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94 CHAPTER 4 Real-world data representation using tensors

state-of-the-art performance on a number of tasks in different domains with the same

PyTorch tools; we just need to cast our problem in the right form. The first part of this

job is reshaping the data.

4.5.1 Converting text to numbers

There are two particularly intuitive levels at which networks operate on text: at the

character level, by processing one character at a time, and at the word level, where

individual words are the finest-grained entities to be seen by the network. The technique

with which we encode text information into tensor form is the same whether we

operate at the character level or the word level. And it’s not magic, either. We stumbled

upon it earlier: one-hot encoding.

Let’s start with a character-level example. First, let’s get some text to process. An

amazing resource here is Project Gutenberg (www.gutenberg.org), a volunteer effort

to digitize and archive cultural work and make it available for free in open formats,

including plain text files. If we’re aiming at larger-scale corpora, the Wikipedia corpus

stands out: it’s the complete collection of Wikipedia articles, containing 1.9 billion

words and more than 4.4 million articles. Several other corpora can be found at the

English Corpora website (www.english-corpora.org).

Let’s load Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice from the Project Gutenberg website:

www.gutenberg.org/files/1342/1342-0.txt. We’ll just save the file and read it in


Listing 4.5


# In[2]:

with open('../data/p1ch4/jane-austen/1342-0.txt', encoding='utf8') as f:

text = f.read()

4.5.2 One-hot-encoding characters

There’s one more detail we need to take care of before we proceed: encoding. This is

a pretty vast subject, and we will just touch on it. Every written character is represented

by a code: a sequence of bits of appropriate length so that each character can be

uniquely identified. The simplest such encoding is ASCII (American Standard Code

for Information Interchange), which dates back to the 1960s. ASCII encodes 128 characters

using 128 integers. For instance, the letter a corresponds to binary 1100001 or

decimal 97, the letter b to binary 1100010 or decimal 98, and so on. The encoding fits

8 bits, which was a big bonus in 1965.

NOTE 128 characters are clearly not enough to account for all the glyphs,

accents, ligatures, and so on that are needed to properly represent written

text in languages other than English. To this end, a number of encodings

have been developed that use a larger number of bits as code for a wider

range of characters. That wider range of characters was standardized as Unicode,

which maps all known characters to numbers, with the representation

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