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LibTorch: PyTorch in C++




Spares us from torch::nn::Conv2dOptions(ngf * mult, ngf * mult * 2, 3)

reproducing some .stride(2)

tedious things

.padding(1))); An example of Options in action


register_module("model", model);


Tensor forward(const Tensor &inp) { return model->forward(inp); }


Creates a wrapper ResNetGenerator around our

TORCH_MODULE(ResNetGenerator); ResNetGeneratorImpl class. As archaic as it seems,

the matching names are important here.

That’s it—we’ve defined the perfect C++ analogue of the Python ResNetGenerator

model. Now we only need a main function to load parameters and run our model.

Loading the image with CImg and converting from image to tensor and tensor back

to image are the same as in the previous section. To include some variation, we’ll display

the image instead of writing it to disk.

Listing 15.16

cyclegan_cpp_api.cpp main

ResNetGenerator model; Instantiates our model


torch::load(model, argv[1]);

Loads the



cimg_library::CImg<float> image(argv[2]);

image.resize(400, 400);

auto input_ =

torch::tensor(torch::ArrayRef<float>(image.data(), image.size()));

auto input = input_.reshape({1, 3, image.height(), image.width()});

torch::NoGradGuard no_grad;


As in Python, eval mode is turned on (for our

model, it would not be strictly relevant).

auto output = model->forward(input);

Again, we call


forward rather

cimg_library::CImg<float> out_img(output.data_ptr<float>(),

than the model.

output.size(3), output.size(2),

1, output.size(1));

cimg_library::CImgDisplay disp(out_img, "See a C++ API zebra!");

while (!disp.is_closed()) {



Declaring a guard variable

is the equivalent of the

torch.no_grad() context.

You can put it in a { … }

block if you need to limit

how long you turn off


Displaying the image, we need to wait for a key

rather than immediately exiting our program.

The interesting changes are in how we create and run the model. Just as expected, we

instantiate the model by declaring a variable of the model type. We load the model

using torch::load (here it is important that we wrapped the model). While this looks

very familiar to PyTorch practitioners, note that it will work on JIT-saved files rather

than Python-serialized state dictionaries.

When running the model, we need the equivalent of with torch.no_grad():. This

is provided by instantiating a variable of type NoGradGuard and keeping it in scope for

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