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346 CHAPTER 12 Improving training with metrics and augmentation

Overfitting is usually due to having too few training samples when compared to the

ability of the model to just memorize the answers. The median human can memorize

the birthdays of their immediate family but would have to resort to generalizations

when predicting the ages of any group larger than a small village.

Our face-to-age model has the capacity to simply memorize the photos of anyone

who doesn’t look exactly their age. As we discussed in part 1, model capacity is a somewhat

abstract concept, but is roughly a function of the number of parameters of the

model times how efficiently those parameters are used. When a model has a high

capacity relative to the amount of data needed to memorize the hard samples from

the training set, it’s likely that the model will begin to overfit on those more difficult

training samples.

12.6 Preventing overfitting with data augmentation

It’s time to take our model training from good to great. We need to cover one last step

in figure 12.20.

1. Guard dogs

2. Birds and


5. Balancing





3. Ratios recaLl

and precision

4. new metric:

f1 score

7. Workin’ great!

Figure 12.20

The set of topics for this chapter, with a focus on data augmentation

We augment a dataset by applying synthetic alterations to individual samples, resulting

in a new dataset with an effective size that is larger than the original. The typical goal

is for the alterations to result in a synthetic sample that remains representative of the

same general class as the source sample, but that cannot be trivially memorized alongside

the original. When done properly, this augmentation can increase the training set

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