ of clearance. Important: before shooting, the child states what it is they hate.

For example, “I hate cancer.” Then he or she shoots marshmallows at the picture as a

way to “vent anger.” One child drew a picture of a swimming pool with a circle around it

and a line through it. His baby sister drowned in their pool.

Bumper Stickers: use a half sheet of 8 ½” x 11” paper cut vertically. Invite the children

to create a “bumper sticker” that tells the world what people need to know about kids’

grief or about their decedent. Example: “Boys cry, too.”

Snack: veggies and ranch dip are a classic. Talk about the importance of taking good care

of our bodies while we are grieving e.g. eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and wash your

hands often. Our immune system is weakened by the stress of grief, so we are more

vulnerable to germs and viruses. Practice good health habits.


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