Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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Email Template - Example

DATE: __________________


FROM: (facilitators’ names)

RE: Kid Talk Week _____

Parents and Guardians (and sometimes Kids!)

Greetings Parents and Guardians!

Our theme last week was _______________________.

A highlight of our time together was ______________.

Our take-home griefwork is _____________________.

Next week our theme is _______________. Our activities will include ________________________.

Affirmation: ________________________.

Salutation: _________________________.


DATE: (One or two days before the group meets.)

TO: (email address)

FROM: Ms. Mel and Kid Talk Team

RE: Kid Talk Week 1

Greetings Parents, Guardians and Kids!

Last week was our get acquainted session and our theme was “my broken heart.” We loved the

sculptures the kids made from Model Magic! They will paint them this week as we learn more

about each other: how we are unique (Our Story page 8 and a “puzzle” interview) and the same

(Game: Where Do I Stand?). It will be fun to see the “smile on a stick” photos that illustrate how we

may look happier than we feel.

We will talk about tears and collect our “tears in a bottle.” We will share photos of our loved ones

and use page 9 of Our Story to introduce them. Next week we will get better acquainted with our

decedents (new word!) using the acrostics on page 12 of Our Story and Favorite Things on page 10.

Your child may need your help filling in the blanks. Thank you for contributing to his or her memory

work. We love that you will be processing memories together. It is healing for both of you!

It is a privilege for us to walk with your kids through this difficult time. Please feel free to call us if

you have any questions or concerns. Our contact info is on your Kid Talk Schedule.

Remember, He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 (It is our theme

verse. We begin each session by signing it with ASL!)

See you at 6:25 p.m. on Wednesday!

Ms. Mel and team


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