Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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missed her, even if she hadn’t taken care of him and Simona in the last few

months of her life.

“I know.” I pulled him against my chest, hoping he wouldn’t draw back. He

didn’t. He allowed me to hold him, and this small gesture alone was already the

greatest Christmas gift I could imagine. I was glad he didn’t ask if I missed her

too. One lie was enough.

“I like Giulia too,” he said quietly.

My hand on his head froze. “Good.” My voice sounded strange to my own

ears. That never happened. I always kept my cool no matter if we were under

attack, if I killed or tortured someone, but this…

“Will she stay?”

“Yes,” I said immediately. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

“Okay.” Daniele’s voice sounded drowsier now. These last few months I had

missed the feel of his small body becoming soft against me. I tucked him in and

hadn’t even read the first page before he was already asleep.

Loulou peeked up at me through half-closed eyes. When she wasn’t pooing

everywhere or snapping, she was tolerable. I stood and returned to the bedroom,

surprised to find Giulia waiting for me. I pulled her against me, needing her

close. “And? How did it go?”


She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. There was more I wanted to say.

Something I’d never said to anyone but my children. I’d formed the exact same

words before, but they stuck to my tongue like glue.

“I thought we could exchange our gifts tonight. Tomorrow morning should

be about the kids and Loulou opening their presents.”

I chuckled. “Don’t tell me you got the dog a present.”

Giulia pursed her lips. “Of course. She’s part of this family. And I got

presents for Elia, Domenico, and Sybil as well.”

“How did your parents manage to create someone like you?”

“Christian turned out well too.”

I didn’t want to talk about him. Our interactions had been tense. He didn’t

trust me, and I didn’t trust him. That wasn’t a good foundation for a work

relationship. “Let me get my present. It’s in my office.”

“I’ll come with you. My present for you is downstairs as well.”

Giulia took my hand and pulled me toward her hobby room. I’d never set

foot inside of it. “Close your eyes.”

I gave her a scolding look. “I’m not twelve.”

“You’re a killjoy, old man. Now close your eyes.”

I squeezed her ass cheek hard in warning, making her jump, but then I closed

my eyes. She had me wrapped around her finger, and I wasn’t even trying to free

myself. Her fingers tightened around my hand as she led me into the room. “Stop

right here.” I did. The smell of fresh paint hung heavily in the air. “Now open

your eyes.”

At first, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to see and was confused why

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