Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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wanted. “Just how stupid do you take me for?”

Cassio raised his brows. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I snorted, remembering Elia’s exact same words.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about Cassio, because the moment I

confronted Elia, he called you.”

Cassio’s face remained a mask of stoic calmness, and it infuriated me even


“You’re being unreasonable and childish.”

Whenever I tried to talk to him or have him relinquish control, he accused

me of being a child. But when he wanted to sleep with me, that fact didn’t cross

his mind.

“As your wife, I deserve the truth. I don’t deserve being tricked and spied on.

What was the purpose of this charade? Did you think I’d throw myself at the first

attractive man who smiled at me?”

Cassio narrowed his eyes. “So, you find him attractive.”

I had enough. I walked up to him and glared up. “Are you serious?”

Cassio didn’t deign me with a reply. He unbuttoned his shirt with infuriating


“Look at me.”

He raised his head, but his eyes were hard. No sign of guilt. Did he think his

actions were okay?

“I can’t believe you used Elia as a trap to see if I’d cheat on you. We’re


“Marriage never stopped anyone.”

“Is that so?” I asked curiously, trying to figure out if he was referring to


“I’d never cheat.”

“Oh, so I’m supposed to take your word on it, but you can use my bodyguard

to test me? Don’t you realize how wrong that is?”

“I do what’s necessary.”

“Necessary? So, you admit that you ordered Elia to flirt with me to see how

I’d react? You should trust me.” Hurt rang in my voice.

“I don’t trust anyone.”

My first impulse was to react with anger, with a snappy comment because

this day had been hard and I didn’t have a shoulder to unload on, only a husband

who treated me like a child and didn’t trust me. But my anger wouldn’t change

anything. It would only lead to more resentment. “I don’t know what happened

between Gaia and you. Maybe you worry I’m like her. I don’t know her so I

can’t promise you I’m not. What I know is that if you don’t allow yourself to get

to know me, you won’t ever trust me, and if you don’t trust me, then this

marriage will fail either way.” I swallowed, turning away from his harsh

expression. “Maybe you need more time. You obviously don’t want my

closeness except for when we have sex. I won’t push you, but I’m not sure I can

do this. Not right now. I’ll give you the room you need and move into the

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