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468 CHAPTER 15 Deploying to production

You can download a C++ library of PyTorch from the PyTorch page. But given that

we already have PyTorch installed, 10 we might as well use that; it comes with all we

need for C++. We need to know where our PyTorch installation lives, so open Python

and check torch.__file__, which may say /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/

torch/__init__.py. This means the CMake files we need are in /usr/local/lib/


While using CMake seems like overkill for a single source file project, linking to

PyTorch is a bit complex; so we just use the following as a boilerplate CMake file. 11

Listing 15.12


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0 FATAL_ERROR)


We need Torch.

find_package(Torch REQUIRED)


add_executable(cyclegan-jit cyclegan_jit.cpp)

target_link_libraries(cyclegan-jit pthread jpeg X11)

target_link_libraries(cyclegan-jit "${TORCH_LIBRARIES}")

set_property(TARGET cyclegan-jit PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 14)

Project name. Replace it with your

own here and on the other lines.

We want to compile

an executable named

cyclegan-jit from the


source file.

Links to the bits required

for CImg. CImg itself is allinclude,

so it does not

appear here.

It is best to make a build directory as a subdirectory of where the source code resides

and then in it run CMake as 12 CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.7/

dist-packages/torch/share/cmake/ cmake .. and finally make. This will build the

cyclegan-jit program, which we can then run as follows:

./cyclegan-jit ../traced_zebra_model.pt

../../data/p1ch2/horse.jpg /tmp/z.jpg

We just ran our PyTorch model without Python. Awesome! If you want to ship your

application, you likely want to copy the libraries from /usr/local/lib/python3.7/distpackages/torch/lib

into where your executable is, so that they will always be found.

15.4.2 C++ from the start: The C++ API

The C++ modular API is intended to feel a lot like the Python one. To get a taste, we

will translate the CycleGAN generator into a model natively defined in C++, but without

the JIT. We do, however, need the pretrained weights, so we’ll save a traced version

of the model (and here it is important to trace not a function but the model).

10 We hope you have not been slacking off about trying out things you read.

11 The code directory has a bit longer version to work around Windows issues.

12 You might have to replace the path with where your PyTorch or LibTorch installation is located. Note that

the C++ library can be more picky than the Python one in terms of compatibility: If you are using a CUDAenabled

library, you need to have the matching CUDA headers installed. If you get cryptic error messages

about “Caffe2 using CUDA,” you need to install a CPU-only version of the library, but CMake found a CUDAenabled


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