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306 CHAPTER 11 Training a classification model to detect suspected tumors

$ ls -1p data-unversioned/part2/luna/subset0/


and that we have the overall correct number of files:

$ ls -1 data-unversioned/part2/luna/subset?/* | wc -l


$ ls -1 data-unversioned/part2/luna/subset0/* | wc -l



$ ls -1 data-unversioned/part2/luna/subset9/* | wc -l


If all of these seem right but things still aren’t working, ask on Manning LiveBook

(https://livebook.manning.com/book/deep-learning-with-pytorch/chapter-11) and

hopefully someone can help get things sorted out.

11.7.2 Interlude: The enumerateWithEstimate function

Working with deep learning involves a lot of waiting. We’re talking about real-world,

sitting around, glancing at the clock on the wall, a watched pot never boils (but you

could fry an egg on the GPU), straight up boredom.

The only thing worse than sitting and staring at a blinking cursor that hasn’t

moved for over an hour is flooding your screen with this:

2020-01-01 10:00:00,056 INFO training batch 1234

2020-01-01 10:00:00,067 INFO training batch 1235

2020-01-01 10:00:00,077 INFO training batch 1236

2020-01-01 10:00:00,087 INFO training batch 1237


At least the quietly blinking cursor doesn’t blow out your scrollback buffer!

Fundamentally, while doing all this waiting, we want to answer the question “Do I

have time to go refill my water glass?” along with follow-up questions about having

time to

• Brew a cup of coffee

• Grab dinner

• Grab dinner in Paris 5

To answer these pressing questions, we’re going to use our enumerateWithEstimate

function. Usage looks like the following:


If getting dinner in France doesn’t involve an airport, feel free to substitute “Paris, Texas” to make the joke

work; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_(disambiguation).

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