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Bridging CT segmentation and nodule candidate classification





cls_tup = (prob_nodule, prob_mal, center_xyz, center_irc)


return classifications_list

This is great! We can now threshold the output probabilities to get a list of things our

model thinks are actual nodules. In a practical setting, we would probably want to output

them for a radiologist to inspect. Again, we might want to adjust the threshold to

err a bit on the safe side: that is, if our threshold was 0.3 instead of 0.5, we would present

a few more candidates that turn out not to be nodules, while reducing the risk of

missing actual nodules.

Listing 14.6

nodule_analysis.py:333, NoduleAnalysisApp.main

If we don’t pass run_validation, we

print individual information …

if not self.cli_args.run_validation:

print(f"found nodule candidates in {series_uid}:")

for prob, prob_mal, center_xyz, center_irc in classifications_list:

if prob > 0.5:

s = f"nodule prob {prob:.3f}, "

if self.malignancy_model:

s += f"malignancy prob {prob_mal:.3f}, "

s += f"center xyz {center_xyz}"


if series_uid in candidateInfo_dict:

one_confusion = match_and_score(

classifications_list, candidateInfo_dict[series_uid]


all_confusion += one_confusion


series_uid, one_confusion, self.malignancy_model is not None



"Total", all_confusion, self.malignancy_model is not None


Let’s run this for a given CT from the validation set: 3

… for all candidates found by

the segmentation where the

classifier assigned a nodule

probability of 50% or more.

If we have the ground truth data, we

compute and print the confusion matrix and

also add the current results to the total.

$ python3.6 -m p2ch14.nodule_analysis

➥ .592821488053137951302246128864


found nodule candidates in

➥ 53137951302246128864:


We chose this series specifically because it has a nice mix of results.

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