Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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what I said.”

“I did. You protected Daniele and Simona. You kept Gaia alive despite what

she did. I know it isn’t something many men would have done. It’s more than I

expected, knowing the stories about you.”

Cassio’s mouth twisted cynically. “I suppose it’s good that your impression

of me was already bad to begin with.”

I rolled my eyes, hoping to lighten the mood.

Cassio cupped my cheek. “Only you make me feel better by insulting me

with a simple look.”

I gripped his shoulders, bringing our faces closer. “You wanted to let the past

rest, and I want to help you. Stop thinking I’m going to do what Gaia did. I’m

not her, and I definitely won’t end up in bed with my brother. Even thinking

about it makes me sick. And I won’t cheat on you with anyone else either. I

desire you, and I’m loyal. Can you get it through your thick skull?”

Cassio pointed at his chest. “In here, I know you aren’t Gaia.” He pointed at

his head. “Up here’s the problem. I’m not a very trusting man, never have been.

Now less than ever. But I’m trying.” He cupped my head and molded our mouths

together before murmuring, “I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t. Not if you keep working on your trust issues, if you keep

fighting for us, because I sure as hell am ready to go into war for this marriage

and our children.”

Cassio moved back slowly. “What did you say?”

I pursed my lips. “That I’m ready to fight for us.”

“No,” he said gruffly. “You said our children.”

I flushed. Not only had I almost declared my feelings for Cassio, I’d also let

it slip that I wanted Simona and Daniele to be ours, not just his. I’d known them

for only a month, but I’d be at their side for many years. Hopefully one day

they’d be mine in theirs and everyone else’s opinion. “I know they are yours…

not mine, not really, but it kind of hurts if you say they are your children as if I

don’t care for them—” Cassio jerked me toward him, kissing me fiercely. I clung

to him, almost breathless when he finally pulled away.

“I don’t deserve you, Giulia, but my kids… our kids do.”

“I really, really care about them. Even if you never want to have another

child, I’ll be okay because I’m going to raise them as if they were my own.”

“I know,” he said quietly. “It’s what I’d do too.”

I searched his eyes. “Have you ever had a paternity test done?” I was fairly

sure I knew the answer.

“No,” Cassio said.

That one word encompassed so much emotion. Love for Simona and

Daniele, the determination to take care of them, but also the fear. “So you don’t

know if Daniele and Simona are yours?”

“No. Simona and Daniele look like their mother… like…”

Like Gaia’s half-brother. “But their hair color is similar to your sister’s’.”

“It is,” he agreed, but doubt rang in his voice and I understood why. Now

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