Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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“Hello, Daniele. I’m Giulia.”

Daniele looked at me with miserable milk-chocolate-brown eyes. His

caramel-blond hair was a tousled mess and even looked knotted in places, as if it

hadn’t been combed properly in a long time.

“How about we get you ready for the day?”

He didn’t react, only stared. My stomach tightened. This kid was hurting. His

mother had died only a few months ago, and his dad was obviously

overwhelmed by the situation. I didn’t know what had happened, didn’t know

the extent of Daniele’s trauma, but it was obvious that he needed help. He looked

thin too.

I straightened and held out my hand. “Will you show me to your room?”

Nothing. He looked down at the tablet clutched in his hand and turned it on.

A sort of game with colorful balloons popped up. I didn’t want to forcefully

carry him into his room like Cassio might have done. That wouldn’t help me

getting the boy’s trust.

“Daniele, please, help me? I’m new here and I need you to show me your

room. Will you help me?” I waited with extended hand.

Daniele didn’t take my hand or look up from the tablet, but he moved toward

his room. I followed him inside. He sank down on his bed, the tablet on his lap.

Looking around, I spotted a wardrobe on the right side. Everything was in

neutral tones: the walls, furniture, rugs—except for the colorful stuffed toy

dinosaurs on the shelves and on his bed. I’d have to do something about that. In

my research about children, I’d found images of beautiful hand drawings for


After some rummaging, I finally found a pair of jean pants and a sweatshirt.

Most of the clothes inside the drawers were for warmer temperatures and most of

the winter clothes that I’d found looked too small for Daniele. I headed back to

him and knelt down in front of him, tilting my head to see his face. He was

focused on the screen, but briefly his lashes fluttered up. “Can you dress


I didn’t know when kids learned things like that. When Daniele didn’t react,

I reached for his tablet. He let out an enraged cry and turned away. “Daniele, we

need to get you dressed.”

I took the tablet and Daniele threw himself at me, completely catching me

off guard. The way I was kneeling, I had no chance to brace myself. I fell back

and landed on my back with Daniele on top of me as he fought me for the tablet.

His nails scratched my cheek.

“Enough!” Cassio roared and Daniele’s weight lifted off me. I jerked into a

sitting position, still stunned. Cassio stood over me, clutching Daniele against his

side, restraining the little boy’s thrashing arms. “I said enough!”

Daniele froze in Cassio’s hold. Cassio’s expression was thunderous. I

swallowed and slowly scrambled to my feet. Cassio’s eyes slanted to my cheek,

which was throbbing. I touched the spot and my fingertips came away stained

with blood.

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