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LibTorch: PyTorch in C++


Our tensor is only 1D, so we need to reshape it. Conveniently, CImg uses the same

ordering as PyTorch (channel, rows, columns). If not, we would need to adapt the

reshaping and permute the axes as we did in chapter 4. As CImg uses a range of

0…255 and we made our model to use 0…1, we divide here and multiply later.

This could, of course, be absorbed into the model, but we wanted to reuse our

traced model.

A common pitfall to avoid: pre- and postprocessing

When switching from one library to another, it is easy to forget to check that the conversion

steps are compatible. They are non-obvious unless we look up the memory

layout and scaling convention of PyTorch and the image processing library we use. If

we forget, we will be disappointed by not getting the results we anticipate.

Here, the model would go wild because it gets extremely large inputs. However, in

the end, the output convention of our model is to give RGB values in the 0..1 range.

If we used this directly with CImg, the result would look all black.

Other frameworks have other conventions: for example OpenCV likes to store images

as BGR instead of RGB, requiring us to flip the channel dimension. We always want

to make sure the input we feed to the model in the deployment is the same as what

we fed into it in Python.

Loading the traced model is very straightforward using torch::jit::load. Next, we

have to deal with an abstraction PyTorch introduces to bridge between Python and

C++: we need to wrap our input in an IValue (or several IValues), the generic data type

for any value. A function in the JIT is passed a vector of IValues, so we declare that

and then push_back our input tensor. This will automatically wrap our tensor into an

IValue. We feed this vector of IValues to the forward and get a single one back. We

can then unpack the tensor in the resulting IValue with .toTensor.

Here we see a bit about IValues: they have a type (here, Tensor), but they could also

be holding int64_ts or doubles or a list of tensors. For example, if we had multiple

outputs, we would get an IValue holding a list of tensors, which ultimately stems from

the Python calling conventions. When we unpack a tensor from an IValue using

.toTensor, the IValue transfers ownership (becomes invalid). But let’s not worry about

it; we got a tensor back. Because sometimes the model may return non-contiguous data

(with gaps in the storage from chapter 3), but CImg reasonably requires us to provide

it with a contiguous block, we call contiguous. It is important that we assign this

contiguous tensor to a variable that is in scope until we are done working with the

underlying memory. Just like in Python, PyTorch will free memory if it sees that no

tensors are using it anymore.

So let’s compile this! On Debian or Ubuntu, you need to install cimg-dev,

libjpeg-dev, and libx11-dev to use CImg.

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