Kid Talk Flipbook For Review 05.10

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Kid Talk Supply List – Week 11

• Handouts for Parents/Guardians: Online Resources

• Handouts for Kids: Session Log and Bible Verse Stickers, Page of Gold Coins

• Clipboard with Sign-In Sheet, pen and WELCOME sign

• Name place cards and supplies to make one for new attendees

• Our Story binder

• Ground Rules poster

• Book: ‘Someday Heaven’ and box with question cards

• Glossary Cards

• Camera for taking photos of the kids

• Pencils

• Pens

• Markers

• Box of tissues

• Wilma, the Pop-Up-Puppet

• Basket of fiddle things (optional)

• Supplies for making Memory Boxes:

cigar boxes, lots of magazine words

and pictures, scissors, Mod Podge,

sponge brushes (White glue mixed

with equal parts of water works


• Snack: Banana Palm Trees (See

Leader’s Guide) Bananas, Kiwi Fruit,

Mandarin oranges

• Plates, napkins, plastic knives

• Paper cups and ice water

Room Set Up: a table cloth helps to identify the snack table.


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