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PyTorch’s autograd: Backpropagating all things


the original (non-normalized) input t_u, and even increase the learning rate to 1e-1,

and Adam won’t even blink:

# In[11]:

params = torch.tensor([1.0, 0.0], requires_grad=True)

learning_rate = 1e-1

optimizer = optim.Adam([params], lr=learning_rate)

New optimizer class


n_epochs = 2000,

optimizer = optimizer,

params = params,

t_u = t_u,

t_c = t_c)

# Out[11]:

Epoch 500, Loss 7.612903

Epoch 1000, Loss 3.086700

Epoch 1500, Loss 2.928578

Epoch 2000, Loss 2.927646

We’re back to the original

t_u as our input.


0.5367, -17.3021], requires_grad=True)

The optimizer is not the only flexible part of our training loop. Let’s turn our attention

to the model. In order to train a neural network on the same data and the same

loss, all we would need to change is the model function. It wouldn’t make particular

sense in this case, since we know that converting Celsius to Fahrenheit amounts to a

linear transformation, but we’ll do it anyway in chapter 6. We’ll see quite soon that

neural networks allow us to remove our arbitrary assumptions about the shape of the

function we should be approximating. Even so, we’ll see how neural networks manage

to be trained even when the underlying processes are highly nonlinear (such in the

case of describing an image with a sentence, as we saw in chapter 2).

We have touched on a lot of the essential concepts that will enable us to train

complicated deep learning models while knowing what’s going on under the hood:

backpropagation to estimate gradients, autograd, and optimizing weights of models

using gradient descent or other optimizers. Really, there isn’t a lot more. The rest is

mostly filling in the blanks, however extensive they are.

Next up, we’re going to offer an aside on how to split our samples, because that

sets up a perfect use case for learning how to better control autograd.

5.5.3 Training, validation, and overfitting

Johannes Kepler taught us one last thing that we didn’t discuss so far, remember? He

kept part of the data on the side so that he could validate his models on independent

observations. This is a vital thing to do, especially when the model we adopt could

potentially approximate functions of any shape, as in the case of neural networks. In

other words, a highly adaptable model will tend to use its many parameters to make

sure the loss is minimal at the data points, but we’ll have no guarantee that the model

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