Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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Simona rolled around the kitchen in her baby walker while Sybil cooked a

sort of breakfast bake with eggs and sausage. Simona eyed me critically, but she

was busy turning colorful wheels on the tray at the front of her walker.

“Why don’t you go ahead and sit down while I get Daniele?” I said.

Domenico and Elia sank down in the chairs at once.

“He doesn’t eat breakfast. He usually hides when I try to get him.”

Turning around to Sybil, I said, “I’ll get him down, don’t worry. Did you

walk Loulou yet?”

“No, I never do. She’s got the box.”

“I’ll let her into the garden then until I have time to walk her later.”

Sybil turned to me, wide-eyed. “The master doesn’t want the dog in the


“He put Loulou there last night so he doesn’t seem to mind.”

“No, no. That was to punish the dog, but it’s not supposed to pee in the


“Well, that’s going to change now.” Elia and Domenico regarded me

curiously. I gave them another smile before I headed upstairs.

I had a feeling I knew how to draw Daniele out of his room. When I stepped

inside, he was gone. I didn’t find him in his mother’s old bedroom either, but I

heard a sound from under the bed. “Daniele? I’m going to let Loulou out into the

garden so she can run around a bit. Do you want to join us?”

I waited and after a couple of minutes, a dark-blond head poked out from

under the bed. He scrambled to his feet and regarded me suspiciously, the tablet

clutched to his chest.

I held out my hand. “Come. I’m sure Loulou can’t wait to see the garden.”

He didn’t take my hand, but he followed me downstairs. I stepped in front of

him when I opened the door to Loulou’s prison. She waited right in front of it.

The floor behind her was covered with pee and poo. Sighing, I bent down and

scooped her up.

Daniele watched me, open-mouthed. I stroked Loulou’s fur and his face

filled with longing. Remembering Cassio’s words about her snapping, I decided

not to let him touch her for now. Both needed to heal before they could really

become friends.

Daniele fell into step beside me as I crossed the living room to the French

doors. The cold November air wafted into my face. Staying inside, I set Loulou

down on the terrace. For a moment, she didn’t move, only raised her nose and let

the wind tug at her fur. Then she stormed off. My heart skipped a beat thinking

she was trying to run away. Instead, she just ran, twisting and turning like a hare.

She ran and ran and ran, as if she was delirious with her newfound freedom.

Daniele stood close to me, following everything with childish wonder.

I squatted beside him, even as the uncomfortable fabric of my pants made it

difficult. “She’s happy, see?”

He nodded but didn’t take his eyes off Loulou. Daniele and I stayed like that

for almost ten minutes, and Loulou only stopped once to pee before dashing off

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