Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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Kid Talk Leaders Guide – Week 5

The Feelings Vase: this activity has profound impact and is a favorite.

Materials Needed:

• 32 “Feelings Cards” (Printable PDF at www.kidtalkgrief.com Print and laminate


• Clear glass bud vase with a bulb at the base, add water, level with the top of the

bulb with a drop of food coloring

• Set of liquid food colors

• Container of small pearlescent floral stones

• Small container lid to use as a “tray” for the food colors. It makes it easier to pass

them around

• Individual laminated cards with a “Grief Tip for Kids” on each one or a list for each


1. Distribute the feelings cards around the room or over a table. Invite the children to

“shop” for 2 or 3 feelings that match how their grief feels. No worries if someone else

wants the same card. We will all be sharing them.

2. Settle at the table and have the children turn to Our Story p. 23 to record their own

feelings with words or pictures. Demonstrate with a feeling card of your own (leader)

how we will proceed. Hold up the feeling card and say, “I have chosen love because I

will always love my dad.” Then select a color of food coloring (red, yellow, blue, or

green) to represent the feeling and say, “for me, love is red.” Squeeze one drop of red

into the bud vase. Then ask, “Is there anyone who would like to share LOVE with me?”

(The children will begin to pose this question to the others.) Go around the table to

give everyone the opportunity to “own” love, tell why AND name the color it is for

them. The person to first share a feeling puts the food color into the vase for everyone

else. The leader might ask the person to demonstrate love for a photo – or ask the

whole group – and take a photo. Alternatively explain that everyone will pick one of

their feelings to act out for a photo when we’ve finished going around the table. It

seems to be most efficient to have each child share about all the feeling cards that

they have chosen. When done, pass along the vase and the little tray of food colors

to the person on the left.


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