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92 CHAPTER 4 Real-world data representation using tensors

Here we prescribed our original bikes dataset and our one-hot-encoded “weather situation”

matrix to be concatenated along the column dimension (that is, 1). In other

words, the columns of the two datasets are stacked together; or, equivalently, the new

one-hot-encoded columns are appended to the original dataset. For cat to succeed, it

is required that the tensors have the same size along the other dimensions—the row

dimension, in this case. Note that our new last four columns are 1, 0, 0, 0, exactly

as we would expect with a weather value of 1.

We could have done the same with the reshaped daily_bikes tensor. Remember

that it is shaped (B, C, L), where L = 24. We first create the zero tensor, with the same

B and L, but with the number of additional columns as C:

# In[9]:

daily_weather_onehot = torch.zeros(daily_bikes.shape[0], 4,



# Out[9]:

torch.Size([730, 4, 24])

Then we scatter the one-hot encoding into the tensor in the C dimension. Since this

operation is performed in place, only the content of the tensor will change:

# In[10]:


1, daily_bikes[:,9,:].long().unsqueeze(1) - 1, 1.0)


# Out[10]:

torch.Size([730, 4, 24])

And we concatenate along the C dimension:

# In[11]:

daily_bikes = torch.cat((daily_bikes, daily_weather_onehot), dim=1)

We mentioned earlier that this is not the only way to treat our “weather situation” variable.

Indeed, its labels have an ordinal relationship, so we could pretend they are special

values of a continuous variable. We could just transform the variable so that it runs

from 0.0 to 1.0:

# In[12]:

daily_bikes[:, 9, :] = (daily_bikes[:, 9, :] - 1.0) / 3.0

As we mentioned in the previous section, rescaling variables to the [0.0, 1.0] interval

or the [-1.0, 1.0] interval is something we’ll want to do for all quantitative variables,

like temperature (column 10 in our dataset). We’ll see why later; for now, let’s just say

that this is beneficial to the training process.

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