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96 CHAPTER 4 Real-world data representation using tensors

4.5.3 One-hot encoding whole words

We have one-hot encoded our sentence into a representation that a neural network

could digest. Word-level encoding can be done the same way by establishing a vocabulary

and one-hot encoding sentences—sequences of words—along the rows of our

tensor. Since a vocabulary has many words, this will produce very wide encoded vectors,

which may not be practical. We will see in the next section that there is a more

efficient way to represent text at the word level, using embeddings. For now, let’s stick

with one-hot encodings and see what happens.

We’ll define clean_words, which takes text and returns it in lowercase and

stripped of punctuation. When we call it on our “Impossible, Mr. Bennet” line, we get

the following:

# In[6]:

def clean_words(input_str):

punctuation = '.,;:"!?”“_-'

word_list = input_str.lower().replace('\n',' ').split()

word_list = [word.strip(punctuation) for word in word_list]

return word_list

words_in_line = clean_words(line)

line, words_in_line

# Out[6]:

('“Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him',












Next, let’s build a mapping of words to indexes in our encoding:

# In[7]:

word_list = sorted(set(clean_words(text)))

word2index_dict = {word: i for (i, word) in enumerate(word_list)}

len(word2index_dict), word2index_dict['impossible']

# Out[7]:

(7261, 3394)

Note that word2index_dict is now a dictionary with words as keys and an integer as a

value. We will use it to efficiently find the index of a word as we one-hot encode it.

Let’s now focus on our sentence: we break it up into words and one-hot encode it—

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