Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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Her head shot up, her brows drawing together. “Excuse me?”

“Who are you talking to?”

Anxiety crossed her face, but I didn’t care if she was bothered by me

towering over her. “Who?” I growled.

“Your sister Mia.”

I took the phone and Giulia released it without a protest.

I apologize for my brother’s rudeness because I know he won’t ever do

it. I’d say it’s because he’s a man, but his dickheadedness has nothing to do

with the Y-chromosome.

Giulia stood. “I told you the truth.”

I scanned the previous messages to see what Giulia had told my sister, but

she’d only written that she still had to get used to me after Mia had asked if she

was all right.

Giulia shook her head then sighed. “Trust is the base of a marriage.”

“How would you know?” Was she really trying to tell me something about

relationships? “I think I know more about the workings of a marriage than you,


Her expression flashed with hurt. “I wonder if Gaia would agree.” She

snapped her lips shut, her eyes growing wide.

Fury burst through me the same time a knock sounded. Swallowing my

anger, I headed for the door, glad for the distance this put between Giulia and

myself. I ripped open the door, feeling my pulse pound in my temples.

Mia’s smile fell when she spotted me. Her eyes darted to something behind

me. “Everything okay?” she whispered.

I opened the door wide. Behind Mia, Ilaria, Giulia’s mother, Aria, and other

women waited for the ceremonial retrieval of the sheets. “Go in. Grab the sheets.

I don’t have all morning.”

“Rude as usual,” Ilaria said as she walked past me. Mia hesitated, which was

just as well. I pulled her to the side. “I saw what you wrote my wife.”

Mia huffed. “Are you spying on her?”

“You will stay out of my marriage, Mia. I’ll only say this once. Remember

your place. And most of all, don’t talk to Giulia about Gaia, understood?”

She shook my grip off, then nodded. “Of course.”

Giulia smiled at the women who gave her compassionate looks. I walked

over to my young wife before one of the women, especially Mia, could involve

her in a nosy conversation.

Giulia touched my forearm lightly. “I’m sorry for mentioning your late wife,

Cassio. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Surprise filled me. Her eyes and expression were earnest.

I gave a curt nod and put my hand on her lower back. “Come on. Let’s head

down to the banquet room where breakfast will be served.”

“Shouldn’t we wait for them to be done?” She nodded toward the bedroom

door. The women’s voices were a low buzz of gossip.

“I don’t need to see this.”

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