Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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dog poo, which explained what I’d smelled. Her black flats were now covered

with it.

“That’s it,” Cassio growled. “Tomorrow this thing is gone.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Moretti. I went into its room to clean and it slipped out. I

tried catching it all day, but it’s too fast. And Daniele hid from me again. I don’t

know—” She glanced my way and fell silent.

Cassio ignored her and stalked away. I followed hesitantly into a magnificent

living room with herringbone parquet, then watched as my husband opened the

terrace door and dropped the dog outside before closing the door. The dog

peered in through the glass.

“You can’t do that,” I said, horrified.

Sybil gave me a look that conveyed I should keep my mouth shut. Cassio,

however, ignored my comment altogether.

“Clean the dog shit,” Cassio ordered Sybil as he moved to a liquor cabinet,

poured himself a drink, and sank down on the cognac-colored leather sofa. I

couldn’t tear my eyes from the small dog sitting in the November cold with its

nose pressed to the window. Sybil scurried away to follow her master’s


I stood in the middle of the living room, not sure what to do. One thing was

for sure: I wouldn’t let that dog freeze to death outside. Cassio was the master of

this house, in our society’s eyes—my master.

I walked over to the terrace door.


The word, without being said loudly, held absolute authority. Cassio was

used to giving orders in every area of his life and expected unwavering


I didn’t look his way. If I saw his sharp eyes and powerful face, I might lose

my courage. That wasn’t going to happen. This was the beginning of a new life,

and if I let him trample all over me, I’d be doomed.

“Giulia, don’t.” Warning rang in his voice. Or what? He pushed off of the

sofa when I opened the door and picked up the shivering ball of fluff. The dog

remained quiet as I pressed it to my chest. I could feel matted fur from months of


Cassio towered over me, barring my way. I tipped my head up to meet his

furious gaze. “That thing stays outside.” His eyes were harsh, but I didn’t look

away. “I gave you an order.”

An order? “It seems I’m as badly trained as your dog.” Mother’s warning

words about insolence rang in my head. It was too late, not that I would have

taken anything back.

Cassio’s face flashed with surprise then anger. “Set it back down. I won’t

allow you to bring it inside.”

Allow. Order. I was his wife, not his slave. But again, he was Underboss and

probably didn’t understand the difference. “If the dog isn’t allowed inside, then

I’ll stay outside with it. We can keep each other warm.” I turned to walk over to

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