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356 CHAPTER 12 Improving training with metrics and augmentation

12.9 Summary

• A binary label and a binary classification threshold combine to partition the

dataset into four quadrants: true positives, true negatives, false negatives, and

false positives. These four quantities provide the basis for our improved performance


• Recall is the ability of a model to maximize true positives. Selecting every single

item guarantees perfect recall—because all the correct answers are included—

but also exhibits poor precision.

• Precision is the ability of a model to minimize false positives. Selecting nothing

guarantees perfect precision—because no incorrect answers are included—but

also exhibits poor recall.

• The F1 score combines precision and recall into a single metric that describes

model performance. We use the F1 score to determine what impact changes to

training or the model have on our performance.

• Balancing the training set to have an equal number of positive and negative

samples during training can result in the model performing better (defined as

having a positive, increasing F1 score).

• Data augmentation takes existing organic data samples and modifies them such

that the resulting augmented sample is non-trivially different from the original,

but remains representative of samples of the same class. This allows additional

training without overfitting in situations where data is limited.

• Common data augmentation strategies include changes in orientation, mirroring,

rescaling, shifting by an offset, and adding noise. Depending on the project,

other more specific strategies may also be relevant.

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