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val_loss tensor 138

val_neg loss 308

val_pos loss 308

val_stride parameter 275

validate function 216

validation 383, 409

validation loop 299–300

validation set 132, 433

validation_cadence 393

validation_dl 289

validation_ds 289

valMetrics_g 300

valMetrics_t 301

vanilla gradient descent 127

vanilla model 367

view function 294

volread function 76

volumetric data

data representation using

tensors 75–76

loading 76

volumetric pixel 239

voxel-address-based coordinate

system 265

voxels 239

converting between

millimeters and voxel

addresses 268–270

grouping voxels into nodule

candidates 411–412

voxel sizes 267–268


wait() method 452

weight decay 220

weight matrix 195

weight parameter 200

weight penalties 219–220

weight tensor 197

weighted loss 391

WeightedRandomSampler 339

weights 106

weights argument 339

whole-slice training 383

width of network 218–219

Wine Quality dataset 77

with statement 126

with torch.no_grad()

method 299, 447, 457, 471

word2index_dict 96

WordNet 17

writer.add_histogram 428

writer.add_scalar method

314, 396


Xavier initializations 228

_xyz suffix 268

xyz2irc function 269


YOLOv3 paper 360


zero_grad method 128

zeros function 50, 55, 125

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