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202 CHAPTER 8 Using convolutions to generalize

lots more elaborate filters, such as for detecting horizontal or diagonal edges, or crosslike

or checkerboard patterns, where “detecting” means the output has a high magnitude.

In fact, the job of a computer vision expert has historically been to come up with

the most effective combination of filters so that certain features are highlighted in

images and objects can be recognized.

With deep learning, we let kernels be estimated from data in whatever way the discrimination

is most effective: for instance, in terms of minimizing the negative crossentropy

loss between the output and the ground truth that we introduced in section

7.2.5. From this angle, the job of a convolutional neural network is to estimate the kernel

of a set of filter banks in successive layers that will transform a multichannel image

into another multichannel image, where different channels correspond to different

features (such as one channel for the average, another channel for vertical edges, and

so on). Figure 8.6 shows how the training automatically learns the kernels.








xN input


one output

chaNnel per






derivative of

loSs with respect

to weight


Figure 8.6 The process of learning with convolutions by estimating the gradient at the kernel weights and

updating them individually in order to optimize for the loss

8.2.3 Looking further with depth and pooling

This is all well and good, but conceptually there’s an elephant in the room. We got all

excited because by moving from fully connected layers to convolutions, we achieve

locality and translation invariance. Then we recommended the use of small kernels,

like 3 × 3, or 5 × 5: that’s peak locality, all right. What about the big picture? How do we

know that all structures in our images are 3 pixels or 5 pixels wide? Well, we don’t,

because they aren’t. And if they aren’t, how are our networks going to be equipped to

see those patterns with larger scope? This is something we’ll really need if we want to

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