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Named tensors


For operations with two inputs, in addition to the usual dimension checks—whether

sizes are the same, or if one is 1 and can be broadcast to the other—PyTorch will now

check the names for us. So far, it does not automatically align dimensions, so we need

to do this explicitly. The method align_as returns a tensor with missing dimensions

added and existing ones permuted to the right order:

# In[9]:

weights_aligned = weights_named.align_as(img_named)

weights_aligned.shape, weights_aligned.names

# Out[9]:

(torch.Size([3, 1, 1]), ('channels', 'rows', 'columns'))

Functions accepting dimension arguments, like sum, also take named dimensions:

# In[10]:

gray_named = (img_named * weights_aligned).sum('channels')

gray_named.shape, gray_named.names

# Out[10]:

(torch.Size([5, 5]), ('rows', 'columns'))

If we try to combine dimensions with different names, we get an error:

gray_named = (img_named[..., :3] * weights_named).sum('channels')

RuntimeError: Error when

attempting to broadcast dims ['channels', 'rows',

'columns'] and dims ['channels']: dim 'columns' and dim 'channels'

are at the same position from the right but do not match.

If we want to use tensors outside functions that operate on named tensors, we need to

drop the names by renaming them to None. The following gets us back into the world

of unnamed dimensions:

# In[12]:

gray_plain = gray_named.rename(None)

gray_plain.shape, gray_plain.names

# Out[12]:

(torch.Size([5, 5]), (None, None))

Given the experimental nature of this feature at the time of writing, and to avoid

mucking around with indexing and alignment, we will stick to unnamed in the

remainder of the book. Named tensors have the potential to eliminate many sources

of alignment errors, which—if the PyTorch forum is any indication—can be a source

of headaches. It will be interesting to see how widely they will be adopted.

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