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Down along the gradient


NOTE The normalization here absolutely helps get the network trained, but

you could make an argument that it’s not strictly needed to optimize the

parameters for this particular problem. That’s absolutely true! This problem is

small enough that there are numerous ways to beat the parameters into submission.

However, for larger, more sophisticated problems, normalization is an

easy and effective (if not crucial!) tool to use to improve model convergence.

Let’s run the loop for enough iterations to see the changes in params get small. We’ll

change n_epochs to 5,000:

# In[21]:

params = training_loop(

n_epochs = 5000,

learning_rate = 1e-2,

params = torch.tensor([1.0, 0.0]),

t_u = t_un,

t_c = t_c,

print_params = False)


# Out[21]:

Epoch 1, Loss 80.364342

Epoch 2, Loss 37.574917

Epoch 3, Loss 30.871077


Epoch 10, Loss 29.030487

Epoch 11, Loss 28.941875


Epoch 99, Loss 22.214186

Epoch 100, Loss 22.148710


Epoch 4000, Loss 2.927680

Epoch 5000, Loss 2.927648

tensor([ 5.3671, -17.3012])

Good: our loss decreases while we change parameters along the direction of gradient

descent. It doesn’t go exactly to zero; this could mean there aren’t enough iterations to

converge to zero, or that the data points don’t sit exactly on a line. As we anticipated, our

measurements were not perfectly accurate, or there was noise involved in the reading.

But look: the values for w and b look an awful lot like the numbers we need to use

to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (after accounting for our earlier normalization when

we multiplied our inputs by 0.1). The exact values would be w=5.5556 and b=-

17.7778. Our fancy thermometer was showing temperatures in Fahrenheit the whole

time. No big discovery, except that our gradient descent optimization process works!

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