Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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work under Dad in Baltimore until he inherited the title himself. Christian had

wanted to make a name for himself and had gone to work under the Morettis.

“It’s so good to see you,” I said, hugging him tighter.

He gave a terse nod. “It is.”

“You don’t look happy that I’ll live in the same city as you soon.”

Christian shook his head. “Not at this price.”

“You mean me being married to Cassio?”

Christian looked around, but Cassio was dancing with one of his sisters a

good distance away. “He’s not the right man for you.”

“Because he’s too old.”

Christian let out a derisive laugh. “That’s only a small part of why.”

“Do you know what happened to Gaia?” I hadn’t seen my brother since I’d

found out I’d marry Cassio. Asking that kind of question over the phone was too

dangerous. You never knew if the FBI was listening.

“Only Luca, Mansueto, and Cassio know.” He hesitated.


“The clean-up crew. Both of them died shortly after in a tragic car accident.”

For a moment I was sure I hadn’t heard him right. My vision was starting to

tunnel. “Dad said Cassio didn’t have a hand in his wife’s death.”

Anger flashed across Christian’s face. “Dad needs Cassio’s support to stay in

power. Dad’s a weak boss. It’s only a matter of time before others will try to

have him removed. With Cassio in the family, people will hesitate. If I already

were in power, I wouldn’t have given you to him. I would have controlled our

men myself.”

Power plays. It wasn’t something I wanted to be part of, but without my own

doing, I’d become the pawn in this deadly game.

“You’ve worked under Cassio the last few years. Is he really that bad?”

Christian’s expression flickered with regret. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

I dug my fingers into his arm. “Tell me, please. I need to prepare myself.”

Though, how could you prepare for that?

“He’s effective and brutal. He doesn’t tolerate disobedience. He’s got his

men under control. Few men in our circles are as well respected as him. He’s the

best Underboss that the Famiglia has at the moment.” Christian shook his head.

“I should talk to him.”

“No,” I whispered, terrified. If what Christian had said was true, Cassio

wouldn’t allow my brother to get involved. Christian was a brave man, and he’d

be a good Underboss one day, but risking his life for me? I wouldn’t allow it.

“Promise, you won’t say anything. Swear it.”

“I want to help you.”

“Then tell me what to do to make this marriage with him work.”

He laughed mirthlessly. “How would I know?” Our dance ended, and he fell

silent, his mouth twisting in disgust. “Obey him.”

Despair weighed down on me. Four months ago, my main concern was what

kind of Pilates course I’d do and if I’d find time to finish a painting. Today, I had

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