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Less loss is what we want


zero-dimensional tensors), and the product operation will use broadcasting to yield

the returned tensors. Anyway, time to define our loss:

# In[4]:

def loss_fn(t_p, t_c):

squared_diffs = (t_p - t_c)**2

return squared_diffs.mean()

Note that we are building a tensor of differences, taking their square element-wise,

and finally producing a scalar loss function by averaging all of the elements in the

resulting tensor. It is a mean square loss.

We can now initialize the parameters, invoke the model,

# In[5]:

w = torch.ones(())

b = torch.zeros(())

t_p = model(t_u, w, b)


# Out[5]:

tensor([35.7000, 55.9000, 58.2000, 81.9000, 56.3000, 48.9000, 33.9000,

21.8000, 48.4000, 60.4000, 68.4000])

and check the value of the loss:

# In[6]:

loss = loss_fn(t_p, t_c)


# Out[6]:


We implemented the model and the loss in this section. We’ve finally reached the

meat of the example: how do we estimate w and b such that the loss reaches a minimum?

We’ll first work things out by hand and then learn how to use PyTorch’s superpowers

to solve the same problem in a more general, off-the-shelf way.


We mentioned broadcasting in chapter 3, and we promised to look at it more carefully

when we need it. In our example, we have two scalars (zero-dimensional tensors) w

and b, and we multiply them with and add them to vectors (one-dimensional tensors)

of length b.

Usually—and in early versions of PyTorch, too—we can only use element-wise binary

operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for arguments

of the same shape. The entries in matching positions in each of the tensors will be

used to calculate the corresponding entry in the result tensor.

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