Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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Two days before Daniele’s birthday, when it was certain we would spend the

weekend in the beach house, I called Mia. I hadn’t talked to her since the

wedding and only exchanged the occasional short texts of pleasantries.

“Giulia, what a pleasure. Is everything all right?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Of course?” Her curiosity was unmistakable. I wondered how much she

really knew about the reason for Gaia’s death. Judging by Cassio’s words, she

only knew the basics.

“We’ll be spending the weekend at the beach to celebrate Daniele’s birthday,

and I was wondering if you and your family would join us. Or is it too strenuous

for you?” Mia’s due date was in only three weeks, so I wasn’t sure if she wanted

to risk even a short trip.

“He’s taking you there already?”

I frowned. “We already spent a weekend in the house.”

“Oh. That’s wonderful, Giulia.”

Her joyous surprise caught me off guard. I thought the house was for the

family, not just Cassio.

“And of course we’ll join you. Do you want me to ask Ilaria and my parents

if they want to come too?”

“Yes,” I said, relieved. I had even less interaction with them and would have

felt awkward calling them out of the blue, especially Cassio’s parents.

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