Sweet Temptation by Cora Reilly

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“She looks pretty and young, not sophisticated and ladylike.”

“If Cassio wants a lady, he should stop robbing cradles,” I muttered.

Mom gasped, clapping a hand over her heart like I would single-handedly

put her into an early grave. Dad tried to mask a laugh by coughing.

Mom wasn’t fooled. She pointed a warning finger at him. “Talk some sense

into your daughter. You know Cassio. I always told you to be stricter with her.”

She turned and left with a swoosh of her long skirt.

Dad sighed. He gave me a tired smile. “Your mother only wants what’s best

for you.”

“She wants what’s best for our standing. How’s marrying a cruel old man

good for me, Dad?”

“Come on,” Dad said, standing. “Let’s take a walk in the garden.”

I followed him. He held out his arm, and I took it. The air was warm and

humid and hit me like a wrecking ball. “Cassio isn’t that old, Giulia. Only thirtyone.”

I tried to think of men his age, but I never really paid attention to men.

Wasn’t Luca around his age? Thinking of my cousin wasn’t a consolation; he

scared me senseless. If Cassio was like that…

What if he was a disgusting fat brute? I looked up at Dad. His brown eyes

softened. “Don’t look at me like I betrayed you. Becoming Cassio’s wife isn’t as

bad as you might think.”

“Irrevocably cruel. That’s what you called him. Do you remember?”

Dad nodded guiltily. “To his men and the enemy, not you.”

“How can you be sure? Why did his wife die? How? What if he killed her?

Or abused her so horribly that she took her own life?” I sucked in a deep breath,

trying to calm myself.

Dad pushed my bangs out of my face. “I’ve never seen you so scared.” He

sighed. “Luca assured me that Cassio didn’t have a hand in his wife’s death.”

“Do you trust Luca? Didn’t you tell me he’s trying to establish his power?”

“I shouldn’t have told you so much.”

“And how can Luca be sure of what happened to Mrs. Moretti? You know

how it is. Even a Capo doesn’t get involved in family matters.”

Dad gripped my shoulders. “Cassio won’t lay a hand on you if he knows

what’s good for him.”

We both knew Dad couldn’t do anything once I was married to Cassio. And

if we were being honest, he wasn’t someone who would risk getting into a

conflict he would lose. Luca preferred Cassio to my father. If he had to choose

between the two, Dad would find a quick end.

“He’ll come to meet you tomorrow.”

I took a step back, shocked. “Tomorrow?”

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