Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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felt threatened by a touch there. Loulou’s eyes drooped once more as she

enjoyed the caresses. “See? You have to be careful. Loulou is small. Don’t tug at

her ears or tail, all right?”

Daniele nodded, watching his hand on the fur, mesmerized.

I pulled away, allowing him to do this on his own. Maybe we were on the

right path. Even Cassio had stopped complaining about Loulou. Simona allowed

me to calm her at night often now, which gave Cassio the chance to sleep more.

I smiled, feeling a wave of optimism.

I was half asleep when Cassio returned home that night. A week had passed

since the killings, and the kids and I had barely seen him.

I watched him get ready for bed. Then he stretched out beside me.

“When will you be home for dinner again?”

Cassio touched my hip, pulling me closer. His lips found mine but despite

the rush of heat, I drew back. Our only interactions apart from a few exchanged

words had been sex. He sighed. “Work is important. I have too much to do. I’m

tired. I only want to take my mind off things when I get home and not argue with

you.” He kissed me again, and this time I pushed him back, angry.

“You treat me like a nanny and whore, Cassio. I deserve better.”

“I would never treat you like a whore,” he growled. “You are my wife and I

want you. If I remember correctly, you always enjoy it.”

I did. Cassio made sure I came before and during intercourse. “That doesn’t

mean I don’t need us to form an emotional bond as well. I thought we were on a

good path, but now you’re pulling back again. Is it really just because of your

workload or is it something else?”

He was silent for a moment. “I’m trying to make sure you and my kids are

safe. I need to be in absolute control of my city to guarantee your safety.” He

kissed me again, softer this time, but I could feel the urgency lurking just

beneath. “I’ll try to be home around dinnertime.”

Was it to appease me? I allowed him to deepen the kiss, to slide down my

nightgown and awaken my body with his lips.

The next day, I browsed party ideas for third birthdays. Daniele’s special day

was in a week, and I wanted to surprise him with a cake and a themed birthday

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